Party on the Porch!

I am pretty good with a lock…not to mention a sledge hammer…

Yeah Kel! That is why we sit together! and Jaded had this razy idea last time that we get fake IDs…we can make them out of duct tape and those dried out black markers that collect in the top of tack trunks.

Sarah~ you are across form Kelsey! Definatly close enough to share the Vodka AND hard cider!

Portia, I don’t think Jair’s in any condition to do the heavy lifting…Robby’s on his own - but isn’t Robby more valuable as chief cook?? When it comes to food he’s the man.

I was out on the lawn but i think that I should really get a seat on the stairs


Stone age is right…rolling black outs the whole nine yards. We are working right now under ‘limited light’ conditions, meaning if you have sunshine available to you, you have to work without your lights on. Sheez…it’s ridiculous. At my barn we cannot use the arena lights and the horses emergency night lights are all turned off…LOL although the horses probably appreciate sleeping in the dark as opposed to with the lights on.

And it’s RAINING…good gawd, suppposed to pour for the next 3 days. It only takes one good rain to flood the streets. I hate the rain…everything gets all mushy, unlike most of you we don’t have the drainage for rain. But whatcha gonna do?

As for riding season? you know it’s riding season all year long! But the desert circuit is kicking off~

As for my absence? Just trying to get my rear end out of school…I should have done this when I was younger…LOL I have tripled my classes this semester to be done this Spring.

Wub has a new home which he seems to love, his paddock is huge and the dumba** has been standing out in the rain lately. Soaked horse. He’s never had a paddock this big, nor one where he had a place to lay in the sun or stand in the rain. I forgot whether his Triple Crown jammies are water-proof, it gets soaked but he stays dry. Stupid horse just stands out there getting rained on. He adores to torture his pony-neighbor, which he does for the majority of the day. He has stopped weaving/rocking and paceing his stall, as a matter of fact I rarely get so much as a lip nicker when I walk up anymore…ungrateful rent-horse…LOL
And you my dear? how’s stuff?

Don’t let the kitties see Tin–they LOVE beer, and may disown you as their mom for a bit til they come swaggering back an pass out at your feet. Hmmmmm where are those pictures of them?

I’ll bring a space heater if I can have a spot on the porch. And a kitten who’s pretty imperturable and loves to warm laps. Her mom may come, but she prefers to lie sphinx-like on the chest of somebody who’s prone. The yellow lab gets pretty excitable, but she’d love a lap, too, or a spot next to somebody. I probably can’t get the toy poodle away from my husband.
All I need is something to lean against and I can bring my own pillow. My retired horse gets a little antsy in crowds (he’s mostly blind), so I think he should stay home.

Portia- just going all out hey? Scanner at home…laptop…whew!!I dare say we might need to see some PONY pictures in addition to the oh-so-desired kitty pictures!! You and Louise had better watch out, I might steal your kitties to have at school with me. Everyone needs some a CUTE as your guys’!

Louise- That is Peter:) The apple of my eye He is EXACTLY like I was at his age, and it frightens me trumendously!! Cute though, huh? Don’t get me started- I could show you a whole GALLERY of Payson pictures egads…

Sandstone- Ah, but no… NEVER will I claim to being the desireable ‘cooler’ Just more powerful. Gettin’ a bit cheeky there, aren’t we??(I’m all in jest Don’t take me seriosuly!:):))

KELLY!!! You are breaching the ettiquette! We never tell the hostess of current-porch party that she ahs been drinking too much! She’s halucinating? MAKE something up!!! sheesh!

Portia- I believe that is a large bone which the dog is planning on burrying under the porch.
(Btw cat and dog are very coot, Erin!!)

I brought several chairs to loose ourselves in, but I’ll share mine. There, how’s that!

What a lovely evening. Hey, nice dog, who’s is it?

Canter is taking a little holiday. I’m sure she’ll be very bummed when she finds out she missed this soiree!

Maz, Jair, One Away, Palisaides(omg, who have I forgotten from my clique) where are you? We’re are having such fun.

I haven’t been to the States in ages. This is so, so, so sooooothing.

Must be the beer.

Wish I could be more creative, but I have this “fair pie-eating” contest stuck in my mind… Still PMP

When is the monster arriving???

I think the step crew must now intervene as the adults have had a little toooo much…hm…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Taffy and Regal of course get the lawn. We need them to keep the ponies in line. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> when you decide to put my horse in charge of something you know you’ve had waaaaay to much I mean I love him and all he does reign supreme (equal w/ Taffy thankyouverymuch) but h’es not exactly the most…um…dominanthorse…



I’ll bring the kittens along, for sure. Betsy would just love to warm your hands, and she’ll be glad to lick them raw at the same time. Marissa dun’t much cotton to laps, but she will be glad to play egyptian statue and pretty up the place.

Actually, they have been pretty good kitties. Three weeks now, and not one thing destroyed or even damaged. Pretty good, huh? Jaime Lynn did a good job of raising them.

yes yes… What about Urchin Sushi?

Or Urchin juice in Vodka…the new screw driver?

ummmm…yeah not all of us have reached “beccadom” but as I recall this was the Chronicle porch…or did you just move the esaerch board here…either way I am sure we can make room for one more.

Robby, you and Jair are of course more than welcome on the Porch. Forgive us if the ladies make you boys do some of the heavy lifting.

Speaking of which, the still really should be moved out of the bathtub and into that building with Jamie Lynn’s KJ Chardonney.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Sarah~ you are across form Kelsey! Definatly close enough to share the Vodka AND hard
cider! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

now I feel truly loved…


Have a party and don’t even invite ME? good gawd…hrumph… I’ll just sit in the corner keeping ALL the chippies to myself… and wait for you all to apologize for ignoring me~

Sandstone> only if the beautiful, smart and oh so respected porch sitters allow me to, will I be on the railing or maybe just leaning up against it?
It would be an easy place to hand out Canadian drinks such as Canadian beer, Polar Bears (shots) and some really good Canadian made vodka. If not, I still reserve my spot beside Sandstone and Erin!!

Oh - - my - - god!! Is it really you C2?? Well whaddya know! Glad to see you up here on the porch - so what did YOU bring for the party?

Oh, and by the way… I can vouch for Portia who certainly did invite you…and as she said, it seems you may have been a bit too, um, preoccupied to notice!

Hah, I would have guessed Betsy would love beer, but Marissa? What a surprise!

Just got pictures scanned today. Tonight I’ll sit down and try to figure out how to post the darn things, which, as computer challenged as I am, could be fun.