Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Seeing as you’re here…

Any chance you’ll address the photos?


Why bother? It’s always someone else’s fault.

There is no excuse for what is shown in those photos. None.


I wish I could but it’s tied up legally as these are the photos from the owner of the filly day after Fiona posted. I have no idea who fiona chick is and [edit] so I really do not know the full situation and why she did what she did. But these were sent to me by the owner of the filly the day after. IMG_2787|418x500

Apologize for the extra picture. Did not mean to include but god forbid I edit a post

That is not your Arabian horse. Why are you posting pictures of it?


If you read it I apologized I must have clicked an additional photo when I did so and I would be ridiculed here if I ever edited a post so I already posted an apology for accidentally posting that picture and the reasoning why I didn’t edit my comment

I would edit it out if I were you. The owner of that horse may take offense at your posting the picture. They may not want to be associated with you.


Done but at least there is a trace here in communication about the edit.

When you reply with a deflection (it’s the subject of legal proceedings) and you don’t know this Fiona person (yet she’s accused of abuse) are you forgetting that the responsibility you had/have towards the overall welfare of all the horses in your ‘care’ is not being addressed?

I simply cannot understand how you (a) allow this to happen and (b) refuse to accept accountability.


Is this photo meant to show a healthy weight horse that just left your property, or a horse starved and abused by some other random person you are complaining about? I honestly can’t tell.


@Kasheare why did you delete the block the Facebook comment on the mare’s video? The one you just zapped not 5 minutes ago. It was the one where the commenter only stated that the mare jumped the fence in front of the truck, the mare did not jump the truck.

What’s offensive about plain facts, Kate?





key word there “buy”. She’s not buying feed why the hell would she buy a couple of gates. Honestly she is and behaves like some backwater yokel not someone who thinks she’s breeding high end horses for some niche market or whatever.


I suppose that your popping back into this thread momentarily has achieved … what? You get to throw a few more insults at CoTH members on your FB page? It was so important to correct your version of the origins of the sad little Welsh, rather than what’s being highlighted in this thread repeatedly?

While I’m sure you give yourself a giggle at your own wit and cleverness, the reality of your horsemanship and ‘breeding program’ is called into question and made visible here. There’s truly no excuse.


This video upsets me. That’s an 18 yo broodmare. What the heck is the point of harassing her and stressing her in a scrubby paddock? No one is going to get a video of a 18 yo DHH broodmare that will make someone think, “Oooh. That’s the jumper prospect for me!”

The mare could have gotten seriously injured. If she really is suitable to sell as a child’s lesson horse, spend time grooming, feeding, and conditioning her, then get a nice video of her doing some quiet WTC under saddle.


Her appearance on this thread has achieved my re-posting the photos of the ill and malnourished horses that were in her care. That’s about it.

Now, if anyone from Facebook land comes here and doesn’t read this thread from the beginning, they will still see how horses in her care are treated.


Pocket rocket, I appreciate your concern but you should probably be concerned with those that actually struggle. I rent a barn and the fencing is being replaced. I cannot force the barn owner to move any faster after all new pastures for my horses.

I have seen your continuous judgmental posts. This mare has been sold because of said video. It’s comical and love that outside coth everyone can find it funny. I was just amazed she still had it at 18! She’s in incredible shape and body condition. You all can continue to follow me and I welcome it :slight_smile:

Yes 15k truckloads of hay is not buying feed lol

Yes please repost one falsified fb post lol!

Her video caption is just utterly deranged. It’s clear the mare jumped the fence, not the truck … Also, NEITHER OF THOSE ARE GOOD THINGS :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: