Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Per the vet she’s totally fine currently and does not authorize euthanasia yet. We’ve exhausted tests unless we put her on the table which I will not do but she’s still super lively and naughty and sassy and sound so euthanasia does not work for her. So here we are letting her be her and monitoring and when the time comes it will be done peacefully for her

No, it’s not. I would hope if someone pointed the danger out to someone who was ignorant of it that person would be thankful nothing bad had happened and would remove the danger from the horse’s turnout. People certainly do dangerous things not knowing any better but the mark of a horseman is caring enough about the horse to say “mea culpa” and do better rather than doubling down.


Nothing funny about it.


…you need a new vet. Jfc. Every time I think the things coming out of your mouth can’t get any worse, they somehow do.


What kind of abdominal tumor does the vet think it is, out of curiosity?

She sure has lost her top line. Did the vet have any idea why that has happened?

Then you should probably tell that to equine medical center of ocala and Peterson and smith

No unfortunately. Some sort of cancer, we have always battled melanoma. But with ruling everything else out that is what we are left to believe that it’s abdominal as she looks pregnant, is not, not worms, blood normal, not cushings. I won’t do exploratory surgery on her. I will let her go when she starts showing any sort of pain.

I wouldn’t EVER use any vet who could look at that grey mare and tell me they wouldn’t “authorize” euthanasia if I had exhausted every possible test and was feeding the mare appropriately and she still looked like that. Although I guess the key phrase for me would be feeding appropriately. I know I’m capable of that. You, based on MANY, MANY photos of your stock, are not.


Not sure who you are but glad you disagree with the two leading vet hospitals in ocala. :slight_smile:

Except you did. Again, I manage my property in Europe from fecking Asia and do not tolerate for a day a slightly ribby broodmare within days of foaling. I contacted her owner, he had her teeth done and she was turning around within the week. Her foal was then one of the highest bids of the October sales.

This is all on you. If a person had even one horse looking like yours within their career it would be notable. In a bad way.

You have countless ribby, rough coated, listless, and dead. You’ve had multiple mare die in your care. Multiple.

You have an excuse every time and every time that excuse is, 'It was someone else!!!1!!11

YOU are 100% responsible. Fool you once (i.e., these alleged people you trust), shame on them. Fool you twice, thrice, countless times - the shame is all on you.

How you haven’t died of the shame of these pictures and the deaths (multiple) of your horses is beyond me. Ice water must flow through your veins. If you could look at mares and foals looking like that and not shut your programme down instantly, you are not even human let alone humane.


You can’t make sense out of nonsense. Liars and abusers will spin and pivot to cover themselves. But it’s just a web of deceit. She knows what she’s doing. She doesn’t care. You cannot make her care. You cannot make her admit fault. She is incapable. She is doubling down and spinning :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

Edited to add
It’s sad really. All the claims.
So I guess the thought is that Kate seems to always hire terrible staff, and sell to horrible owners and board at subpar facilities. Boo hoo. Everyone else is the villain.
Old saying. If you have a problem with every one around you. The common denominator is YOU. YOU are the PROBLEM.


Actually never had a mare die in my care. Two mares died in 2022 at a full service boarding facility but alas no never had a mare or any other horse die in my care

This is what I can’t wrap my brain around. The photos are completely indefensible. And yet here she is 🫣


No problem at all. Have had great people and amazing buyers. The buyer of said filly that fueled this is in contact with me often. But of course tou all don’t know that lol

[Edit] Accusing someone of a crime requires proof, according to COTH forum rules.


Well when it’s falsities how can I?

Let me remind you, we are talking about someone who thinks it is appropriate to braid other people’s horses while wearing flip flops. That should be enough information for you to understand the level of arrogance and the level of common sense.

This is the part that confuses me about the latest line of - it was not me.
When the condition of this filly first came out Kate was all over the place complaining about not being able to hire good help anymore and how once again someone did her wrong by not feeding her horses, blah blah blah. Now that excuse seems to have been forgotten and it is all the fault of the place that received the filly that the filly looks so horrible, but that person has done horrible things.


Just Google it lol!

FWIW, I don’t fault you for not doing some sort of exploratory surgery on this mare.

If she can’t keep weight on her top line, and has a perpetually bloated belly, and the vet thinks she probably has cancer, if it were my old mare, I would find another vet who will euthanize her. I wouldn’t criticize you at all if you did. As I mentioned earlier… I know of two older horses (belonged to friends) who died after terrible colics as a result of undiagnosed GI tumors. Both had blood flow to the tract eventually impacted by the tumors, and then sections of the tract failed, and it presented as a sudden, awful colic.


It was none of the above. It was being hit out of left field on social media and trying to figure out what was going on, the owner and I had spoken and then this assault. Not a problem everything was figured out finally and I’ve never not spoke the truth. But hey you all think I lie so let’s stick with that