PETA panties are wadded *originally re: docked tails on horses, train sidetracked & is now discussing dogs šŸ˜Ž

That bolded is the sticky point, no, a shock doesnā€™t has to hurt, some times you get shocked on a hot fence and barely feel it, others it knocks you down.
Ever use a TENS device for your back?
It shocks you intermittently, you feel it but it doesnā€™t really hurt.
E-collars properly used, as per those that have studied them and used them, can be set at any level, donā€™t forget that.


Again - it would not work if it didnā€™t hurt. These dogs are VERY driven. If a shout doesnā€™t work, then a ā€œtap on the shoulderā€ wonā€™t either. Calling it ā€œstimulationā€ or a ā€œtapā€ is easy when the dog canā€™t talk, or tell you to take the thing off.

Every time Iā€™ve touched an electric fence, it hurts. I try my best to not touch them, ever. I would feel pretty awful having one strapped around my neck, or on my belly. TENS machines hurt, too - maybe not you, but they do me.

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For hunting dogs - How many of these people force break their dogs? What makes you think they give a damn about causing pain on a shock collar when they have no problem with the force breaking process? Are we going to pretend that force breaking isnā€™t painful, too?

In what way?

You can train a horse in many similar ways, but obviously training under saddle it isnā€™t very easy to train using R+. But my point is exactly that - there is nothing wrong with R- for horses OR for dogs.

As for docking - I agree that if chopping off a part of a kid is allowable, we shouldnā€™t draw the line on dog tails.

So, no, I am not an dog training expert. I have watched several times NAVHDA dog training sessions - I have witnessed some relatively harsh snaps w/ check cords. I have not seen shock collars used but Iā€™ve only watched puppy training (<15 months).

We have a very soft dog. He does have a e-collar he wears when he decides he knows better than his ā€œshooterā€ - the one who shoots the birds for him; yes, he gets annoyed when there are too many hens or his shooter misses. he may have been ā€œshockedā€ on the mild setting once or twice; he usually getā€™s beeped. He is a super-smart dog.

He was not trained harshly - ever - a loud voice is harsh to him. I only bring this up because a certain poster talks like hunters are out there shocking the crap out of their dogs. Well, we have cows. And therefore we have cow fencing. One time out doing a training session, the dog ran into the cow fence. He howled and bolted back to the house. DH found him shivering by the back door of the house. He would not go back to that field for a couple of MONTHS. IF he was shocked for training, there is NO WAY heā€™d be the absolutely die-hard, outstanding hunter that he is. he would have been broken - straight up.

Not all of them. But thereā€™s a pretty high percentage. Especially those who have some desire to train on a time-frame. This can be either pros or ammys.

It sounds like you donā€™t over use yours. It also sounds like your dog isnā€™t solid on the whoa command. They all get pissed when thereā€™s too many hens or the birds are running or the shooter missed for the nth time. Theyā€™re dogs, not robots. I donā€™t mind seeing their frustration at those times - it honestly makes me laugh. An extra ā€˜whoaā€™ is all thatā€™s needed in those situationsā€¦ if your dog doesnā€™t respect whoa then thereā€™s other issues there.

What is your hang up with circumcision? Because people are allowed to maim their kids, we should also be allowed to maim dogs? Should we stop them both, absolutely. But saying because one exists there is no point in trying to eradicate the other practice is simply ridiculous.


Itā€™s not that I want to justify circumcision. Iā€™m simply calling out hypocrisy if we are outraged about dog tails but not baby penises.

Maybe a less controversial issue is ear piercing a baby. If thatā€™s ok but not tail docking, why?

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Who here is saying either of those are okay?


Oh, yes, I forgot those collars also have a beep to get the dogā€™s attention or break his single minded overdrive they fall into at times.
Maybe that is what our herding friend used, whatever he used, the dog didnā€™t seem to be bothered at all, just regained focus on working, not just standing there staring if he had been whistling to move on to the stock, or turn right, one example.

There is always so much more to what we donā€™t quite know in detail, is it.


Iā€™ve never seen a thread about how circumcision should be banned because itā€™s cruel, and only for cosmetic or traditional reasons. Itā€™s the exact argument being made here about dogs, with lots of support. And, my guess is, support from people who elected to have their own children circumcised, although no one has actually said so.

The issue about docking a horseā€™s tail is similar. I donā€™t know how likely it is that a horse would suffer a serious tail injury- but that has to be considered. Which is worseā€¦and how likely?

reallyā€¦ you have no idea about my dog. or the hunters DH hunts and trains dogs with. He didnā€™t go chasing after flying birds. There are more than one way for a dog to show his annoyance. A look will do. may be you didnā€™t know that.

But thanks SO MUCH for your expert advice.


Are youā€¦ are you saying that you shocked your dog because he gave you an annoyed look?

Can you explain to me how your dog showed so much annoyance at an event that was supposed to be fun for him, that you felt the need to shock him to make him stop?

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This time itā€™s over the Budweiser Clydeā€™s docked tails

just this last Sunday one of the Budweiser hitches got tangled up at the San Antonio Stock Show, one horse fell to the ground which took about ten minutes to untangle

of course PETA responded


Lord have mercy, that was quite the wreck. Hope the horse is ok, he really did struggle to get his hind end back underneath him for several tries.

I can not tell but it is possible some of the harness was under his feet, once they got all of the harness off he was able to stand and did not appear to have any problems walking off

They were careful to remove the harness which I do not blame them as one really does not want to get the knife out to starting cutting the harness away


Maybe because this isnā€™t a parenting forum?


OMG no. Quit conflating what people say, please. An annoyed look is communication, not a reason for punishment. I never ever said he was shocked or punished for being annoyed.


And - our dogs have proven that it is NOT NECESSARY in creating finished hunting dogs. So anyone using one on a dog <2 years old is interested in one thing - speed. The horse world (generally) knows how long training takes. The dog world is racing to see who can nab ā€œyoungest master hunter titleā€, and zapping dogs for making mistakes on birds.

I havenā€™t read any thing after this one, but I use an ecollar on my dog and she is under 2 years. Its not used to speed things up, but to save her life. It has worked amazing for her and has not only saved her life (from running after birds to and on the road) , it has saved me thousands of dollars on buying an invisible fence, as I live on a farm with 600ft footage along a very, very busy road. I was quoted over $3000 for just a loop of invisible fence but spoke with a dog trainer and decided on a decent $300 unit when she was 7 months old, and it has worked wonders when she is in mid chase. I donā€™t really use it for anything else (though had it on her while she was in heat the other month and we have a very active coyote population, and I have no idea if she would chase one if she saw one) and she can be a dog and chase as many things as she would like along the back with no worries.

In my case, I also 95% of the time just use the vibrate to break her concentration (and yes, I tried all settings on my wrist before I even put it on my dog. This collar has 100 settings so a very wide range and a vibrate button as well). We trained on a leash in the house for a week so she understood the concept and then worked on it outside in a quiet area, then in busy areas.


Then when DID you use it? Itā€™s not my fault you arenā€™t being clear.