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Out of the mouths of non horsey people - new thread

At the '84 Olympics, I sat in the cheap seats for the eventing dressage. One of the people sitting in my vicinity was wathing her soaps on a brand new portable tv. Another asked me, "What do it mean that he is a bay gelding? Does that make him run faster?


My ex-husband was not unfamiliar with horses since his sister rode but was more into race cars. I gave him a lesson on my horse and he, to be honest, had a pretty good grasp and his position just needed a little polishing up to be really effective. I have him go into a trot and tell him to keep leg on to maintain the rhythm, he says “why do you have to keep putting leg on, the horse should just trot?” I asked him if he thought he should be able to ask the horse once to trot and it should just trot until he asks for another gait. I told him that horses are not robots and are not race cars, you don’t just shift their gears and have them go forward at whatever speed you want until you ask it to stop. He grumbled about it being too much work. Never gave him a second lesson.


Even in a race car you have to keep your foot on the throttle to maintain your desired speed.


Eons ago there was a college-aged kid doing maintenance work at a barn I was working at. He didn’t know the front end of a horse from the back, but fortunately his job was to fix fences and such so we were all mostly fine.

One day, he was watching one of the foals nurse from it’s momma. He looks at me and asks “what’s he drinking?” I had to stop myself from telling him it was root beer.


My boyfriend calls blankets “jackets” and referred to my GutX as “horse syrup”


If I hear a**less chaps one more time…

ALL full chaps are like that. That’s…the point.


I want to fall down laughing when people say that like it’s some risque thing.


I always reply with “Do you know what they’re called with 'bum covering '?.. Pants!”


right? such a pet-peeve of mine


This drives me nuts too!

My wife calls quarter sheets “butt blankets”. The first time she said it at the nice barn I was boarding at at the time, I was like… :flushed:


Ok, nothing to do with horses, but I have to tell the story of the time someone I know was at a nightclub, and this person called me to share – in a whisper – that a guy had shown up wearing only chaps (“Nothing but chaps!!!”), lol lol lol.

Further saying – still in the whisper – “I have to ask myself how did he get here?” lol lol lol.

I immediately had a picture in my mind of the guy getting wherever in a car or a taxi or a bus or some other form of transportation, wearing “nothing but chaps.” LOL LOL LOL.


And now I’m hearing the Talking Heads playing in my mind… :rofl:


LOL! I thought that, too.
also of the pic taken in SF of the guy riding the cable car in full leather regalia


:notes:This is not my beautiful wife!
These are not my assless chaps":notes:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I mean, I call my quarter sheets “butt fuzzies”… Though this term started when I was bringing my husband out to the barn and needed descriptive terms. Remember the belt for the saddle. Clip the leash on the halter. Now I need the bit thing (bridle). Butt fuzzies stuck as a term. So did Darby’s Jammies, the hooded fleece cooler we use after work in the winter.


My husband’s description of horse - four legs, green grass in the front, brown grass out the rear!!!


A friend got a custom crochet bonnet for her new pony and her husband called it a doily. They’ve been horse doilies ever since.


:[quote=“Indy, post:45, topic:775778”]
One day, he was watching one of the foals nurse from it’s momma. He looks at me and asks “what’s he drinking?” I had to stop myself from telling him it was root beer.

Especially considering the drink depends on the color of the mare. :grin:


I can see why he would ask that. Most animals that people are usually around have the milk bar higher up , or like we humans it’s between the “front legs”. So his question kind of makes sense.