Paul Valliere Ad -October 26

I can imagine the rage that drives someone to murder in the heat of the moment.

But as with crimes against children, I cannot fathom how ANYONE can willingly torture and murder horses. I cannot imagine how ANYONE, never mind a pro whose success was defined by the horses’ willingness to jump an obstacle that no human would, could possibly electrocute a horse.

It’s a sad reflection on our sport that people like Paul Valliere continue to earn a sufficient living from the sport that they can plunk down thousands of dollars on a self-congratulatory and repugnant ad.

I realize many ads in The Chronicle tend to be self-serving but this one just about turned my stomach.

Isn’t he about due for a ten year review?

Charis, I firmly believe that genuinely “kind and thoughtful” people do NOT arrange to have innocent animals ELECTROCUTED for PROFIT. Perhaps your definition of “kind and thoughtful” is just different from mine (and, for that matter, the dictionary’s)? Honestly, is there any other “kind and thoughtful” person you know of who has been convicted of the PREMEDITATED murder of a defenseless animal?

I’m not saying that people can’t change, but to act like the crime never happened is leaving the barn-door WIDE OPEN for it to happen again.

PS: On a lighter note, I’d like to announce that I will also be making a tremendous donation to the ASPCA, just as soon as my fellow BBers start sending me money. Thank you.

“People… they’re so
complicated. I suppose
that’s why I prefer

Flames Finzean? I agree whole heartedly. No flames here.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way…

Well, that’s what I had heard…that he was shot (in the knee?) and I suppose that method of killing is far too attention grabbing to have been part of this scandel?


What some people might think is self serving, is informative to others.

And I agree with Bumpkin and Dry Clean Only.

I have no more time for such arrogance as I have seen on this topic by individuals most of whom only know second hand facts and who enjoy anonymously bashing others. No one is for horse killing, for pete’s sake, get it? Just not for this anonymous innuendo from unknown people who have in all likelihood never met the people we’re discussing.

Life must look good from all of your pedestals.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BronkBusterTX:

WE ALL KNOW the harm he has caused. He will never be forgotten for that. I don’t think any of us should forget. He has done some really good stuff that we just wouldn’t hear about normally. Stuff that WE TAKE FOR GRANTED that a good horseman would do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So you think he should be lauded for things we EXPECT good horsemen to do?

Once again, I think he is lucky to still be in the business.

‘If ignorance is bliss, why aren’t more people happy?’

I think Karen McKelvy owned Rain Forest at the time of his death. Weird things always happened at Lake Placid, and that year was the weirdest. We came in one morning to find Albany gone. It was only a day or two after Rain Forest had been killed, and everyone was freaking. He had not gotten loose, the gate was clipped behind him. Someone had let him loose! Since the gate was clipped, night watch assumed we had taken him somewhere. He was out cruising the mountains. Very scary!
I had to put one horse down there as a result of an accident in the jumper ring, and I had another one suffer a devastating injury in the hunter ring there.
I know Lake Placid is a very popular show, but personally I don’t miss it at all…

“…affect the lives of anyone on this BB…”

We bred and raised one of the horses who died. It will affect my life forever.
Otherwise, I would not have commented.

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Life must look good from all of your pedestals.

Quite good, actually, dear.

You are right, jumphigh - I believe we did hit a bit of a nerve with her.

How tightly we cling to the chains that bind us!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord Helpus:
Yep, Paul rents a place adjacent to Wellington and his people school in his ring and walk on over to show. They have been doing that for years.

[This message was edited by Lord Helpus on Oct. 31, 2001 at 07:57 PM.]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

it sounds as if the suspension didn’t affect his bottom line too much - there is only so much that the Fed. can do - the rest is up to the consumer

personally, I would like to see the names of all the horse murderers brought up periodically so that new riders can be made aware of what they did

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jumphigh83:
Kind of sad that it had to be that way but having tried to hire natives I KNOW they want too much for too little. A sad commentary on the work ethic of todays youth. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wait a minute. The ‘native’ kids I know are paid less than minimum wage and are frequently paid no wage at all, but work on a barter system for board and/or lessons. The hours are horrendous and the work ethic is very high. What ‘too much for too little’ experiences have you had?

Did anybody notice in the SAME issue is another BB favorite celebrity? Remember all the “puppy mill” threads?
I just thought it was ironic.

PV’s 50% could be a lot of money. More than I gave. More than most of us can scrape up.
If the same 50% came from a less notorious personality we’d have nothing to chat about.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kryswyn:

And as I pointed out earlier, those who don’t remember the past are doomed to repeat it. Revisionist history has already begun on this topic. For example for anyone who believes PV was white as snow prior, Bethe points out a bad decision on PV’s part YEARS before he decided to make a really, REALLY BAD decision. It is too easy to believe that this was a ‘one off’ thing years after the fact. We need to remind people that that is not the case.

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I must agree with the above statement/comment/opinion. Even though I was a mere child when the incident happened, it obviously made an impression on me so that I would not forget. Anyone who tries to sell a stallion to an unsuspecting family looking for a pony for their children has no ethics and is only looking to make a fast buck.

What happened in the insurance fraud investigation must not be forgotten, because what is forgotten will happen again. And, the investigation hit a bit personally for me as I happen to know the son of the missing heiress, Helen Brach. Therefore, I cannot forget nor will I forget.

Anyone touched personally in this atrocity of horse fraud will not forget, or even those indirectly affected cannot forget, therefore the subject will rise again and again like a phoenix from the ashes.

As for those folks who were indicted and spent time in prison…yes, they may have done their time and served their punishment…and some may actually have repented and are making a genuine effort to make some good come out of some bad. But, in the case of Paul Valliere, and due to the already bad interaction my family had with him years ago, whatever he does or says does not ring true with me. Now, that being said, I am no one in the grand scheme of the horse business so any comments or feelings I may have certainly won’t get in the way of him pursuing his life as he sees fit.

I’ve got to look for my copy of Hot Blood - then could quote (did I lend it out though?)

Hank runs the stabling/security for most of Gene Mische’s shows. Or did in FL as of last year.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> MR. VALLIERE may not apply to the Association for reinstatement any sooner than 10 years from the date he first became suspended by the Association on account of his indictment for the crime in question and then only based upon affirmative proof of total rehabilitation, including proof that he has taken steps to reform himself and has performed community service to benefit the welfare of horses. " (boldface added by me) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmmm… Not to be a complete B***C, but donating money could be considered “community service to benefit the welfare of horses” . His ten year review is coming up? This would certainly support his side.

I do not know the man at all, have no idea of his personality or motives, and it is certainly possible that he is doing this out of the kindness of his heart! However it certainly is good timing on his part.

Actually PV DID dabble in QHs for awhile after the suspension…Maybe they found him more unsavory than the HJ community obviously does.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way…

Uncalled for??? Oh I think YOU are mistaken. Uncalled for is PLUGGING IN A HORSE to an electric light bulb socket, AFTER clipping an electric cord to it’s anus and nostril and PLUGGING IT IN!!! Only because YOU suckered someone into paying WAY too much for a horse that failed to “raise” to your expectations, so you needed to save not only YOUR EGO but to defraud the insurance company of money which I by the way am paying for in my policies today!! THAT is uncalled for.
By the way, DENILE is NOT a river in Egypt.

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