Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

That’s the one she went back and edited out of the post, IIRC. Poor horse.


Because what do you want me to do? Put her down because the vet thinks she has an internal tumor but is still sassy and bossing the other mares around? All because coth says she abused but doesn’t know all the vet testing done to see why she’s the way she is….blood normal, no cushings, no worms, nothing. What exactly more would you like done since the vets say nothing left but to cut her open to see if there’s a tumor. I’m going to let her live her life sassy and when she’s not sassy I will know

Seriously, this kind of reply just floors me. But not for the reason you are probably thinking. I am not offended by being called an idiot, a hater or whatever slight you’d care to throw at me or anyone else that is utterly mortified by the condition of the horses in your ‘care’.

Are you so bound up in winning a pissing contest that you entirely overlook the fact that beautiful animals have been neglected and have suffered under your so called stewardship? No words to throw at the actual topic? Get real, girl.


We’ve all seen the video of the guy riding that poor crippled grey. She’s going to argue he wasn’t riding, he was being led.

Effing idiot user.


But they haven’t is the problem. You see a single post from one person and a post of an aged mare with most likely a huge internal tumor and go crazy. There is not a single person that’s been to the farm including vets and farrier that don’t compliment on how easy they are. And the various people that come and look at them for sales or future or even people interested in tuigpaard and not a single bad thing. Just hear on coth with your lovely tirade which is comical. I welcome you to come see any of them in person and every single person that has text or asked have been invited!!!

No. I’ve never seen anything approaching as foolhardy as letting horses free in a pasture where a truck is making up part of the fencing. Not even close. There appear to be other pastures in the background with complete fencing. Why wouldn’t you use one of those areas? Or haul out to a safe ring? There are so many choices other than doing something so dangerous. How would you feel if a horse ran into the truck and got hurt?


A microchip would negate the necessity for DNA testing. Age is not discoverable by DNA testing. So they must have had concerns about the Sire and/or Dam not being correct.



For gods and how many times do I need to say she’s not crippled and we have run every vet test and that more than likely abdominal tumor and until she says otherwise I’ll let her be sassy.

So you suspect the mare has a stomach tumor and significant melanoma, but you decided that it’s best to just leave her in the field looking like that.


And is she really 19? This is the mare named “Bianca” by Teo… right?


Because it was perfect to show the brains on my kids and not a single professional trainer (of which two very high end) thought otherwise either. My goodness if that’s what you are stuck on then no wonder you might not have a horse that’s chill

How about that Chacco Blue filly? Sure wasn’t a 4-5 on a vet scale when she was picked up (rescued, really) from you.


Their concerns were literally that she was too big to be a weanling in Fiona’s mind. It’s been confirmed not only from the foal coming from implantation at EMS dr Foss but also additional dna. So the stunting growth comment is comical. The filly Is ginormous as I have told anyone that has one of her foals.

That mare’s hind end is trashed, you big dummy. Watching her walk in that ridiculous video of her being ridden makes that plainly evident. She’s full of arthritis, boo.

But you can’t see ribs, wormy bellies, thin necks, or stark coats. Expecting better judgment from you is a failing on my part at this point.


Except again that is coming from Fiona [edit]. I truly have no idea what and why Fiona did this but I have the information from the owner. This is what was in Fiona’s care. She tried to just wrap the leg as all her fencing in barb wire. As I said the law side of things will come out in the end.

Not a single but of arthritis lol!

How about the the poor recip mare who aborted her foal in your care (AND YOU SENT THE OWNER A PHOTO, WTAF) who was foundering when she was retrieved, requiring significant vet bills?


There are plenty of ways to show horses are good minded without exposing them to danger. You must realize that you’re not doing yourself or your program any favors on the way you behave and display yourself online.


How about she was being treated for it by vet clinic Peterson and smith and owner decided to pay $250 per time to have her iced at equine medical rather than Peterson smith to handle. No rotation in any feet at all. This was under the vet care. But again you guys get one side. And yes I was appalled by the stall and fired the guy on the spot of the picture. It was the brother I law of the manager. I would not put up with those stalls.

She just decided to come back to the thread to argue with another poster about the how, why, when etc., of the origins of the Welsh. She’d already given herself a good little snigger-laugh about the same topic on her FB page - it was SOOO important to correct it. That another poster was (possibly) gasp, incorrect on that subject was SOOO vitally important - much more so than any comment on the abysmal condition of horses in her care is just how Kate’s ego works.