Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I wonder if they are even halter broke? Can’t see the video so no clue there.

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I just watched the video, and the word that kept coming to mind was “unthrifty”. Those babies certainly are beyond “ugly yak stage”.


I think that fence is missing those two sections, maybe the last tenant took the gates with them.

The white truck fills the one gap, and the dark dually is parked almost parallel to the fence but not quite. After all, you need a way to get the horses in and out of the area. So, you string an empty hay net from the fence to the rear bumper to keep the horses from shooting the gap, and that also serves as a gate to lead horses in and out.

The front bumper abuts the fenceline, right where the old mare jumped the fence in front of the truck.

You know, it’s ok to not be swimming in money and resources. Not everyone has a beautiful, immaculate property they rent or own. But a roll of 2" wide caution tape from Lowe’s is what, 5 dollars? Wait, wait- a 3" roll of 200 feet from Walmart is $3.94. Run several passes of if to cover those gaps. Make a big fat visual barrier that is SAFE. Instead, she is content to make risky, stupid decisions and laugh at anyone else for their ‘jealousy.’ When did ‘jealous’ become synonymous for ‘concerned’ or ‘despairing’ or ‘dismayed’?

Anyone foolish enough to give her a dime for anything she’s selling is as ridiculous as she is, honestly.



Yes! Caution tape only costs a few dollars! If one of them ran into it, it would be very easy to cut loose.

But a truck? Unsafe for the animals… and geeze… it’s just asking for a crazy dent in a quarter panel or something when a horse bounces off it, and bodywork on a truck is NOT cheap these days.

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I had similar thoughts. They frankly handled themselves pretty well after being pushed into a strange paddock with a bunch of people swinging leadropes, a random jump chute, and trucks everywhere.

But it’s so random and odd. Like… why not just feed, worm and groom them? Trim up their extra fuzzy chins, etc, then braid them (since she’s a braider), put properly fitting halters on them, and get a little video to shut up all “the haters” here on COTH that features:

  1. That they are actually in decent condition and being cared for
  2. That they are not feral or neglected, and are thoroughly handled and nicely mannered youngsters.
  3. Get video that just shows off the walk. I personally cringe at seeing horses under 3 getting sent through a jump shoot. Especially one set up in a field like this, without proper footing to give the babies a solid base and traction.

I would make positive comments if she had done a video like that instead…

Also… Maybe put up some gates. Using trucks like this is just… indicative of problematic decision making and priorities.


One of the ways I could spot the calf-roper’s truck at the practice pen was to look for the caved in door panel. You see, gentle reader, sometimes drilling them on getting back gets out of hand.


Trucks used to fill in gaps in fencing is a new one to me. I also don’t understand how someone comes up with that idea. If you’re cheap or for some reason don’t want to put up permanent gates/fencing to fill gaps you could buy a couple used round pen panels and tie them up with twine or something. I thought I had seen everything janky one could see in my journeys through “Georgia that’s not Atlanta, Savannah, or Athens” but I stand corrected. That’s a new one.


Maybe this is a dual purpose video.

Not only is she trying to show off her babies but also her fancy trucks?

I knew someone who used a couple of school buses to close fence gaps. :flushed:

@vxf111 “Georgia that’s not …”: LOL - laughed till I cried! Is that a FB group? I love it. Sorry, did not mean to derail the thread. Thanks for the laugh!


Because even being chased they were pretty much like whatever. No crazy reaction or panic.

100% agree they shouldn’t be harassed or chased around, but the fact they didn’t loose their minds should be noted.


Yes, correct.




Again I have to say, “Wow.”

How can she possibly reconcile the two conflicting stories? I’m almost interested to see her explanation. Almost.

I would not believe a word that comes out of this person’s mouth. Who knows what is “real” when you have half a dozen versions of the truth on any given day.

That Welsh pony is so sad. It’s a pretty little thing and ponies get fat on air.

I am having a hard time getting my KWPNs to be a reasonable weight in the other direction….they are air ferns too and my show horse got a warning from the vet about being too fat, so he had to go to the hay-restricted field. No more free choice grass hay for him! My weanling is also getting just a ration balancer and hay, and I am careful to give him the minimum ration balancer because he is growing so fast and tends toward chunky.

I will say mine look like little Chewbaccas right now, but I live in the upper Midwest and don’t blanket babies unless there is a polar vortex. They use their coats. And they aren’t for sale.


I think that is the crux of the issue here. Kate Shearer has a demonstrated history of problematic decision making and priorities. I hope that all of the horses find good homes where they get the care they deserve. We know she is sitting on this thread as its reflected in her posts on FB so I am hoping she takes your post to heart.


Please do show this. Because this is the biggest bs I’ve ever seen. Never then not now has this ever been said as I would never board a horse. This is the only post that has frustrated me enough to get on here when you are blatantly lying. If I knew your name I would screenshot any communication I ever had with you but no freaking way have I ever said that it was a boarder as I’ve never been a boarding facility. Side note to everyone I rent one barn of 3 on property and the fencing is getting redone ie the trucks. But please please alterrain post proof of the communication I had with you stating it was a repossession from a boarder because I actually have paper proof of the pony from the time I bought her to now where she sold. This here is exactly why I laugh at you coth people believing a moron on their lie lol! Good grief you all

A reminder;

And this horrific photo https://forum.chronofhorse.com/uploads/default/original/3X/b/b/bb259cd4a13799fe2b1c41942e3bd7d2e8c3fc12.jpeg


The entire post ^.

