Party on the Porch!

Becca~ I don’t seem to recall anything about you being so much cooler than us that you could kick us off of our top step

Saying you are more powerful than me is not very nice…I thought we went through this whole popularity/coolness thing with Colin a while back…no one here is any cooler then anyone else.

I hope your sumo-son is on a bus on his way down here to wrestle with my darling daughter before they really get into “who’s the best at the pony-finals” debate!!!

BTW, my rocker is on the back side of the verranda so I can partake of my own grape-juice. I’ll share, but hard stuff, and cider don’t agree with me!!!

huff puff Ok I’m finally here huff puff

Brought my dog/son Jacob hope you don’t mind but he just LOVES parties

runs for porch, and trips over step-sitters (doesn’t spill beer)… DANG!!! Another bruise!!! Can I swipe a piece of tuna for beast-child??? She’s out grazing a pony, but loves sushi almost as much as her mother…

She says she’ll help with the poop cleanup when she’s 6—sorry guys! Maybe if we leave a mucker out there for her, she can teach the ponies to use it!

A good party is always a good thing! And quite frankly, I’m joining Louise. I’m in those lovely winter doldrums. Sick of School, sick of snow, sick of winter, and i miss my pony-pies dreadfully. So I’m all for clambering up those stairs again- I need it!

AND- Luckily for all you elite stair-dwellers, and the less fortunate lawners (though still feel your immense priviledge by merely being allowed to attend such a faboo party just on the lawn!) I have brought some lovely Diet Coke (essential) and the Hot Chocolate is cooking (yes, we even have marshmallows) Sarah, I believe you are responsible for the cookies. Kelkel, you get the after dinner mints, and Jo, I believe you will have the flatware.

So have no fear, even though we are still too linber and youthful to be on the covetted porch rocking chairs, we’ll enjoy ourselves, even if we are looking through the window frames like sad begger children…and we all know I sometimes sneak up and pretend to be a little dog in the corner and Portia sneaks me some of that great Porch food every now and again…if ya’ll are nice, I might even share…

Sorry guys, I think that the top step is big enough for all who DESERVE to be there. Hmmm, now, who has done something nice for me lately?

Can I stop shoveling this white stuff (8") and come up on the porch? I used to have a rocker.

Three cheers Portia, I think that’s exactly what everyone needs right now And even though I’ve been in hiding for a little while, I am still the official beer distributor for all dem canadian eh! Unless I’ve been stripped of my duties? Have I? Please NOOOOOOO!!! begs and pleads with oscar winning performance ouch that hurt the knees can someone help me up?

So everyone over 19 (21 in the states) have a beer and enjoy!!! And all you youngin’s sorry pssst I hide 4 cases under the porch, if the ponies haven’t finished them off they’re yours

Hello, Canter? I’m the one with the Bowflex! LOL!

Sounds like a good plan to me! (By the way, I love my new ID! Looks just like me)

And with you (possibly) sitting or leaning almost on the porch and me sitting on the top step in front of Portia(…maybe if i turn just right she won’t see me stealing the hard liquor) We will definatly have plenty of fun! And I promise to replace verything that I drink…anyone ever had Biltmore wine?! no shortage of that stuff… how about 2 of those per bottle of the hard stuff?

I don’t have to bring anything baby, I MADE the porch…LOL…Wayyyy back in 97. In one of my steller attempts to slam the illustrius Schoolmarm many years ago, and I must admit I did a good job! I used to tease her about being from the ‘ozark woods’ of NJ living in her little run down boot leggin, moonshine producing hovel, shack, woodsy house…It was only until many months later did the rest of the gang upgrade her home, her porch to what it has become today.

Back in the days when it only had around 5 participants, even the little Kellybird, who is our original ‘lawn-kid’.

It was Jain who was Moody way back when who brought the bailing twine! JOH who added the manure sculptures! Spotted Pony I believe brought the Cider (you all can correct me if I have that wrong) BobO just merely brought himself, although we did take better care of BobO and Geno, the brunt of our slams went to Mark and TK…
BUT for the record~ Not only did I Build the Porch, I also brought the Chippies~ and bringing the Chippies on there ponies? Well I think that’s contribution to the party enough…LOLOL

AND where have YOU been? here I send a real nice Football picture to you all, and ya have not talked to me since sniff I thought you guys had a better sense of humor~ LOLOL G

then looks at you like “who me?”!!!

Look out everyone!! If Portia’s porch is in Houston, we may all have to pitch in and turn it into an ARK! As a member of the 50+ club, is there an extra rocker (on pontoons, of course) available?

Will the rains ever cease? Since I have limited access to an indoor, I’ve been spending my evenings fashioning flipper feet for Zephyr and Max. For those who may remember, I was asking about “Z” names a couple of months ago for my new guy, but none seemed quite right for him. He’s now Max, and if we ever progress to the showing stage, he’ll be Max A Million.

They’re saying maybe sleet and snow for Houston tomorrow. Hope you “sunny and 71” Floridians are having fun!! Pleeeese don’t gloat!!

I’m rowin’ on over with my pitcher of Margaritas!

Its all just a joke:) I am entirely kidding around, and mean no harm, as anyone who knows me will you.

I am terribly sorry if I offended you. That was certainly not my intent, nor has it ever been. You have my apology, and please join us on the top step. There is room for all:)

[This message was edited by Becca on Jan. 18, 2001 at 09:13 PM.]
My goodness, I was in the process of editing when you evidently read the previous post. I apologize for my sarcasm.

[This message was edited by Becca on Jan. 18, 2001 at 09:19 PM.]

Canter is here in SPIRIT, if not physical being. It will all be O-KAY.

One Away, he ain’t gonna pee on my leg is he? Cause I HATE it when that happens - especially when I’m enjoying a relaxed and leisurely evening, enthroned on LCR Scott’s lap on the muskoka chair.

Jamie Lynn, baby, he’s heeeeerrre!

Watch him in action baby and weep those tears of joy!!!

[This message was edited by heidi on Jan. 19, 2001 at 12:04 AM.]

[This message was edited by heidi on Jan. 19, 2001 at 12:04 AM.]

Jair posted his very nice “philosophical thoughts” thread (not to be confused with “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey” from SNL), and several people agreed people may be feeling a bit testy due to Winter having set in and Spring being a good ways away. There’s only one good cure for that, and it’s a Party on the Porch!

So we’ll get BossHoss out of the tub, move the ponies out of the kitchen, get the fluffy dogs out of the rockers, and have HuntJumpSC fire up the still. We can unwrap the Christmas lights from HSM, start making baleing twine and duct tape decorations, and maybe even invite the Stair Sitters up for a quick taste of brew.

Now Kellybird – I said a taste, not a guzzle!

Kachoo, where are you? Oh, that’s right – Malaysia. But, c’mon the rest of you Canadians! You know how to have a good virtual party!

Sushi? Becca, Jamie Lynn, you can have all mine! I can’t even eat fish when it’s cooked, much less raw. The closest I want to get to sushi is watching Sushi Battle on IRON CHEF. (“Fukui-san, the Challenger is now marinating the crab brains before mixing them with the broth made of saki, white wine, and eel innards.”) Heidi, perhaps the sumo youngster can get guest shot as a member of the judging panel for Shark Fin Battle.

BTW, anybody got any connections so we can get a nice 36+" flat screen high definition TV around here to watch the Grand Prix’s on OLN? (Whenever it is they’re showing them now that they’ve taken them off Saturday night. Hmmmph.) And watch Iron Chef, of course. If this place is gonna be called a Veranda, we need to class it up a bit with some high tech electronics.