Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

And for the people that think you are all idiots lol

Ahhh. Blame the horse for your decision to put it in an idiotic situation where it could have easily injured itself.



As a reminderā€¦ These are photos Kate Shearer posted to prove to everyone her horses were not underweight or malnourished :scream:


That poor welsh pony in Arizona where you say she was amazing to same in Florida. Sheā€™s a spitfire and I cannot wait for her new owner back in Arizona to get her. But since everyone likes to compare. The farm I had her at did a pro photo shoot for me in Arizona so yes the movement pics are perfection. But this was sent by that farm owner same day for her conformation pic. Letā€™s be real here everyone for goodness sakes

Oh itā€™s enough for me to see the horse is scruffy and underweight and stunted. It looks like a $200 youngster off the wildies roundup on band land, being sold at a rescue in March after a cold winter. Iā€™m not that concerned whether it sold for $1k or $5k or $25k. Unless the back story is ā€œpulled this orphan from a kill pen last weekend,ā€ most good horsemen would be ashamed to circulate photos like this.


These horses were 4-5 on vet body scaleā€¦ā€¦shall we argue with vets?

It was amazing and comical. Itā€™s not a dangerous situation. Horses self preserve. She was not frantic in her jump or chased in anyway so she knew exactly what she was doing. But yeaā€¦.you know all lol

Even if I believed that (and I donā€™t), the person graduating last in their class is still a DVM. Not all vets are created equal.


In a field with trucks making up parts of the missing fencing? Iā€™ve truly never seen that before and Iā€™ve shopped for warmblood babies.


The grey mare? You really are arguing THAT is acceptable body condition?

Just stop.


The problem is horse isnā€™t stunted. The owner requested a new dna test because the filly was too big!!! Looked like a yearling. Bahahahah! What little you coth forum people know. Of course dna checked lol

That Grey mare makes my teeth hurt.


You ever seen a horse get hung on a fence while trying to jump out?

I have.

Itā€™s not comical. Trust me.

Iā€™m glad the mare is ok.


Big mommy tummies and sunken topline is not a good look.


She has had blood, cushings, everything tested. The vet suspects a stomach tumor with her age and the melanomas we have always battled. So the option to put her down asap or let her still be the queen b in the field where she is super happy and sassy. I chose the latter. We wonā€™t know tumor wise unless we cut her open which I wonā€™t do to her. She will say when it is time. But yes that 19 year old mare who is horribly spoiled is definitely abused to you because again you know nothing!!! :see_no_evil: but I really hope you feel good about yourself.

DNA tests donā€™t prove age. Did the buyer think the foal was from a different stallion than advertised?


Great then it just makes even more sane minded than what you have seen. We did what we could during the fencing replacement at the farm.

I have by oneā€™s afraid and running and not jumping properly. This mare did this of her free will. We were a football field away from her. But you keep going girl.

I am starting to think of a whole new series of Florida memes.


No the buyer thought the filly was too big to be a weanling and must be a yesrling per the Fiona chick that posted whatever pics she did. Also mentioned she had too much mane and tail to be a weanling. So they dna and lo and beholdā€¦ā€¦ in fact the breeding and microchip weanling lol