Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

No. It’s up to you to prove since you posted it.


I don’t even know what fwiw means :see_no_evil: and two vets have said no even though same conclusion.

You guys, you can’t win this. Kate is mentally ill. For sure narcissistic. She will never accept responsibility, and she will go to her grave insisting she’s right, about EVERYTHING. I’ve seen this type over and over again in working many, many animal welfare cases. She can’t see anything wrong. She’s a compulsive liar. It’s been going on for years.


Well I’m just too busy to do your dirty work for you since you clearly have no issue researching me. If coth wants to ban me then awesome lol! Albeit I doubt they will they are getting too many clicks from you all responding to ban me lol

PleSe do tell the compulsive liar for many years? Lol

This is the hard truth.

If she hasn’t died of the shame by now, she never will. She is immune to the normal expectations and feelings of humane human beings. She is a serial animal abuser and nothing we say will get her to see it.

It’s sick. It’s sad. It’s psychotic.

The pictures in this thread would be remarkable if they were all from different owners/different programmes.

That they are all from one person/one programme is breathtaking. The pics make me physically ill.

Garbage human + dumb animals = utter devastation for the animals. Every. Damn. Time.


FWIW - For What It’s Worth.


It is not my “dirty work”. You accused someone of a crime and you need proof to do that.


Agreed. She’s a monster.


Yeah. I can’t believe that a vet would diagnose an aged broodmare who can’t maintain condition with cancer/an abdominal tumor… and then refuse to euthanize.


She certainly knows what lol means. She uses the term often and seems to think the situation is funny.


Then you are not familiar with vet medicine as unless we cut the mare open a tumor can’t be diagnosed

Best, most concise summary of this whole sorry tale.

Also, ‘sassy’ and ‘naughty’ are not positive ways to describe a horse. Those two things make me think: ill mannered, unhandled, in pain and reactive. Nothing about those pictures plus that description = happy horse to me.

Certified gobshite this one. And that’s a fatal diagnosis.


Patently false. I own a veterinary practice. I could go into detail, but it wouldn’t matter, would it?


Thank you. One of the stupidest fecking statements to come out of this firehose of lies. Like none of us have any experience in this area.

I say again: 100% gobshite



I was just feeling a little hangry tonight while cooling down from my workout, and succumbed to posting on this thread :rofl:


@Kasheare thank you for posting your ridiculous crap and spreading to everyone you think I know. All I did was pick up the pathetic condition foal - I didnt know you from adam or said your name. I would have expected as a new lawyer you would understand the best defense to defamation is the truth, try find that out before posting out of context. I have shut up and let you say your explanation. But girl, oh-no. You have been threatening for months to sue, bring it on. Now seems like a profitable thing to me to sue you - happy new year! I have ignored the 100s of screen shots you have sent to so many people in the industry, and yes, they forward! Does cost me, these are my colleagues. I liked you better when you took responsibility for your workers but now is the time for you is to really shut up. Can’t you see you are making it worse? In the meantime, your wormy, starved , dehydrated, muscle atrophied filly with legs that were never addressed and a scar we cant remove from a halter is doing amazing! Aside from you, she will be OK. Oh, by the way, do you have the vacs you charged as part of price? There is no record. Hate for the new owner to have to pay again. Great after sale backup.


Kate Shearer of Ocala, Florida, this is simply not true.

Kate Shearer, none of your horses look well.

Kate Shearer, please stick to braiding and stay away from breeding horses.

Thank you!


I would not let her braid my horse for free.


Yes, can’t blame you for feeling that way, and as far as the invitation goes to come and see her horses where she boards them and which she once referred to as her farm, no thanks. I wouldn’t be caught dead there.