Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Being bossy and sassy aren’t always signs of a horse that is happy and well. Then again, I wouldn’t expect certain people to know the difference between a horse that’s well and one that’s suffering given the condition of multiple horses in their possession (either now or in the past).

If people on or off of COTH think that I’m an idiot for caring about animal welfare, then I’m OK with that. The horses looked like crap.

They’re a far cry from high end top quality Warmbloods, which is fine, as long as that’s recognized. Being barn blind and ignorant is not the best business plan, but to each their own.

There are people on this thread that have shopped for, purchased, owned, and/or bred quality Warmbloods, not everyone on here is some rando crowing from their armchair. So if anyone wants to think knowledgeable individuals are full of sh*t, then have at it. Some of us are in touch with reality, and some aren’t.

I’ll say all day long that what we’ve mainly seen from this breeder is crap practices when it comes to care for her animals and delusion. If that means I’m a keyboard warrior, idiot, or whatever the heck else, I don’t give a fig.

If I posted a sales video and photos from a reputable breeder that consistently produces quality stock, my bet is it wouldn’t look like any of the ones posted here. You can draw your own conclusions from that. If someone wants to lecture about what’s typically seen in Warmblood sales videos, at least have a clue.


It’s not dangerous! Maybe for horses you are around but I know the brains I breed and it was not even an anything for any of them! But thanks

Yikes. That’s an awful leg wound.

You are saying each of these pictures represents a horse that was in Fiona’s care?

Are you implying she starved the Chacco Blue filly?


This is the batch of photos that got me blocked by her on FB. I asked why the grey mare is so skinny and she took the picture down, then blocked me. :woman_shrugging:t2:


That’s just bloody ignorant.

They’re still horses. They can still do “stupid” or otherwise foolish things. Even with a “good brain”

How arrogant are you?


Not sure how many times I have to explain it. Would you rather just have me put her down due to tumor? Or let her continue to live her sassy life until she tells me otherwise? Your decision here. I’ll put her down tomorrow if you say so.

Putting a horse down is not the worst thing that can happen to it. A day early is better than I day late.


Of course they can but they will do it regardless of if a tractor is in their pasture dropping a round bale or nothing is around. So what’s it to you? Other than to bitch on here

You had a horse try to jump out of the field because of the truck. She could have failed to clear the fence and crashed.

You literally had happen right in front of you an example why dangerous large 3D metal objects don’t belong in horse pastures and you don’t see why that’s dangerous?

If it’s safe to make up fencing with random vehicles why do you think other people don’t do that? Why don’t we see horse shows where the ring is made up of random bits of metal and found objects? Why did those pastures originally have gates rather than just some random thing shoved into the hole?


Absolutely but the vet will not yet. Because she’s spicy and naughty and running the herd. So after exhausting all tests and unlimited food and how she is she is continuing to look her way. When the vet and Bianca tell me it’s time I will. Until then you all can go after me on here

And she didn’t learn her lesson and apparently let the poor horse do it AGAIN. The mind boggles.


Jumps don’t belong in fields. Those are 3d objects we make them go over. Lol

DNA doesn’t prove age. It proves parentage.

They were obviously concerned about age and parentage and did not trust your word.
If the foal was properly microchipped then testing would not be required.


What? That makes no sense in the context of the post that I quoted.

FWIW, if bringing up a legit point is just “bitching” to you, then that’s…you…I guess?

I mean, I do like a good bitching, but that’s not what I was doing in that case :rofl:


I think this thread/her public FB page makes it clear the limit does not exist :flushed:


I agree. It’s not safe to leave jumps out in a pasture. But that’s besides the point?

And jumps at least are made of wood and should ideally break under the weight of a horse. I know which will win in a contest between a horse and a truck. It’s not the horse.


Properly microchipped by the vet with the Kwpn microchip. They literally were questioning her size as she was too big! Bahahaha so all you people saying she was stunted :see_no_evil::rofl:

Aren’t you worried about the suspected abdominal tumor causing her to colic?

I have known of two geriatrics in the last 6 years who both ended up dying due to absolutely awful colics as a result of GI tumors.


People turn horses out all the time in jump rings. So that’s not safe?

Fiona posted the pics within 24 hours of picking up that filly, and at the time of that post first going viral in the breeding world, Kate blamed her barn help. Now she’s blaming Fiona I guess. Anything but her inability to properly care for her own animals.