The 4’ regular conformation division that Popeye shows in is generally small, but at the larger shows is very competitive in talent. It is unfortunate that the division has lost popularity in the last decade. However, at many shows it is combined with the green conformation division, so Popeye has the opportunity to compete against different horses and a larger field. He’s also consistently the top or close to the top scorer for the show at the WCHR shows, out of all the divisions. The majority of competitors will tell you that he is one of the best, if not the best, horse showing at the shows right now, regardless of division. To that purpose, it’s really his rounds that matter more than his record on paper, so while it would be nice to see him show in a larger division, it doesn’t have any effect on his reputation within the discipline. The 4’ working division is generally as small if not smaller, and Popeye is the model winner, so doing the regular conformation is really the best option for him.[/QUOTE]
Also, as Chanda mentioned, before hunters get to the 4’ foot division (either working or confirmation) they compete in the Green Confirmations or 1st Year Hunter at 3’6" and 2nd Year Hunter at 3’9". The 3’6" and 3’9" divisions that the Working horses do on their way up to the Workings can be quite large (except for some of the top shows, like Devon, where only the top X qualify/ are invited). Many many horses that start out in these professional divisions stop before they get to the 4’ Workings and become A/O horses (and stay at 3’6") - some because the price is right but many because while they may do very well at 3’6", it takes a very special horse to make 4’ look effortless. While the Working divisions aren’t huge, they are, especially at the big shows, the absolute best of the best for hunters.