Question for Canter

In our small town we have 4 Starbucks within 4 blocks of each other!
And I don’t know how many other little coffee places in between!
And I noticed that there is not a single place other than the Tack Shop to purchase yarn!!!

Waiting for them to come home; impatient for them to leave again…

After a straight and unrelenting month at home, I have been known to instruct, “Can you please go somewhere!?!”

At Hans’ Christmas party, one of the dates was employed by my former company, Alliance Atlantis, she commented that, “you know, everyone who gets out of the industry always seem among the happiest people I know”.

The Industry always seems so wonderfully glamorous to those ‘on the outside’. Truth would probably shock them.

and a lot of our snow has gone, but i fear some more cold weather is on the way…just in time for Brandon, lol!

Silly Mom, Mandate is an inspired name, i love it.

Listen up all:

It is a common practice in riddles to throw in a unrelated sentence or a misleading statement to confuse the person solving the riddle.

If you read the riddle again you may notice that the first two sentences are the only ones referring to “gry”. It never asks or implies that there is a third “gry” word.

So… If you re-read it without the first two sentences it is alot easier to solve.

There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is."

Picture the sentence if formatted correctly.
There are only three words in “The English Language”.

What is the third word? The third word in “The English Language” is LANGUAGE.

Think I may have to overthrow jumpsalot and claim that saint’s halo for myself.

Tin, you can just throw that tenner in the mail.

Our Stamina isn’t running out, right guys? Come on, I was hoping to make ten pages before dark!!!

But, boy, was he overpriced! I don’t even feel good about going in and giving an offer, as it would be so under what they were asking. I mean, we ARE talking paint cross TB here… with no potential for the western events,and the popular trend here is not towards paint/TB OR coloured horses…
But I thought he was cute…

just remembered, we’ll need a slogan…

How bout “Don’t let our country flop, vote for ClipClop”

Not catchy enough?

how bout the cheapest/best investment???

$50 pony—

And the the one that was “free”-- I bred/foaled/raised her, and this picture is 3 yrs old–you should see her now!!!

[This message was edited by Jaime Lynn on Mar. 01, 2001 at 12:30 AM.]

One of my dearest friends is Toronto bred and lived there for most of her life.
I went back there a few years ago for a week and saw one of those, mansion stables.
Pretty impressive.

Sure we have them to, but how can you resist a chiseled buff man in a uniform on a horse? Impossible! Plus the more the merrier

We don’t need ALL of them back, one each should be sufficient

I’m with Heidi on the lease issue. I might consider leasing in-barn, but that would be all. Mind you, I seem to have a problem selling horses and am reaching collector status! I have one horse right now who is “for sale”, but whom I will probably never sell. ideally, I will be able to “lease” (using that term lightly) to someone to show while keeping him with me at my barn. By lease I mean, I want someone to show him and give him a job- I don’t want to let him go.

OMG is it morning yet???

Thank you Tin!

Fred, that is the singlemost, toughest thing about being in the breeding business. It’s the part I hate the most. Be strong.

Those CA clique people are just checking in to see how Tin’s baby is doing, but are too busy to reply due to the fact that ther is a wake going on.

Last one!

think this is bad? wait till I have kids of my own! LOL!

heidi, doubletake, I shall forever worship you!!! A load of my chest!! I think we were all hanging around for that!!!

Hey WR!! That is awful about the car accident, so glad your doing ok. Wasn’t your back kind of bad before??

Its really good to see you again!! What are you selling??

Looking for a wb eh? Going to do h/j with it?? If you’re interested we have a super nice big tb here. 16.3, jumps beautifully.

Now that I’m sitting here thinking, weren’t you going to go to Texas or somewhere south? Hmmm, I don’t quite remember.

Anyways my lunch has arrived pats bf on the head hehe ( :
Talk to you soon!!

I don’t have anything useful to add, except to do my Nationalistic part, I’ve just consumed almost all, well, o.k., all of a Snack Pack of Timbits (no sour cream).

Aren’t you impressed with this great sacrifice I’ve made in the name of pride and honour?

Keepin’ it kickin’, eh.


Want a day off Friday? Vote for Heidi!

Believe me Heidi, you wouldn’t want to walk in them. Size 8 or 10.

[This message was edited by Canter on Feb. 27, 2001 at 09:44 PM.]

Mare Update-

Well I watched her all last night (I’m exhausted) and she was normal miss. mare with nothing out of the ordinary.
This morning my sister checked her before going to work and she still has a little bit of a discharge and her bag is a little bigger but either than that nothing. When putting her outside, miss. mare ran down to the round bale, chased her friends away took one bit and the ran back up to the gate insisting on being brought in. This is odd for her because she hates to be inside. So she’s inside now, being watched and I’ll check her when I go teach (about 30 mins).

Vet still thinks urinary tract infection, Jamie Lynn has helped us out alot and as I type, my sister is talking to a very knowledgable breed to get her thoughts on the matter and maybe have her come out and take a look.

laugh as it turns out we just got an e-mail form a friend of ours saying that their pony who they’ve been showing up till now, had an unexpected baby on wednesday! She sent us a picture and it’s adorable!! The kids are extatic!

Oh my gosh, MissD! I am so sorry for your losses. Being a dog owner and a very big animal lover, I can’t believe that the driver didn’t stop. MissD, you made be cry! I am so sorry and don’t worry, you’ll see them again someday. My thoughts go out to you and your family and your beloved dogs. sending virtual hugs to you