Question for Canter

Thanks Tin!! I am know in the process of wiping coffee off my computer screen. After the snow we had hear last night it was very timely.

I only hope by the time I get home tonight I have a cook instead.

On another note, I might be set free long enough to come home in the next few weeks for a visit. I can’t wait. I have visions of timmies dancing in my head.

I’m away for the weekend Canter, but check back on Monday or Tuesday and I’ll see what I can do! Have a great one, guys!

You sly and cryptic fox you. Lizzie, have not a clue what you’re talking about. I wouldn’t be the first though, would I?

Bear? What bear? Are you referring to my darling black lab, who BTW, is named Bear, after the grizzlies who roam the periphery of our northern Ontario cabin? Hey, did you notice how well I punctuated the sentence? I do so love my commas. Almost as much as the icon.

Tin- where am I in the baby poll? Did I win my baby yet??
I thought the 30 white horses… were on a blue or black hill… and they were the foam of the waves?
I like the cat one: Always chased, Never caught: a sunbeam
Sam I emailed you.
Tin new property is gorgeous, congrats!

We could postpone it for 2002 or make a repeat trip?

Dearest Canter, thank you for realizing what too few do - these hands were not meant to touch anything resembling a defrosted dog patty. I am going to hire some desparate teenagers and pay them exorbitant sums to clean up the yard.

LCR, you’re right, too many stallions, too little time. I am waiting for life to slow down so that we can return to our horsey acitivities with full gusto. We haven’t even been to the barn in five weeks. I have become a pre-IPO widow and have caught mere glimpses of Hans - who leaves tomorrow for San Francisco for an indefinite period of time. They’d better set a NASDAQ record if they know what’s good for them.

Well here in sunny Manitoba it is just that - sunny - but also warm (by that i mean above freezing, which it has been for the past few days now). Not as warm as you guys in Calgary but warmer than down east…we still have snow on the ground, but the sidewalks are clear, which is my definition of the coming of spring…

TIN! You and me are so much alike! I am known to save research papers to the night before they are due, resulting in very little sleep and being very tired the next day. As for now, I have a lot work to do, but am putting it off until later. Hehe- work to do, music blasting, posting here… If I’m lucky, the snowstorm will cancel classes. crosses fingers

lol, Incubus/Tin! She still hasn’t popped yet?!
p.s.->Have I created a mini-golf monster?!

My daughter wants a demonstration of icons…

Now she is not

NO MORE SNOW!!! I can’t take anymore snow, I think I’m going to go INSANE! Trust me Bumpkin, you DO NOT want snow. It is the middle of March, and we are getting MORE snow?!? Isn’t it supposed to be melting by now? And they say we have global warming. Hmph. I’m going to a show March 25, probably hacking over, and there’s snow and ice on the ground. Fun. Oh, and if I can actually do math, 10 cm is something like 4 inches. Not a whole lot of snow, but too much for March! Make it stop, please!

diane> do you have a picture of your stallion by chance? I’d love to see him!

We’re thinking of taking Galli to the Royal this year, depending on what she looks like then of course

I all know what you mean about breeding, we’re getting a free breeding fee to Galli’s daddy and my sister is very reluctent to breed her mare again. So now we’re curious about finding another broodmare (yay! another horse!).

MissD> unfortunatly I don’t know if we’ll be going to the KCAT show this 25th, we’re moving on the 30th so time might be tight. We’ll see though, it’s still in the schedule anyways

Update on Galli: she is smart and fiesty a bad combo! lol! But she’s doing great and she now leads away from mom (behind and infront) even if she can’t see mom and mom is very good with this all too. She also now picks up all 4 legs, we’re proud

Just wanted to throw this guy into the mix, especially since he is so close to both you and Jaime Lynn
Imported by Spruce Meadows, loves to jump, has lovely ground manners and he is a true black.

And, I’m not at all prejudiced, just because he is in the barn I board at lol.

A belated happy birthday to you Fred!

And an ode to our beloved thread:

Is this really it?
We’ve been together for so long
I watched you grow from nothing
Until you were 50 pages strong

The Canadian folks
Complaining of ice and cold
Sat huddled around their keyboards
Until many stories were told

We talked, we laughed
We posted many pics
Whoever knew we’d surpass our goal
Of reaching page 36?

And now I type a last goodbye
Working towards page 52
I’ll miss you thread, when you’re gone
I’ll have nothing else to do

So I bid you farewell
I know you really must depart
But “Question for Canter” will always have
A special place in my heart

And now we’ve got a page seven!

my own tartar sauce (w/dill) put them on a bun with cheese, and nuke them???

Beast child likes ketchup far more than I do.

After a sleepless night watching the mare cam, as I was catching up on my z’s I get a call from my sister. Mare seems to have bloody discharge, vet has been called and he said a) she’s starting to foal b) babies moving into the birth canal and is breaking membranes c) something’s wrong. So I’m on my way out. Fingers crossed everyone!!

Only sixteen more pages to go

I’m off skiing for the weekend so you’ll have to go ahead without me.

Jaime Lynn - nice babies. I’ll have to get some more of Hannah.

Heidi - you have been very quiet today. What’s up?

I’m curious, what do the rest of you do when your not horsing?

Well, I was basically a perfect child…except for the time I got my sister to call my brother and slam the door in his face when he came running (4 stitches)… or the time I got my sister to help me pull the hall rug up from under my brother a la 3 stooges (3 stitches)… or the time I pushed the neighbor boy out of the tree (broken arm)… At least the emergency room doctors loved me