Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I have a feeling she boards her horses at cheap, low-end places with cheap, low-end labor, and maybe she pays them for a month or so but then stops paying. So after months and months of not getting paid, they cut the horse’s feed down to next to nothing - and yeah, there are places like that owned and/or managed by low-end people whose main concern is spending money on other things (hint-hint), rather than on providing adequate care for animals in their charge.

Or she puts them in a rough board situation and pays someone on the side to feed them but orders the person to give then only a few flakes of hay each day. Because you know, proper feed and hay for a broodmare costs $$$$ and she certainly isn’t going to spend her money on keeping a cheap-ass recipient mare in good condition (being not only uncaring of the toll malnutrition takes on a pregnant or lactating mare, but also completely ignorant about the toll malnutrition takes on a developing fetus or nursing foal).

And then when she gets outed for starving her mares and foals, she blames “the help.” What a cockroach…


Can you name that breeder?

It’s just sickening. The, “well so and so does this and it’s worse” is weak.

Honestly, I’m quite disgusted and it just goes to show that if you’re buying directly from a breeder, you need to do your research. Don’t give your money to or support crap breeding/breeders.

Look, I’ve moved to an area that I really dislike, has crap local boarding facilities, and I’ve kept a horse in less than ideal conditions (although, he was content, fed and watered while there and I did move him), so I’m not saying that everything has to be perfect, but so much of this is just unacceptable. Especially when you’re putting yourself out there as a professional breeder of sorts.

It’s just the lack of knowledge and blindness. If one honestly looks at a picture of a very thin mare and/or foal that just looks very unhealthy and thinks, “that’s a healthy quality horse there!” There really is no point in trying to have rational conversation with them. It’s like showing someone a photo of an ant and them claiming it’s a butterfly. They live in a different “reality.”

I can be forgiving with young horses because I’ve watched mine go through looking like an egg with legs, to looking sleek and slender, to looking like 3 different horses pasted together, to the yak he is right now (his winter wool still shines), but there’s a difference between fugly stages and poor health. I don’t want youngsters to be overweight, but they don’t need to be a hat rack either!

We always see the same trends in these types of threads: important or significant people back up the person but won’t come forward due to xyz, there’s pending legal action, keyboard warriors or insults about middle aged women, and you all just can’t see my vision or grasp the greatness.
It’s just a muddled mess of delusions.

COTH gets tired of that BS, so you’ll get called out on it.


This is complete bull shit.


Thank you, @Virginia_Horse_Mom! They’re all out of the same mare - the two palominos are full siblings. The oldest one is expecting her first foal in April!


She was on pasture no cameras. And the vet was at the farm weekly doing various breeding checks etc. she was brought in early to be watched on camera by me since the barn owner informed me she had to leave to go to a conference. My trailer was left there in case it was needed which it was.

There are many breeders pulling the wool over people’s eyes, with a smoke and mirror internet show. Fortunately for future customers (cough), our friend Kate here is not so good at biting her tongue and nor posting selective photos. Buyer’s get all “OOoooh Shiney” over big names, pretty pictures and chromed out mares and foals. Do your homework people. There are good breeders out there that are worth finding. Not these flim-flam salespeople.


I was informed icsi was incredibly risky and that is what has aborted or absorbed. They all stayed on regumate through end of 4 months. Got the pneumabort shots 5,7,9 etc. having only lost 2 mares in my life is quite minimal but yes it was a huge issue in Oklahoma. That’s why I thought having them in Florida where I could be mor hands on would be great but people know when I go out of town for weeks on end so things slip:

Yeah, that’s true. I think a lot of buyers are pretty gullible too. Plus, nowadays, many people buy sight unseen. Which I’ve done too, but I did a lot of digging about the seller and their program. When I bought current young horse, I visited the breeder and saw all of her stock, plus a friend had purchased 2 youngsters from her (a few years apart) in the past and new her well. So we should try to support those that are doing it right.

So you have to try to make sure you’re not being fooled, but we are all human. Just don’t get fooled twice :wink:


This is at all levels of horses. I personally think there is an inverse correlation between the number of photos and cute video clips set to music that people post on Instagram, and the actual horsemanship/quality involved in their equine related business, whatever it might be - breeding, training, supplements, tack, apparel, etc.

But… I don’t care much for Instagram. So there’s that.


It is customary for breeders to announce their partnerships with riders when a breeder’s young stock goes to a reputable trainer, let alone an Olympian. There is absolutely no reason for @Kasheare NOT to announce this new partnership.

Obviously, we know this partnership doesn’t exist and that KS is lying. These horses are not international material in any scene.


I also hope someone notifies these veterinarians about the current discussion since Kate has decided to bring them into the discussion and blame them as well. Most practices would want to know about brand risk events such as this.


Contrast the difference in the condition of the mares, foals, yearlings etc in the Lane’s End video with the condition of KS’s mares, foals, and yearlings.

Her philosophy of animal husbandry is on par with that of a puppy mill being run in the backyard of a doublewide trailer off a dirt road somewhere in the back woods of (name a state).


On the bright side, I would imagine that if there is actual litigation going on right now involving KS and a vet practice, much of this thread might be useful to the attorneys representing the vet practice, as KS clearly had some credibility issues. She contradicts herself and changes her stories pretty frequently…


Since it’s public record, post the Complaints.


Yes, using CotH comments have worked out splendidly in litigation before.

Really, this thread is coming across as a bad re-make. Who wore it better?


Right down to all the claims that people on COTH are the problem.

Uhhhh… no one would be discussing this on COTH if there weren’t routine giant drama fests unfolding on Facebook every few months involving:

  1. Grandiose claims
  2. Photos and videos of half dead horses
  3. Stories about dead dead horses
  4. Serious accusations and counter accusations about negligent care, unpaid bills and veterinary malpractice, etc etc etc.

It’s pretty much a giant DHH social media circus sideshow, with the ringmaster standing around yelling “Stop talking about me on COTH!”


This kind of proves the point that being book smart and being good at test taking does not necessarily translate well into real life.


I only shared a “butt shot” because it was recent and clearly showed 7 babies in good weight. If you want side view shots, here are some ugly, unflattering pics used to show markings for registration. I’d never use these to market my breeding program or show off conformation, because they look like donkeys, but nonetheless you can see good condition and a healthy coat. Weanlings WILL look pot bellied sometimes after weaning, as their hindgut adapts to digesting significantly more forage and 0 milk. But they should still appear muscled and rounded over their shoulders and hips, and updated photos a few months later should show improvement.


A few weeks ago, I showed a picture of my youngster to an Olympian/5* rider and she said “oh, he’s lovely!”. I guess I can now brag on SM that I (and my baby) have been “endorsed” by an Olympian (who I will not name lest she be attacked on COTH). :wink:

I’m not a fan of pile-ons, but some people SHOULD be called out.


That is exactly what a weanling should look like. I actually prefer to see sun bleached babies as well because I know they’ve had ample turn out. You can have a dirty fluffy weanling that still has shine and flesh underneath the dirt.

Thanks for sharing. Are these all full TBs? Just curious.