Question for Canter

In a word, Jamie Lynn, NO! We really should get the kids together - they’d probably cancel each other out.

My ‘brilliant’ three-year-old Sumo and I were arguing yesterday, he tried to bite his brother, and in utter rage, he walked up to me, glared at me and declared, “and you can’t even drive!” Has also memorized my parents’ telephone number and calls them at will and whim and orders them to “pick me up right now, I don’t like mommy anymore”.

Ironically, though, everyone outside the family thinks he’s an angel - well-behaved, considerate, amusing, charming, and not the least bit satanic.
How I hate the terrorizing threes - aka When Satan Comes for a Three Year Visit. Once they’re approx. six, though, they do start to resemble reasonable human beings. Sorta like with horses.

Jumpthemoon - are you mocking me with that joke? I may not be blonde but boy have I had those blonde moments riding.

call them woodchucks!!!LOL

Canter, you are still so much on the ball for a senior citizen - BTW, can you come with me to Shopper’s Drug Mart on Tuesday so I can enjoy the benefit of your senior’s discount? Even at 50, I remain 11 years younger than you, so .

Juno update kids: Bruce Cockburn is being awarded some sort of lifetime achievement award – a fact that’s even horsey related. Anyone else recall Bruce’s days showing hunters?

My bad-kid confession (besides setting someone afire but I was married by then so it doesn’t count): I have dated every straight hairdresser in Toronto. Oh, and there was a poker game in Cannes years ago…all’s I’ll say is that I’ve seen the most powerful men in Canadian showbiz nekkid.

I knew the two left chaps would give it away. I am gefiltefish, but who knows who or what I’ll be next.

Has anyone else noted that we’re only three pages from overtaking the CA Clique? Let’s agree now that rather than a wake, we’ll just sulk away like the polite Canadians that we are, never to be seen or heard from again - but proud in the knowledge that a 2-4 of Blue is always victorious over feng shui and wine from a box.

yummm timbits

I’m in the process of getting my collar embroydered (sp?) after showing with it bare last year I decided it was time And I just realized that if I put my initials on it it’s going to say “JAM”, I never thought of it before Anyone else have cool initials or neat things on your collar?

Tin, sometimes the only way to ever determine what you want to do is by determining what you DON’T want to do. Unfortunately, the marketplace is becoming more competitive and it’s hard to break into a profession if you lack experience and/or an education.

For a decade I was a suit in the entertainment industry - in both animation and live action. I’ve also dabbled with advertising and in the fashion industry. My entry into the entertainment industry was completely accidental. I have a B.A. in english and women’s studies and otherwise completely unemployable in any other industry.

Loved the pace of the industry, hated the politics. I’ve been a SAHM for three years but am planning to return shortly to the workforce - doing what, haven’t a clue. Again, I’ve determined, after a decade in the industry, what I DON’T want to do.

Hans is a software engineer - no degree, barely finished grade 12; unusually lucky in that he has a natural aptitude and started at an opportune time (15 years ago). He’s one of the lucky few who are passionate about their jobs. He’s rather ‘ministerial’ in that he answered a calling of sorts. He is, though, exceedingly busy and facing IPO deadlines so under tremendous stress.

I would encourage you Tin to remain in school; I do believe in the value of education for the sake of an education - I think it’s often confusing and frustrating to expect that you’ll determine, by virtue of a field of study, what you’ll do for the rest of your life.

Study something which interests you, make the commitment to an education, and be open to opportunities as they arise.

Good luck with the counsellors and your parents.

Silly Mommy> Can you post pictures of Mandarin sometime again? (If you have not figured it out already, I have a major picture ‘addiction’ )

NGM, I have been trying to figure out that riddle for months but everyone I know can’t seem to figure it out. I am sick of thinking about it but i want to know what it is! Will you please e-mail me ( and tell me the answer!

now, if I can just work on my husband for the ear baubles!
LCR Scott (I got all goosebumps when you said the word Tw****** ) On a better, more positive note, which was your mare? I would definitely remember!
Tin, I have an absolutely gorgeous, huge, beautiful (love her) 2 year old AFR filly, and 2 huge, beautiful Holsteiner 2 yr olds out of AFR sisters. They are all stunning, immense movers, natural jumpers (all have jumped out of 5ft 4 board paddocks) and at least one of them has to be sold (preferably one of the Holsteiners… I’m just a little too old and a little too small for these girls)…I also have 2 AFR yearling fillies, (looking more like hairy yaks or yettis right now than horses) and am waiting for 2 more foals to be born. It’s a full house!

[This message was edited by Fred on Mar. 28, 2001 at 07:19 AM.]

dear sweet grey mare
picked me out from your herd
make my decision hard

So it’s not haiku… what do you call a 4-6-6 poem??

Here think about this:

chestnut filly
with not great legs
why move you so well?

seems to me
your legs are weak
yet float you o’er swell

upright pasterns,
a club foot too
do I dare choose you??

True poem. Please treat as riddle and give me an answer!!

have a pig-roast…

I used to live way up in the Adirondacks and that’s what they did there as far as havin a really big party.

Most of the people attending didn’t have all of their teeth, and brought jugs of wine with screw-tops, and probably didn’t use deodorant enough–but they were really nice people…

Who’s bringing the keg of “Blue”?

Which “pig” will we roast?

Whose bringing the “horse-dourves”?

We have power for the grill, who has a spatula to work that (for those non-pork eaters?)

Well it looks like I have been invited to go to Millarsville, AB mins from the SM show grounds for an event that is the same time as the June Spruce Meadows.
Nothing in stone yet though.
My daughter is 12 going on 16;)
I have to keep her focused on the Horses, just like my mother did haha.

What an AMAZING thread It’s got everything including wonderful jokes!!

Does anyone even remember how this thing started?

The Waltons! Man that brings back memories! When I was all the age of 15 (?) we went to cd warehouse because the Waltons were going to be promoting their cd. We got all their autographs and I thought they were the best thing coming! I even had one sign my shoe!
I remeber sitting cross legged on the warehouse store thinking ho cute one of the guys were and that of course he was sing jst to me! LOL!!!

Thanks for the memories Worthy!

I didn’t get to see the Juno’s did OLP (Our Lady Peace), or Edwin get anything?

Tin> My guess is that the mare will pop on Friday the 9th. (It’s a full moon) I think that I am more anxious than you are!

Say it ain’t so! Don’t let it die! Too many PITAs and near-PITAs on you know where to have intelligent conversations!!
Heidi- tht kid- was his dad opening a franchise or something? What a wierdo?! Or gee, is it politically polite to still say things like that?? Did he spill the franchise $$ on Timmy’s? a cool 2Mil. Yea-huh.
OK well I wan’t going to tell, but for the sake of the thread, I have my sights set on a new horsie for me.
She is 16~16.1 and has an inch or two left in her, 4 or 5 or 6 (the breeder can’t seem to remember he is a dear but rather older gentleman retired Dr.)
Bred for showjumping, but I won’t tell what breed in case we play the what-breed-is-this game.
We had her half brother in the barn for a long while.
Orangey chestnut with the dark liver mane and tail- just like Moody!!! And a dorsal stripe, can you get over it? So cute. And a long wide stripe (but not blaze), but the edges are fuzzy, with white hairs in the chestnut.
HUGE head, but very thin, has to gain a good 200# of groceries or more, (he underfeeds them which is fine by me as she could have grown way to fast otherwise) great movement and seems really athletic. Small ears and a small short mouth makes her kinda ugly but endearing, but she looks class all the way.
Very very very green broke (gee, I nearly thought I broke her there!) but so quiet and willing.
Hubby goes out to see her with me tomorrow.
OK, so not so exciting as all the darling foals that are popping up everywhere, but I am SO stoked… this will be my first personal horse since Moody, and only my third ever!

Boogers!!! I had a lovely statement about being an environmental engineer, and a fecology oriented biochemist, and I lost it!!! I’ll post more later.

Silly Mommy, he’s adorable! I love the looong legs, and he’s a really nice colour too. Got a cute name, hee hee, Drew P. Ear! Are you registering him as that, or is it just a joke?

Ouch heidi, do you think our mare would like a leg wax before having her baby? We’d need ALOT of wax!

I must say that we do have a LONG way to go on this thread yet. Maybe we should aim for short term goals like… 5 pages? That’s very doable! Then when we hit 5 pages, we can aim for 10 and so on.

2 more pages to go! Yay!! does wave

chinese food is not sitting well tonight, maybe I shouldn’t have had that 5th plate at the buffet