Some of you claim that this man regrets what he did. I seriously doubt that. I fully believe he regrets getting caught . 
To those of you who support him financially, in my opinion, you are condoning his actions and this disgusts me, and so do you. 
This man, and the others (George Lindemann, Barney Ward, etc.) did not make a “mistake”. A mistake is an unintentional consequence of an action that was taken. It was not a mistake that these horses died; that was the [B] intent!!! [/B]. It was deliberate and required a great deal of forethought and planning. And the motivation for this was greed , pure and simple. The well-being of the horse obviously had nothing to do with it; therefore, these people do not qualify as horsemen. 
What really gets my knickers in a knot, is if it weren’t for horses, these people would have been nobodys. It was the talent and trust of these creatures that made these people who they were. It was the association with these “big names” that made these horses worth the money. And because these “big names” claimed they were worth this money, the insurance companies believed them and assigned these high values. Afterall, they were the “experts”,
right? And so, these noble creatures, who made these people look good and thus became “valuable” had to die, because these people were greedy.
And yet people who claim to be horsepeople continue to patronise these bastards, thus condoning their actions. You are rewarding them for what they have done. Why?
Sorry, but there are plenty of other trainers out there with infinitely better credentials. Why not patronise them instead? 
Those horses deserved so much better. They trusted these people with their lives, and look what it got them.
And to whoever said that Paul has given “so much” to the equine community, yeah, right. After what he did, your comment is like saying he is noble for dropping a counterfeit $10 in the Salvation Army basket.
I hope they all burn in Hell…where’s my flame-thrower?
~~Keep your electric eye on me, babe.
Put your ray gun to my head.
Press your space-face close to mine, luv.
Freak out in a moon-age day dream, oh yeah! ~~