Thank you for those fine words.
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Serendipity:
Does anyone else remember a fabulous Jr. (I think) Hunter named Rain Forest that won tons in the early 80s? I was getting out of showing at the time, and woefully “out of the loop”, but I recall a friend telling me that he had unexpectedly died under mysterious circumstances… I just wonder if this horse would fall into that category?
Rain Forest was shot - accidently. There was no “mysterious circumstances” involved. If I recall correctly, the Hunterdon grooms were playing cards in a grooming stall (Lake Placid) and a gun was fired. The horse, in an adjoining stall, was hit. It was a sad time for all.
Rain Forest was a wonderful horse!
A dirty dog is a happy dog.
It is a small, text only ad that says he will donate 50% of his lesson fees toward the support of animals affected by the events of Sept. 11 in NYC.
To appreciate heaven well
'Tis good for a man to have some fifteen minutes of hell.
Will Carleton (1845-1912)
I don’t think the majority of the posters are hiding behind anything.
They list where they live, where they work and meet with other posters all the time.
Take as example your own profile here.
There is an email address and that you are female. But nothing else.
We do have a choice to list what we want, but don’t get so snarky to Kryswyn etc… when they quite freely offer up who the are.
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BronkBusterTX:
WE ALL KNOW the harm he has caused. He will never be forgotten for that. I don’t think any of us should forget. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That is a major point of the thread don’t you think? that we not forget? and that youngsters be made aware of the horrid acts that some commit.
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Weatherford:
…The Junior who owned him was devastated and quit riding, I think, shortly thereafter…
No. Karen <McKelvy> Stone did not “quit riding.”
But I confess to being made profoundly uncomfortable by the ad. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one.
I saw the ad. And at first I was ready to say, yeah he’s a schmuck, shouldn’t have done it, etc. But…
I think he did this add to show that he will support the animals affected by the Sept. 11th disaster. He didn’t say just horses but animals, dogs and cats. Animals that were loved and now don’t have homes. - Its a tiny add and I think he did it to propel more trainers into also sharing their “wealth”. He’s not asking for business, but he might get some. He’s not asking for anything.
I only hope that other trainers will follow in his footsteps.
Paul didn’t mean to get into the trouble he did. He’s not a bad man, he just had a case of bad judgement. I think its about time we forgive him.
I liked what the Chronicle did a couple of years ago - they had a section with the biographies of the murdered horses.
I’ll never forget Rub the Lamp. That horse won everything.
Those people who did that are utter bastards, and I will never forgive them.
PLENTY! I have a “crew” right now at 7plus an hour and they log in NINE yes NINE (3 “kids” times 3hours each)a day to do between 8 and 10 stalls!! Most of that time is spent talking watching each other work fooling around, etc etc. They get FREE lessons, in some cases BOARD, showing, trucking AND a paycheck! NINE HOURS to do 10 stalls??? PLEASE. Try to hire help. I would bet you do not own a barn.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way…
I don’t know who Paul Valliere is, but to spend money to announce your “generosity” to the public is TACKY… about as tacky as asking for cash in lieu of a gift on your wedding invitation.
Did the Goldolphin Stable take out an ad in the DRF to announce they were giving ALL their Breeders’ Cup winnings away? Did Leona Helmsley run an ad in the Times after she pitched in $5 million? (OK, no one likes Leona Helmsley, but she did the right thing.)
“People… they’re so
complicated. I suppose
that’s why I prefer
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mom:
I have no more time for such arrogance as I have seen on this topic by individuals most of whom only know second hand facts and who enjoy anonymously bashing others. No one is for horse killing, for pete’s sake, get it? Just not for this anonymous innuendo from unknown people who have in all likelihood never met the people we’re discussing.
Life must look good from all of your pedestals.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I think we would all be surprised as to who really some of the folks are that post on this bulletin board and who they know. As you will note, my signature is my full name as well as where I live and I also give free access to my email address. Some folks prefer not to do that, and of course, that is their choice. Some would be surprised to know who I know!
I appreciate your situation and respect your honesty in discussing this very delicate issue. I must say I have been reluctant to respond to any of the entries I found on this site until I read yours due to the anger and abrassive content of so many peoples entries. I believe that I am the most qualified person to comment on this subject because of the relationship I and my family have had with him. Certainly we do not condone what he did and believe me nor does he. Yes, people make mistakes in life - this was a major one. My family has known PV for nearly 30 years and he literally changed our lives. I began training at his farm when I was 11 yrs old along with my sisters and my mother. In a short period of time a career in the industry took off for me - it gave me a greater sense of confidence than I had ever known and it sparked an interest in my Father which caused him to become involved in something other than his job and to concentrate on family through this sport. It was a wonderful ride and PV taught me lessons not only in riding but in life. He is an amazing trainer and horseman - proof of that is evident by the success of my sister and I and the success of his other students. Granted, it is very sad and hurtful to know what he has done but don’t think for a moment he doesn’t acknowledge, regret, and pay for his mistakes each day. As far as your horse show is concerned he will do the best job as your judge. In my opinion he is one of the best equitation trainers ever. Certainly I can respect the opinions of all these people who think badly of him but for me, during these unsettling times, I am more apt to forgive.
Hank used to be Horse Watch. He sold Horse Watch to Glen…Glen…
I believe he is retired, now.
‘If ignorance is bliss, why aren’t more people happy?’
HSM, you have a basis for my fears right there in print.
Since it seems as if PV is attempting a paper trail to document his compliance with the circumstances regarding AHSA (I know, USAE) re-instatement, does anyone have any idea what exactly his chances for re-instatement might be, and if denied, would he have grounds for a lawsuit? Personally, if he wanted to do this fine, but it looks too much like taking advantage of a terrible situation to make me comfortable. And to the person who wrote, “Paul didn’t mean to get into the trouble he did.” I beg to differ. He planned it. I think whomever said he didn’t mean to get caught got it right.
I believe the horse was his own.(not that makes it any better)And I was referring to your life lessons comment you made to LCasty that seemed a bit “catty”.Thanks for clearing up where the Nile river is located though, I always wondered…
[This message was edited by leaper3 on Nov. 30, 2001 at 10:59 AM.]
wow – wow
I think one of the problems with our society today is our “ability” to separate a person from his/her actions. How many times have you heard he is really a good person or nice person he just did a bad thing, well we know that the only way to define a person is by his or her actions, bad actions, bad person ? At least until I can get into peoples minds that is how I judge them! Same goes with the idea that if the horrible deed was not directed at you then the person is “OK” in your book…until of course it eventually bites you too. If some parents want to send their kids to him because he is good at what he does and that winning is so important that who cares if he arranged for a killer to kill a horse for the insurance money. Go ahead and don’t be supprised if eventually your kid ends up with the same RESPECT for the animal that enables him to win, or in this case the one that doesn’t win enough. OK getting of my soapbox… and feeling much older than my 24 yrs.
Curious if any of those who qualify for your state Medal finals will refuse to show under PV.
I was tickled to qualify for one of our local association Medal finals this year but I would not show under someone who had been convicted of killing horses for profit.
Sorry, it would take a better person than me to forgive someone like that. And I would NOT in any way contribute to his being compensated for any further work with horses, much less the approbation accorded to the person invited to judge a Finals of any sort.
To appreciate heaven well
'Tis good for a man to have some fifteen minutes of hell.
Will Carleton (1845-1912)