Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Obviously doing well on it’s Arizona alfalfa


I “know” (via social media) the person who boarded this horse for her before it left AZ, and it did NOT look like that under their care. :frowning:


I just came here to same the same thing. I thought surely I was misreading the date… Nope, not a single comment.

Has she turned off comments?

Nope. You can comment, but no one has lol

I can only conclude people are literally dumbfounded by this post.


exactly! the fact she actually thinks this is about “her”. Still hard to grasp that mentality and I am sure I never will. Kate, sweetie, we just want to keep this thread alive and at the top of any search somebody may do of you. Simple. You are taking care of the rest.


Kate Shearer, this is only about you because of your inability to properly feed your horses.


This was the one that really pulled to me. I asked about it, and she told me $4,500 :cold_sweat:

Supposedly another “deadbeat boarder” left it at her place and that’s what she’s owed in back board.

It’s poor little face in that “confirmation” shot. All the life has left her eyes, I just can’t.


Well, at least she’s very helpful for anyone wanting to do their bit of research. Her references to CoTH are guiding the way.

Yes, Kate, you’re getting all the attention you want. If you could shove your ego aside, you’d realize that people here are advocating for the welfare of the horses - it’s only about “you” in the sense that you’ve failed them. Feeding them and being concerned with their nutrition is your responsibility, no matter who you’ve handed them off to and lay the blame on.


I agree, that pony just looks… sad. Even with a fuzzy coat, its ribs are discernible.

If indeed that pony was a boarder at her place, “deadbeat” or otherwise, she was still responsible for feeding it adequately.


So weird.
She posted about how much she loved it in October.

And before that in July it was amazing. Where it says it is 2yo.


Yikes. It looks like the sire bred one of his own daughters.

I’d imagine that wasn’t intentional…

Hopefully someone buys the little mare and turns her into a nice kids’ pony, so that she has a full, healthy life.

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Wait, aren’t the Section As and Bs never supposed to be pinto?

Unless I’m entirely wrong, Sec A and Bs can be any color except pinto.

Happy to be corrected, but that was my understanding.

ETA it appears some splash and Sabino is common but not registered as broken colored/pinto (just lots of chrome, and those blue eyes come from somewhere) - so maybe that’s what’s going on here?
Excessive white is apparently frowned upon by the registry, so IF a high white content pony is registered at all, it is often registered as half Welsh despite having two registered Welsh parents.

All that to say, if this pony is truly a Section A, then it slipped through the cracks (I’m not familiar with the requirements to register a Welsh pony). And even more so, it doesn’t matter - the poor thing is skinny and clearly not being cared for to even halfway decent standards.


Also, because I’m a glutton for punishment, I went looking for more info on this pony and

Correct me if I’m wrong, but @Alterrain, wasn’t that what KS told you directly, herself?

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Right. I looked again, and that does look more like Sabino.



Clearly, that pony has thrived. :roll_eyes:


She seems a bit large for a 2 year old section A?

Or maybe I am just used to seeing super small section As?

Oh well. I hope the pony is moving on to a good life.