Paul Valliere Ad -October 26

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bethe Mounce-Blasienz:

Why did he run the ad in the 1st place? To document something? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

“(New York, NY - June 1997)This is official notice of the following action taken by the Hearing Committee of the American Horse Shows Association following a meeting held on March 12, 1996, in the association’s New York City offices…”

below is just an excerpt from the entire notice:

“MR. VALLIERE may not apply to the Association for reinstatement any sooner than 10 years from the date he first became suspended by the Association on account of his indictment for the crime in question and then only based upon affirmative proof of total rehabilitation, including proof that he has taken steps to reform himself and has performed community service to benefit the welfare of horses.

Any connection do you think?

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after reading my way thru all 10 pages… I would be a WHOLE lot more impressed if PV did some volunteer community service hours in a shelter. Or working with horse rescue. Or rehabing some rescue horses so they could be adopted out. Just went and did it, without asking for a big pat on the back and paying for a big ad so everyone who saw it would know how wonderfully he was contributing…

We all have choices in this world. There are enough really good trainers and judges out there that I see no need to trust myself, my horses, -or if I had them, my kids- with people who think abuse and fraud are acceptable ways to live.

Just my opinion, and my choice of how to live my life.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coreene:
“A gun was fired.” Why do you need a gun while playing cards? How scary, I am sticking to Monopoly from now on.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I’m with you on that one Coreene!


Oh, I think it’s great that he wants to donate money to a good cause! Many, many people have but they did not publish the fact in a magazine along with their phone numbers and their show schedule.


I meet (occasionally) an owner whose very talented horse is ridden by McLain Ward. I like this owner very much. The owner, quite rightly, is very enthusiastic about the rides McLain gives the horse, AND I PERSONALLY ENJOY WATCHING MCLAIN RIDE. SO I get very conflicted when the subject of his dad comes up. Even this owner gets tongue-tied and apologetic when the subject of BW comes up. We both settle for agreeing that what dad did was dispicable but, Gee! didn’t McLain ride well last time! and we move on from there in a hurry…

I ask myself, could I give a horse to McLain? Fortunately, for me the question is moot, TG as I will never own a horse he’d be interested in riding!

I know McLain has been on these boards, and I appreciate that threads like these aggravate old wounds for him. I applaude the successes he has had and wish him the best in the future. What he must live with is surely what the bible means by “the sins of the fathers’ are visited on the sons”.

And thank you, Bumpkin

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

I am not trying to be obtuse, but I am not sure how it is relevant that PV has done kind deeds for his old horse, BronkBuster.

Many of us are not saying that he is a deliberately cruel man, just a greedy one and that his crimes should not be forgotten or excused because he is “such a nice person.”

In this case, my opinion is that what he did overshadows any good qualities that he might have.

Just my opinion of course - everyone is entitled to believe what they like.

Because people who will spend months devouring Consumer Reports and check the Better Business Bureau for complaints before they buy a $350 washing machine will spend six figures on a horse without so much as learning which end the feed goes into.
Amazing when I hear newbies on the circuit raving about this trainer or that when “everybody knows” there are alot of problems and legal entanglements behind them. And that is the problem…not “everybody” does know. Better they read it here then find out the hard way. Truth can be a bitter pill to swallow and so forth.
The other side is the distrust many feel towards the countless BNTs that not only do not engage in illegal activities but refuse to buy or sell with those who do. Most BNTs are well able to admit when they made a mistake with a horse that is not going to work out. Most also are dedicated to finding horses for a decent price that can be resold if they do not work out, not jacking price and commission so sky high they thought there was no other way out. What happened here, overpriced horses that would not sell for a third of the purchase price or insured value. That doomed the horses, rendered them ineligible for a career change.
It is not the decision of a horseman to kill a horse because it did not do what they promised it would.
As has been mentioned, these so called “trainers” had shady reputations well before this happened. I knew some of these names 25 years ago showing western out on the Pacific coast.

From Allergy Valley USA

its time to let that go and move on. Atleast we dont have to look at them @ the ingate.

But I DO think its tacky and utterly tasteless to use a tragedy to promote your business. But then again, we knew he was tacky and tasteless long ago. Ah well… to each their own. If he burns in hell its nobodys fault but his own.

