Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I’ll take #1 and #3 of your donkeys.


Glad I’m not the only one that calls my young horse a donkey :rofl:


Yes, full TBs by Dialed In, Catalina Cruiser, Saketini, Caracaro, and another Saketini. The Saketinis are bred for sport.


What your price your foals at does not seem to be the market you say you are breeding for.


OK let’s go with your version. Why were the pics ever made public?


Despite the fact that your babies are lacking the (apparently :roll_eyes: ) much desired upside down neck, flat croup and strung out hind legs with extreme cow hocks, I’ll take the Catalina Cruiser chestnut.

But before making an offer, I need to know: Did you selectively breed for the self-preservation gene?



Just a little word of advice- Be careful posting this is your hobby as the IRS carefully monitors horse stuff to determine just that - what is a hobby and what is a business.


wow to all but especially the chestnut giving you the eyeball!


Ha. You noticed that too.

Her foals are apparently everything to everyone. Suitable for Olympians, 5* riders, amateurs, and heck, the broodmare might be a good kid’s lesson horse.

The Jackaroo filly is both an upper level eventing prospect AND an FEI dressage prospect

The 2023 Royce colt is both a big eq and a jumper prospect.

The 2023 DeNiro colt is a stallion prospect, bred for dressage, but also might go on to do big things as a jumper


Oh I’m positive you are correct. I assume the first situation is what happened with the broodies in OK. Kate made a huge stink about how she paid full board and the BO just didn’t feed her animals, so I don’t think that place was rough board. Otherwise, I’d expect them most sane/business-savvy BOs to either put a lien on the animals or just kick them out, rather than let ~10 horses starve in the barn (I can’t remember how many mares she had at that place).

I saw a couple of comments on FB from people who had (supposedly) boarded her horses or worked for her. One person said that the amount Kate told them to feed was miniscule.


Having foaled out a lot of mares…maybe a hundred or so…over my years working for a few farms, I can say absolutely that I’ve seen difficult births, one red bag, and other foaling issues. And while some mares (assuming they were in good condition to start with, which all the mares I dealt with always were) not one of them looked anything like that poor ribby mare with her hip bones showing post-foaling. That is not a well cared for mare and making excuses by claiming the foaling difficulty made her look that poor…just wow. The best thing to do when you’re in a hole is to put down the shovel and stop digging.


There’s one post on her FB feed implying that perhaps she partnered with Leah Lang-Glusic on a Jackaroo foal. Lang-Glusic didn’t respond to the callout, which was a bit (deliberately?) vague.

Also Hunter Holloway got her some semen. Far from being BNT/BNR endorsement, though.





She made a vague comment about William Micklem and tagged him on a post about the Jackaroo filly as well. The comment seemed to imply Micklem had taken a personal interest in this filly, and personally weighed in on her potential as an upper level eventing prospect.

Call me crazy, but I suspect he is not actually that interested in this filly. It’s simply frozen semen from his stallion… nothing more, nothing less.


Here is another comparison -

(Above is my nineteen year old broodmare 3 hours after foaling)

It’s always amazing to me when someone takes zero accountability or responsibility. I should be use to it by now but I never am.


OK, it took some digging but I found the pic of the mare who had the red bag foaling. This was taken on the first day they were outside together and it’s quite obvious the foal is only a few days old. Look how thin and sunken and hollow the mare is.



Wow that’s a lot of fancy book learnin’ to produce the poor grammar and sentence structure she uses. She writes as though she’s illiterate.


Sounds like it. But the usual thing is going on in that massive paragraph. EVERYONE else is to blame… everything is always someone else’s fault… she will get lawyers involved… Very Important People see nothing but perfection in her unthrifty horses… there is always more to the story - until Someone Else screws up again - because it is never ever her.

Vet malpractice, Kate? Start with your own malpractice first. As I said previously - own your crap.

I had a great vet here who ended up moving to AZ. He responded to an emergency call at the BSC place down the road from me. He treated the horse and gave those folks precise directions for the medications he left behind. But they knew better. They called me late one night a few days later as the horse was down again. He was seizing as I got there. They overdosed that horse to death and had added their own home remedies as well. Then they sued the vet for malpractice. They lost. Shocking, I know.

Agreed. So which big breeding farm are you saying that about, Kate? Define “many many”. List how all those cases were related to breeding and foaling. Detail what you would have done instead as you sat hundreds of miles away planning your tapas bar. Heck, Zenyatta had a filly at Lane’s End who was running and playing with her yearling friends, slipped and had a catastrophic injury. Even racing royalty cannot escape the talent for self-destruction. :pleading_face:

Knock on wood - I have never lost a mare in all these years. I have lost a few foals. Foaling season is like A Tale of Two Cities… the best of times and the worst of times. Nothing to be taken lightly or with LOLs. When a mare’s water breaks, and the process has started - I know that 2 lives depend on me.

Again with the blame and everything being the fault of someone else. Always.

As the weanlings here grow… they take turns being geeky and homely. Currently I have a moose, a donkey and a filly put together by a committee that has apparently never seen a horse. :wink: But they will catch up to themselves and get sorted out…


Yes - I can see what terrible condition she is in… poor thing. Ditto for @Warmblood1 's scrawny mare. /S

Loving all the pictures of the weanlings - well, yearlings now! :blue_heart: :green_heart:


What are the rainbow/white circles on the right front leg of the 2nd youngster (chestnut).

Oh and if they are for sale I’ll gladly pay you the second Tuesday of next week for #4 and #5. :blush: