Question for Canter

doubletake> nope golf is saved for when I’m actually IN class I wonder why I don’t get my assignments done in class…unsolved mystery huh?

I thought you would have spiraled down into thong discussions by now. Or was that 14 pages ago?

yawn We be done with the Mounties. We’ve sent them back across the border in a Winnebago with a Disneyland bumper sticker and a mini-fridge full of avocadoes, Ghiradelli chocolate and Sunkist oranges. Our little gift from the golden state.

By the way, David Hasselhoff says you Canadians treated him pretty well. What’s all this talk about “Tundra Watch”, though? Really, a show about buff reindeer herders in Saskatchewan?

Dearest Tin> I don’t mean to sound ‘greedy’, but can you take more pictures of the beautiful Galli soon? I am in love with her! Once again, congratulations Tin on such a beautiful little girl!


Walking Foofoo. Doing the lunch thang. Working out.

doubletake> I’m going to hold you to that as soon as she enters her terrible 2’s! lol!

And now for my haikus:

My fat bay mare ran
Away fast as I lay thrown
After the scary jump.

The whole world is snow
As I chase my stupid horse
With halter in hand.

Our round is complete
All eyes on us as my coach
Cries and walks away.

can we throw some seafood in, and offer KJ as well as the Blue??? Asparagus on the side, and poutine for a main course–for those who don’t want the poutine, we could make smashed potatoes from the other stuff…

Dear Thread, I sincerely apologize for our wrongdoings!!

Vineyridge, Big Ben was Dutch, found by Emile Hendrix, bought by Ian Millar for $35,000.

The only frozen ‘waste’ produced was at his Canadian abode in Perth, Ontario, in the turnout paddock.

Admittedly, I must admit that I find your post rather dismissive and would like to take the opportunity to underline the accomplishments of this country’s equestrian athletes - we’ve won Olympic medals in every discipline, both as a team and individually. Not bad for a country whose population numbers 10% of the U.S. Would also encourage you to check out the results of Ocala and Indio - both well represented by Canadians. Last reminder, Canadians Danny Foster and Dave Ballard are designing the big courses at both Ocala and Indio. Funny how much we can accomplish here in the frozen tundra.

[This message was edited by heidi on Feb. 27, 2001 at 11:42 PM.]

oh forgot a mare update incase anyone is interested.

Brie’s inside today (didn’t want to go out) and she’s extremly plasid and calm especially since I taugh on the track (inside track that encircles the stalls). She munched at her hay the whole tme, throwing out thses loud grunts and noises but pretty much stayed in the same spot. There is alot of baby movement and she’s defintaly not as round as yesterday, she’s looking kind of flattish. No discharge at all but a bunch of tummy grumbles.
I gave her a “mommy message” and she loved it when I messages her back and her butt, you should have seen the nose stretched out! lol!

My sister talked to a co-worked (very experienced breeder) and she suggested that we get a swaub of the discharge and find out what exactly it is. She also said that we should consider inducing if she doesn’t have it by tonight.

Anyone want to make me lunch? I’m starving! That burrito just didn’t cut it for breakie… where’s mom when you need her?

Oh no! The thread has gone to long without a post… guy’s, the thread will LEAVE into Canadian land if we don’t take care of it!

Yes, have met some crooks and, as mostly neophyte adults in the sport, honesty and integrity are really important virtues.

Perhaps our allegiance to our trainers is the recognition that there aren’t too many like them out there – but at the same time, we have benefitted from surprising acts of kindness. Jay, for example, has invited us to school our horse on his Spruce-ish course at his barn, so that the horse could get some mileage over natural jumps, grobs, banks and ditches. And my daughter has toured show grounds on Eric’s golf cart - just because she’d happened to park her butt in it.

I’d also assert that in Canada, trainers are very cautious about appearing to poach other’s clients - i.e. they won’t speak to you unless you approach them first.

Yes Alanah still rides. She’s still with Robin Howard last I heard. She hasn’t shown herself in a few years now - but her horse does every now and again. I spoke to her sister not too long ago who gave me an update.
As you may have read in the paper, Alanah recently won a lawsuit against the National Post - she was falsely accused of being a drug addict amongst other things. The article hurt her and her family tremendously. She did deserve to win. The Post was negligent in their reporting.
Say what you will about Alanah … she’s actually a very nice person - just really, really, different. Some people just don’t get her and therefore don’t like her. I like her. She’s never given me any reason otherwise.
Bad Worthy, bad! Shameless gossip that you are!!

here’s another (note the legs )

Heidi? get your skinny butt back here I need to know the answer NOW!

The ‘Question for Canter’ thread needs to be put on life support…it was almost on page two again!

I rode with Deb Mccourt and Corky Panerisi. Any takers on that one?
Anyone remember Baccus? He won silver at the 76 Montreal Olympics. He died a few years ago, but had lived out the last many years of his life here. I’d love to hear some feel good stories.
I use a Samoyed, but the caution is their independnce and sheer laze. Been a long time since that breed was the first to the North Pole… and I frankly, can hardly believe it!

while we’re on the subject of horses for sale, I’m toying with the idea of purchusing a youngster. Perhaps a yearling or two year old, what do you think? Galli needs a future show partner you know
I’m a sucker for big leggy TB’s and I’m starting to keep my eye out. I can’t buy anything until the summer but if anyone knows of any out there please let me know thanks!

Oh and completly unrelated I thought of a good Canadian name for a horse Out of the Blue -Labatts for short (Labby)

#1- there are no e’s the most common letter
#2- they are yellow, not white, so neither!


Okay, Heidi, I’m begging for help now…this goes for everyone!

A little while ago, I asked TH to do some Canadian coverage, and Ken asked me to write it. Now I’m having trouble getting started. How to describe our unique little horse world? Can any American really understand Collingwood, the poutine booth at shows, or Henderhell?

So this is an all out plea for any insights, ideas, thoughts, comments, criticisms, opinions, or otherwise interesting tidbits. What the h*** should I write about?!?!?!