Yeehaw- Formerly RF
COTH BB Resident Cowgirl

"She’s gone country… look at them boots, shes gone country… back to her roots, shes gone country, a new kind of suit… SHES GONE COUNTRY!! HERE SHE COMES!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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and all others having such a problem with people’s opinions on this thread. Don’t read it if you don’t like it!!!

A horse was killed! Some people tend to get extremely upset about things like that and would like to have their say about the person(s) who were involved. You don’t need to know the people directly to have your own opinion. I didn’t know O.J. but I still have an opinion of the entire topic. I also don’t know Susan Smith who killed her own children, but guess what. . .
I still have an opinion about it!!!

AND guess what else?>?> I also have an opinion about PV that I would rather not discuss on this BB because I don’t think I could remain civil about it and choose not to offend anyone because I’d tell it like it is in VERY BLUNT WORDS!!!

that’s all I have to say and I must go and have a smoke because I’m just all worked up. I just think of “what if it had been my horse? The love of my life?” I can’t even imagine how scared that poor horse must have been. He’s in a good place now though. Away from harm and wastes of human skin.


I’m sure it is mentioned in the tread somewhere but, what issue of the COTH had his ad in? I haven’t been able to find it. Have a delay because of the west coast thing.

If you can’t beat 'em, try harder. And God Bless America my home sweet home!

I recall this article written by our Erin, Sentences Hulick.

Does anyone know anything more recent about them?

I remember how I would see their photos in HORSES and wish I had such wonderful horses and ponies to show, and be riding on the East Coast at all the big shows like them.

While I agree with jstr that anyone can put in any kind of ad they like and I could care less, I have to say that I really doubt that PV is hurting for business!

He has years and years of medal winners to his credit. I doubt he needs to advertise at all! And I know that lessons from him still command a good price. I’m sure he still has more people who want to lesson with him than he has time, at least this is my perception.

Weatherford, I think I’m missing something or misunderstanding something in your post. Though that’s not unusual – I have plenty of trouble trying to understand the whys and hows in the thinking and the acts of the people behind these events.

Why would the trainer have the horse killed if not for the insurance money, and how could the trainer collect on the insurance if he/she didn’t own the horse? Was your friend just leasing? I’m not at all saying your friend was in on it – just trying to understand the scenario.

Lisa said, “He is an amazing trainer and horseman…”

He may very well be an amazing trainer, but a horseman he is not. A horseman’s first concern is for the horse and its well being, before all else. He lost the right to that designation.

I think that is the point that many of us are trying to make here. Whatever he has done for you personally does not make up for what he did to the horses.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Midge:
Hank used to be Horse Watch. He sold Horse Watch to Glen…Glen…


Glenn Geary


Member of Digruntled College Students Not-so Anonymous

“Date equestrians, the rest are just players” Haha…suuuuuure!

Ride like a champ!

in that case, you’re right. There is definately some egotistical “look at what a wonderful good person I am” in there-- but you won’t find a trainer in the world that isn’t egotisitcal . I though you were questioning his right to place the ad given his reputation…i’m slow

charter memeber, Thread Killers Anonymous
(yes, this means you should yell at me when my posts are too long, and bump threads that I kill)

"People come and go in this Forest, and they say, ‘It’s only Eeyore, so it doesn’t count.’ They walk to and fro saying ‘Ha Ha!’. BUMP MY POSTS!!!

More not just in the sand.

OK call me REALLY neieve, but I wasn’t into horses when this all happened. Anyways I knew it had happened and knew Barney Ward had some part in it.

I think that what these men (if you can call them that) is HORRIBLE and it should not be forgotten. I do not know how someone can knowingly take lessons with someone who has did these horrible things to horses for his own benefit!

I think it is a shame when people say McLain is no good because of what his dad did. I do not think that is true at all. His dad is a shame, not son. Sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree. In my opinion (and let’s hope) this has happened.

I honestly couldn’t imagine doing something this disgusting to an animal that cannot fight that I have devoted my whole life to, just for money! If these horses were so amazing (which I assume they were) and you wanted money, why didn’t you just sell them?

That’s all.


“Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven.”


The reason that this type of ad would be published, i.e. announcing that half of the proceeds from lessons would go to charity, is to increase the proceeds and therefore increase the contribution to charity. There are people who might decide to take lessons from a particular person, or perhaps to pay higher than usual fees per lesson, so that their fees will also go to a good cause. Why else would consumer goods producers advertise on TV that a portion of the proceeds from the sale of particular brands of yogurt, or running shoes or anything will be donated to charity/