Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Good thing you are a lawyer because you have some hefty defamation charges in your future. Oh wait…


Let’s do it for them, just in case.


Honestly, it was one of the more believable things Kate has posted if you ask me.

Kate braids. Kate knows people who braid or people who want to get into horses for a job but might not be up to the whole braiding thing (which even I admit Kate does a good job of, though I would not let her braid anything I owned because of the liability of the whole almost bare foot thing). I can totally see a trainer, while they are looking at their bill and writing a check, making small talk asking Kate if she knows anyone who wants to groom.


Accusations, defamations, lawsuits, blame shifting:

Crossing the line


Section 183 of the tax code is hobby v business. It’s a hobby clear as day under that section


If only you would delve as deeply into equine conformation and nutrition, as you have into the U.S. tax code.


That is a little more than the $1/stall I used to make.


And yet look how few people even bother responding to her misrepresentations on her own FB posts. Where are the droves of people that she has to keep in check from coming to her defense?


They’re busy conditioning their Olympic and 5* horses.

Paris is right around the corner.


Her legs were washed for the photo to better identify white markings, and caused the wet-shine reflection you see on her knee and ankle as “white circles.”

I intend to keep the sport fillies until they’re under saddle (unless an outstanding offer comes along). The racebreds will be sold this year as fall yearlings, though the fancy Dialed In filly may already be spoken for.


I was going to let this go, but you keep resurfacing. Kate. Either sue me or shut up. I’m done with your stupid drama.


Thank you for posting what weanlings are supposed to look like! Your “donkeys” are adorable!


You have no money or assets so it’s pointless suing you lol

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I think this was intended to be a humiliating public insult… but… it just made you look terrible. Like a person who targets people with lawsuits for personal monetary gain.

Given that you are currently embroiled in at least one lawsuit… this is not a wise public statement.


When will you learn to just shut your mouth and let it go? You are digging yourself into an embarrassingly large hole. Why can’t you just stop commenting??


So funny, you don’t even know me, and I am the one with the with the case. I’m sorry you feel you need to attack me for your own inability to care for a foal. Until today I was ok to shut up. But you are seriously clueless, and I will spread the fillies progress far and wide. Was it due to 12 days of bad employees? Was it due to you trying to deflect on my character, when I’d never seen the filly before picking up starved? Is it due to your busy schedule? The farm hands and the stolen hay? The bad feeding program? Girl, people in glass houses. Don’t threaten me, the owner or anyone to do with the mess up you made of this filly again or you- who have apparently something to lose will be on the losing end of a law suit. Girl, you really need to check the stuff you send over messaging - screenshots- not smart. Admitting to lying, trashing people in active military? You really need to take a step back and look at yourself. Come at me again. I’ll be happy for the pay day to sue you.


Just fyi, the mods don’t like salty language on the forums. It might be worth editing that specific part out, so that they don’t delete your comment or ban you.

I totally understand getting salty though. I am a colorful speaker for sure :slight_smile: Especially when mad. But, You just might be well served to edit that one little bit out.


Thank you. I tried and did edit. Yeah, I’m kinda mad. Lol



It is absolutely crazy pants.