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Ponies of the 80's and early 90's

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by olivia77:
I had him. This is Olivia Pirovano. I bought him from Missy Auchinclaus from VA and had him towards the end of his green years (he was 2 /3 in the country, can’t remember) then sold him to Cullen who had him for ages. He was so different back then - when I bought him he was a gorgeous dark gray. He lost his dapples as he got older but he was always such a trucker, jumped every jump the same and never stopped.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
He has lost his dapples now, but still jumps every jump the same, and never stops. Let me get some pictures for you all:
Lake Placid 2003
Lake Placid 2003 again

Wilbur and Cullen (1990’s?)http://www.geocities.com/theridingring/Wilbur_Cullen.JPG


So you know Sara?? Did you ever ride her??

millbrooks serendipity. barn name sara. hey do i know the poster of this pony? what about spark plug?

Does anyone know anything about Glennant Harvest? I used to ride him and I want to know more about him when he was younger. I heard he was an awesome pony. This is Harvey and I in a lesson in about 1995.



there was an ad in the Chronicle a while back for Captain Hook from owners the Lindners(I think). I think it was because he died.

I hope in 10 years everyone will be saying, “what ever happened to Woodlands Master Plan?”(my large) haha, that’d be cool!

Lily- it’s good to be back! I don’t know how to check private topics!!

Charlotte- my older sister rode with him during that time long ago (I can’t tell you how scary it is that it was so many years ago now… makes me feel very old!) and I tagged along for a bit. Email me if you like.

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Brittany Boccio (Long Island) had pocket rocket for a while and did him in short stirrup thru the regulars. Ed Horowitz then had it, for his youngest daughter I presume, I’m not sure if they still have him…

‘wise men listen and laugh while fools talk’ -50 cent

‘my dreams are tied- to a horse that will never tire’ -sting

Cinderella’s Coach (aka Dottie) was started by one of my dearest friends Missy Green. We had matching large ponies together (mine ended up in CA after I sold her ) Dottie is now at McDonogh School and Missy is hoping Street will let her come to her Mom’s farm when she is fully retired to live out her the rest of her life where she started. Great pony!!!

“I’ll lean on you and you lean on me and we’ll be okay”

  • Dave Matthews

“We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.”

  • Tim McGraw

Has anyone mentioned yet that Katherine Miracle owned Dreamboat before the Lindners did!?

formerly Emily A My karma ran over your dogma.

Mickey, You have stirred up so many memories! Few of them pleasant.

Just kidding!

Here are some ponies that may have already been mentioned (haven’t read this thread in a while) that Mickey forced me to remember!

Dance on Ice–Alisson Firestone, Kendra Bullington

Liseter Flying Day–Melissa Jane Ferro
Just A Star–MJF

Bayfields Cinnabar
Old Fasioned
Private Eye
Farnley Sun Lilly-Katherine Miracle
Silver Tide–Katherine Miracle?

Also, anyone know what happened to some of my old friends:

Pippen’s Storybook
Silver Spoon (The small, not the large)
Zim’s on Parade
Farnley Winston
Brownland’s March On

Ryan do you remember Cinderella’s Coach, she was probably at pam’s around 94/95 ?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YeOldeUsername:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Molly99:

Interesting, because according to USA Equestrian the pony is 13.2.

no need to get snappy, this is what i had been told

-slow down, you move too fast
you’ve got to make the morning last-<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I wasn’t being snappy. Just pointing out the current height according to USA Equestrian.

Sorry if I hit a nerve.

ryan you had indiana jones right?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cinderella:

Call Me Monday
Hilary Mcnerny (SP??) rode her i believe…

“It is the difficult horses that have the most to give you.”

G.A. Barnes<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes she is one of the many many people that the pony was leased out too. Kelly Kozich still owners her. She rides with Mindy and Mindy leases out all her kids out grown ponies!


and he who is free of sin…shall cast the first stone.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by charlotte:
My sister has Bugle Boy now. He is a grey medium, used to have dapples, about 13.1, and about 20 years old. Cute mover, very good jumper. Cullen Latimer used to have him, and he is in Judy Richter’s book (Pony Talk? That might be what it’s called), pictured as “Cullen’s new medium” and then something about her getting jumped a bit loose. We bought him from the Leones. Peter (Jr.) had been showing him, but outgrew him. I think they may have leased him out to Faye Keegan a few years ago. Callie Leone also showed him in the medium ponies a couple of times. Anyone know who else had him over the years, between Cullen and the Leones?


I had him. This is Olivia Pirovano. I bought him from Missy Auchinclaus from VA and had him towards the end of his green years (he was 2 /3 in the country, can’t remember) then sold him to Cullen who had him for ages. He was so different back then - when I bought him he was a gorgeous dark gray. He lost his dapples as he got older but he was always such a trucker, jumped every jump the same and never stopped.

yeah, paige still has for kid’s sake. she was a great pony. i got to show her a few times if paige couldn’t make it to the shows. teddi had her before paige, when she rode with jack. paige also had midget’s lad and magical cloud.
hey, what happened to woodland’s super cloud? that was a nice pony. jonathan phillips had him when i knew him, but that was a while ago. is he still around?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hjchik:
He showed in the Children’s Pony’s down in Ocala with a little boy. He is currently at the Schaeffer’s Barn. They ended up doing really well down in Florida.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think thats just “Dabble Do Ya.”

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it.hhhh
^Whispering Hill^
^You’ve Got Mail^

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sbt78lw:
For Kids Sake…didn’t Paige Johnson ride him?


Paige still has For Kid’s Sake. She (the pony, not Paige) is retired and has had at least one foal.

Still no one who knows what eventually happened to my large Bugle Boy, barn name Bentley? I sold him to a customer of Rolling Acres, and he was later sold by them out of Jay Matter’s barn, but then I lost him. I’ll attach a picture.


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lily:
Didn’t Eliza Lane ride Bugle Boy after Cullen?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I completely forgot about Eliza. Stupid me, I knew she rode him, because she was riding at Heritage then!
