Question for Canter

I saw elizabeth stalking R. Pessoa the other day. She was hiding in a bush in her camo’s with a giant camera.

Jaime Lynn, I have told Betsy, and she was sad ---- for about 15 seconds. Then, being in the “mood” she is in right now, she went right back to her “I want a man” chant. Vet next week, thank goodness. Wanted to do the job two weeks ago, but she was too “immature”. I need EAR POMS!!!

The girl that owned Farrow? I don’t know what she’s doing now - I can’t even remember who she rode with - how’s that for a bad short term memory. Doug I remember. Jennifer, whom I spoke to last summer I do not. Funny thing, memories.

I once set a guy’s hair on fire.

Geez Canter, here I am disspelling the rumour that you’re 61 and you date yourself again - Rush at the Blackhawk?

Anyone remember Frozen Ghost? Worthy, didn’t hubby play with them for a while? Perhaps we remembers Phil X…Don’t believe, BTW, that Phil rides. Anyone else recall Lori Yates? Few country albums, a techno-type CD couple years back, gigs locally at Ted’s Wrecking Yard, fronting Hey Stella.

Of course my lease specified that she be returned in the same shape she left. Actually, it was very specific about her health and she needed special farrier work for a slight rotation due to an abcess. It was a legally drawn up lease. My mistake(stupity, if you will) was actually letting him take her.

He was good at calling me until about 3 months into the lease. I called the OPP and they weren’t particularly helpful, because they didn’t consider her stolen and he had a year left of his lease. I drove to Kingston to try to find her. It took me all day, but I managed to find someone who knew someone, who knew him. I went to the farm. There were four Rottweilers chained to the fence(in good condition), blocking entry to the premises. When he finally showed up and got her out, she was fine. She was in good condition and seemed happy enough.

I was alone with my sister, on a farm in the middle of no where, surrounded by huge dogs and men. She seemed ok, clean and well fed. I had no reason, except how I felt in the pit of my stomach, to remove her. By the time I got home(three hours) I had changed my mind. He moved her again and this time I couldn’t find her. I left messages telling him I would pay all her expenses and give him the baby if he’d let me have her back. Then he changed his phone number. Again, no help from the OPP and SPCA.

Next time I heard from him was after the filly was born. He acted as if he had never received a message from me. It was when I got the photographs of the baby that I panicked big time. Way over the top. At this point I still did not know who he had bred her to, either, so that was a dead end.

What actually happened to her was this. He took her and used her in lessons until sending her away to be bred. The stallion owner refused to bred her because she was in terrible condition. He left her with the breeders and they fattened her up and eventually bred her. When he got her back was just days before I made that trip to Kingston looking for her, resulting in me thinking she was ok. The stallion owners ended up suing him for her keep, but could not get their hands on the foal either. They tried, but he coughed up the money and he had had her sold and hidden. A lot of people in the area, it turns out, know this guy. He drifts, screws people and drifts, taking his horses with him. What is most upsetting is that he said he owned her and no one thought it odd that a man like this could get his hands on a horse like her. She is well known in conformation and breeding circles. The stallion owner knew who she was, but didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

He kept her on scrub, in a rocky field. Hardly fed her at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t shod on that rotation either. He does this to people, I was not the first. He got me at a time that I had very little money and was pregnant. He preyed on that. I was very naive.

How did I finally get her back? I think a vet told him he was going to have to report her to the SPCA and he made her my problem. He tried to fatten her up, but she was already to far gone. She was so bad when she returned that my vet cried. We all cried. For days, every time we looked at her. He called me about returning her sept1 and I got her back in early Dec. I had even offered to come get her(no returning of phone calls).

The lesson here is that a clause in my lease might have prevented any of this because he would not have been able to sell the foal until I had got my mare back in good condition. Mind you, a person with no conscience is a person with no conscience. Every end must be attended to in a lease or there are loopholes.

Oh, and one of the lawyers was an equine lawyer.

She had a few good months after she came home. We wormed her and got her special feed. She put on about 2-300 lbs. Still skinny, but no visible backbone and only 3-4 ribs. She hung out with the weanlings, took care of them and loved them. If I posted those photos of the day she returned you would all be sick.

Sorry for the long post. Believe it or not, I have left out some key information supplied to me by the stallion owner.

Canter has been very supportive of me through the latest of this as has another good friend.

Thank you everyone for your imput.

just one

Do you know the answer?

Hannah is so cute! … how did you get her so clean? no matter how much I brush my weanie her coat has all the baby fuzz and collects ‘things’ … she is starting to shed out now though … her face is half shed out, her neck, chest and stifle are all a beautiful soft light bay … then the rest of her is dark bay, fuzzy, dusty … eeeeww!

How big is Hannah? my Leeloo is 11 months old and 14.1 and her little brother Darcy is 13.2 at 9 months … we think they are both smallish but can’t remember how big daddy was at that age?

So, question for Fred/Lucy/Gail … what kind of size are your turning yearlings? both of ours are out of mares 16hh - 16.1hh

I used to have a Malamute/Husky cross pulling my sled, but he sadly passed away. Now I’ve got a team of a Keeshond and a Great Dane. They don’t do any sledpulling though, because the Great Dane would spend the whole time trying to run over the Keeshond. As for blonde jokes, I’ve got a few. How do you make a wind tunnel? Line up 15 blondes ear to ear. How do you know a blonde has been using your computer? There’s whiteout on the screen. Why did the blonde get fired from the M&M factory? She threw out all the Ws. Ha ha, how was that for lame jokes? I’ve got another question for you. How big is your igloo? Mine is quite modern, with running water and heat, and it’s even 2 stories!

Its absolutely pouring here today and I’m bumming. The first day of spring had that hopeful feel that marks the end of a long winter. I tell you, our barn needs it. We’re all rather crabby with cabin fever. The paddocks are a mess and turnout is worse than the middle of winter when it was snowy but at least safe to turnout. We’re all on top of one another in the indoor arena, riding etiquette has gone to hell in a handbasket. My boys are full of beans and want to play, play, play. Then this rain comes along, promising that it will be at least 2 weeks before the ground dries up enough to be worthy for riding outside.

All that being said, I had a perfect perfect perfect night of lessons. Both of my guys were awesome. I put this one down in the books as the first time I’ve ever figured out how to ride both really well, one after the other. We raised the fences, schooled some 3’9" oxers plus…they were perfect. The fear from the bad fall is just about gone (although my leg is still rather unsightly…then again it wasn’t particularly attractive before the accident!).

I love my horses. It also dawned on me too. Two months off of jumping, light work, some chiropractic work + rest and NO FLORIDA seems to have given me too very sound, very fit, very happy horses. Hmmmmmm, cheaper too.

Well, here’s my contribution to keeping the Post About Life going.

They are onto us! Man, those CA folks knocked us pretty bad. Duffy2 even showed up. I personally think they are going to try and make their wake thread bigger than our “Question for Canter Thread”! The horror!!!

OMG! Canter speaks So how do you like your “shrine”? lol!

How much do I hate cleaining tack let me count the ways…

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10…um… what comes after 10? … darn I’ve run out of fingers …

the differences in beer and wine as to making you sleepy, and it isn’t here—who snatched my post??? This is creepy!!!

The haunted post—someone more eloquent than I, please go ask the CA people “Who has a deceased relative that had a problem with Canadians?”

Aren’t they wonderful?
My best friend, who is from Toronto, and lives in BC. Owns a Belgian Maloios (sp), and she looked out one morning to see him flinging around the huge cover to the hot tub!!
Prince also chewed off the tail of her prize palomino mini horse!

heidi, i’m back. now tell me you love me and you missed me, eh?

(and what’s with that rain you’ve been sending us?)

You know what I think would be very funny… if we all talked about the smashing evil things we have done in the past. I’ll start…

Me and my sisters use to terrorize the neighborhood. I wonder if any of the poor kids we tortured turned out normal?! The one thing I can remember most vividly, is stuffing hay down the neighbor boys pants, and them tying him to a tree… and leaving him there! My sister set the field across the street on fire, and my brother shot out the street light with his bebe gun…

Okay guys, spill, what awful things have you guys done?

How about we play a game? Since there are no IP’s shown here it will be a bit harder than on the EMG one lol. All must chose an alter, and we get 3 clues as to who it is. First person to guess gets a prive (not sure what yet though). We need to get this going! Its slowing down.

Sorry for your experience and troubles, LCR Scott. I really think that heidi had a good idea about the TV show thing. All those shows are always looking for stories, and they help you find what you are looking for and try to help resolve conflicts. Good luck.

Now that we’ve reached 42 pages, exceeding both our expectations and the precedent set by the Californians, have we petered out? Is this our last hurrah, auld lang syne time, our farewell song. Are we the Who on the farewell tour?

Hi Diane!!

How did you know that my baby was Edwyn! Good guess. I think that I know who you are. I believe we had a short conversation at a show that your barn was hosting. If I am thinking of the same person you were very excited to see Edwyn but I had left him at home that day. Are you who I think you are? Did you ever get to see Edwyn? What did you think? He looks like his dad huh?

OMG I am just so excited that you know who my baby is!!!

BTW Edwyn’s birthday is March 26. It is getting close!! I can’t help but have nightmares about the two and a half weeks I camped at the barn last year in the freezing cold. Finally in the end missing the birth and then being faced with an eviction notice when he was two days old!!! That was the worst experience of my life.

Heidi, buy a three year old!!! I only say this because of my bad birth experience but other than that I love breeding and plan to do it for the rest of my life!