Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I am not on Facebook and I’ve said nothing about “falsified” Facebook posts.


You could have chosen to spend effort grooming all your horses, and maybe done nice safe videos of them walking and jogging out in hand. Like folks at the track do with OTTBs that they are looking to move on to a sport horse home.

People can evaluate basic gaits and soundness and conformation from that.

Instead, YOU chose to run them around that paddock, with trucks used to block gaps in fencing. Oh… and YOU chose to put babies and broodmares through a jump chute set up in this paddock.

There are so many ways an accident could have occurred…


How in the world are you even posting without being in the situation. It happened twice. But yes you keyboard warriors know exactly what happened

Assuming she means this is the malnourished/extremely underweight Chacco Blue filly that was sold for $25k, the horse in the photo still looks like garbage. You can see it’s sunken in on the hindquarters, and pot-bellied.


You clearly have no idea about marketing babies then. No one in hand walks and trots a warmblood foal. They are loose and free. And I do apologize gravely for just how much we do have to encourage them to go do something as they would all rather just hang out with us. But sure I’ll post video on fb tomorrow as everyone thinks they are feral. Does no one here realize the people that have seen them in person and do buy them realize the crock of crap on here? Lol

… I have eyes, and can watch the video. I also have the ability to comprehend what I read, which is why I find your caption that the mare “jumped the truck” utterly deranged, because it’s clear that’s not what happened. I recognize that you live in your own little delusional world though, so my apologies that you lack common sense or reading comprehension skills :woman_shrugging:


What did she say about the Welsh filly?


She jumped the driver side corner of the truck but yes you stick with what you think :wink:

strong text[quote=“K_VanOlst, post:1499, topic:789934, full:true”]

Assuming she means this is the malnourished/extremely underweight Chacco Blue filly that was sold for $25k, the horse in the photo still looks like garbage. You can see it’s sunken in on the hindquarters, and pot-bellied.

Ok this is meant to be a foal in good condition. Ok. That’s a very sad foal, looks like something I see out there for rescue fundraiser IG posts. Not a $25k WB foal.


Yeah forgive me for not accepting the word of a proven liar :rofl:


I didn’t say you weren’t buying it. You might be buying it but apparently they aren’t getting it. Your horses look like crap.


Funny the only “proven liar” is me on here. I’ve always been 100% open and truthful so good luck finding a lie lol

Hmmm the vet and all the individuals buying and have been to farm vet to differ. Lol! But yes your opinion is what matters more than vets lol

Yes yes. The problem is me being judgemental… not your decision to chase that poor 18 year old broodmare around, and stress her to such an extent she nearly ran into a truck and jumped out of the paddock…


I’m glad to hear someone bought her. Hopefully it will be a nice safe home for the mare.


If you are going to say anything you should probably get the contract and sales price right after all :wink:

And apparently she did it “twice” :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: poor horse.


We didn’t chase her anywhere. Lol! She had the entire field Nd that was her decision to jump as she wanted to go back to her broodmare friends. But yes w e traumatized her by letting her loose lol

And yet multiple stories about how that poor Welsh filly ended up with you … There’s enough smoke to see who is clearly a liar liar pants on fire…


The re-posting of these photos keeps the issue front and centre, Skydy. I am glad that you’ve posted them as they speak out loudly.

And, with her various FB references to CoTH, Kate very kindly directs anyone who’d care to investigate this ‘breeder’.


The pony came from a breeding farm in California. The mare was bought by a woman in Washington and I bought the filly. She was transported down to Arizona and kept there until she came to Florida. Not sure where any other story is from but it has never changed from me so you all can argue amongst yourselves as to who is lying to who here lol! So comical.