Question for Canter

Ahh, might as well just resign ourselves to the fact we will no longer hold our title. We are being dethroned :frowning:

to the California Clique.

How many posts did you get from international jetsetting members whose devotion to your cause was such that they took the time to post in the middle of a desert???

I think we should get a credit of 5 pages at least for MAZā€™s post.

I believe it is calledā€¦DISGUSTING!!

Stupidest thing I ever saw a horse do was today, the horse was turned out in the court yard for some fresh air (horse has hurt stifle). For some reason horse got excited and tried to jump over a BIG manure pile (oh about 5ā€™ high and at least 7ā€™ wide) and of course didnā€™t make it, so she was caught up in the pile until she took a second leap which got her.

Second stupidest thing was when a mare licked a metal pole (which was thought to be out of reach) and was stuck there, at least she has the brains to wait (snorting the whole time) and not pull her tongue off

Palisades, just for the record, we are less fattening than chocolate.

Ya know BossHoss, I canā€™t read Carol Shields either; Margaret Atwoodā€™s getting too wonky for me. Used to get thrilled on the U of T campus whenever Robertson Davies would wander by on Bloor. Talk about a regal sage! Rohinton Mistry is wonderful, BTW.

JumpTheMoon, Iā€™m gonna get my almost-adopted daughter Palisades to beat you up.

Diane - thatā€™s so sad! But your story goes to show the importance of PetNeting your dog. If it wasnā€™t for the microchip you may never have found out what happened.

Okay who pissed off Infopop?


Donā€™t feel bad about the driving school thingā€¦I couldā€™ve been licensed before graduated licensing, but didnā€™t have the thirty bucks at the time soā€¦here I am, 23, and I took the four day crash course driving in-class thing over the Christmas break. (Mmmm, hanging around with 29 16-year-old gum chewersā€¦was I ever like that? J/K!!!)

The pathetic thing about me is I actually own a carā€¦but I make my husband chauffeur. I think every year that goes by, I get more scared of being on the road. (And more scared for othersā€¦) Oh well. My test is on the 29th, and I have a lot of practising to doā€¦

Have you watched any of the Goofy movies yet?

offcourse> what do you do for a living? I assume you teach ecology? What does ā€œecologyā€ involve in the job market?

Come on you guys!!! Only two stinking pages to go!! We need helppppppppppppppppp.

Poor MissD . Get lots of rest, your memory will return. Are you throwing up? If so, drinks lots of fluids, nothing sweet though.

My 10-year-old suffered a concussion last year when she was bucked off a pony and hereā€™s what Iā€™ve discovered about concussions: you donā€™t need to hit your head to suffer a concussion, concussions, in fact, travel up the spine; secondly, whence concussed and all inhibitions and social decorum lost, mini-Heidi can swear like a sailor.

Hans has broken ribs and suffered concussions. Iā€™ve only had the wind knocked out of me; I usually land on my feet. Worse accidents? A friend of ours was riding a young greenie who put on the brakes very deep into a vertical. She was pitched off and landed teeth first on the jump.

blink_182, yes, darling, I got tired of being slammed on a regular basis on the other board. You can come hang out with me on this board anyday though.

BTW, I have the MENSA slumber partiers working on the riddle - winner to be awarded $20. You see the lengths I go to for you people?

OMG, like heidi! Like that is so gross! I would rather, like, ride an ugly donkey given to me as a cheap b-day present (instead of that lovely horse ā€“ who do you think you are? ) than like, eat tofu for more than one meal. Do you want me to like starve to death. Actually I had it once where it was really good. It was some sort of tofu pudding/jello and it was so good. And another time where it was Caramel tofu. Yummmmm!!

I hereby sentence you to a lifetime of eating penguin salad any way I wish to prepare it. Yep that include licked by the pup after heā€™s indulged in his favorite horsie poo treat. It also includes using manure as salad dressing. Wanna take this outside? LOL. MUAH! xoxox love ya munchkin haha!

Lizzie, the horse that I covet, Kasjmien, is a paint DWB. In appreciation of all of my tireless efforts to give you a boost on your trek down that matrimonial road, perhaps youā€™d like to buy it for me.

Poor deluded Canter disclosed:

ā€œI hear Heidi runs a dominatrix service for male grand prix riders. True or false?ā€

Canter, did your husband come home with a tell-tale bruise last night?

stupid horse story happened yesterday, and I already posted it, but for those who didnā€™t see itā€¦

Iā€™m leaving the house to pick up beast-chilsd from school, and there is someone knocking frantically on my door. When that happens, thereā€™s usually a loose horseā€¦ She told me I had a ā€œstuckā€ horse. Iā€™m thinking that some idiot rolled, and got cast under the fence, but NOOOOOOOO!!!

I walk out and the idiot had gotten his turnout rug hooked on a maple tree, and had proceeded to pull it off over his head (removing halter as well), and had the leg-straps giving him a wedgie!!!

Guess heā€™s never worn a thong!!!

Umm, just for that perv comment Tin, I wrote some new campaign slogans for you:

-Commit a sin? Vote for Tin!
-You wanna win? Donā€™t vote for Tin.
-Looking in the sale bin? OMG, itā€™s Tin!
-Hate your kin? Egads, adopt Tin.

BTW, adult reading? Reccomend Erica Jongā€™s ā€œFear of Flyingā€; Anais Ninā€™s also had her ā€˜momentsā€™.

Bertins is up for sale. Itā€™s going to be wall to wall townhouses from Hamilton to Toronto. Iā€™ve never ridden there <G>, but I know some people who have. Itā€™s too bad though, it was nice to drive by and see green space & horses, instead of houses.

who is Bruce Cockburn?

Here we go- many last minute suggestion boyā€™s ā€˜gā€™ names: Gallagher, Galvin, Gannonn, Gardner, Garfield, Garrett, Garth, Garvey, Garvin, Garwood, Gary, Gaspar, Gaston, Gene, Geno, George, Gerald, Gregory, Gervase, Gifford, Gilbert, Gilmore, Giovanni, Gladwin, Glen, Glendon, Gonzalo, Gordon, Graham, Grant, Greg, Gregory, Griffin(Griffy), Grover, Gunther, Gustave, and Gambler.
Do you have any clue whether itā€™s gonna be a boy or girl? You canā€™t leave me in total suspense!