Question for Canter

Just doing my part to keep the pages flowing
Sorry, I couldn’t think of an alter ego.

Bosshoss>Snow! say it ain’t so!! We are still having wonderful weather here, you can keep the snow!

When I was in georgetown last year I couldn’t believe the number of tim hortons. One at the Petro, one in town and one on the other side of the 401. I mean georgetown isn’t THAT big. I think of those 2001 tim hortons, 1000 are in ontario.

And as for interesting initials my friend’s name is natalie (often called nat) her initials are NAT. I think that’s pretty cool as mine are CHB. Oh and speaking of middle names (well kind of!), another friend, Kelly, her middle name is Jean…we call her Kelly Jean, Jelly Bean!

Tin> Auntie Doubletake wants an update on Galli and Brie soon, please
How much longer will our dear thread go on? Should we start to prepare for the funeral? I need answers soon!

I don’t mind showing him off even if he is gone…

the nuptuals will resume. I’m not in Buffalo–actually Louise is MUCH closer to that arctic-like place…

I am happy that I came here and met some really nice BB’ers
Thank You Heidi

Actually… I should add… I don’t think she really was club footed. Just an unfortunate viewing circumstance (-20 freezing fingers off, had to go quick and couldn’t unpack the snowballs from her feet). Just not what I would normally buy- I am soooo picky.

Here’s a question for everyone:

Besides your horse, what is your most prized “horsie” possesion. Can be money related or sentimental, up to you.

My most prized possesion is my bracelet (sp?) with Tin’s name on it. The only time I ever take it off is to have a shower, I even wore it with my prom dress The one I had for my last horse was very well used, I wore it until it broke (about a year after I sold him) and it’s now stored in a keep sake box is the rest of his momentums. I guess it lets me have my horses with me no matter at the barn or in school, a little reminder everytime I look down at my wrist.

There did that make page 12?

Glad everything’s okay Tin … we have a mare due in the next two weeks and she’s panicked us a couple of times already, had the vet out … shot of banamine and everyhting okay … vet figured baby was resting on something … it’s a very scary time once you’ve read a few books and see everything wrong that can happen … and to top it off our mare’s last foal was born a dumb foal and died after a week (with the previous owners) …

is she waxed and or dripping yet???

Please email me soon…

Canter - will you please please please tell me who you are before Collingwood so i can at least say hi? If I know who you are, that is. puppy dog face

My favorite book i’ve ever read is probably Angela’s Ashes. Amazing amazing amazing!! I read through it so quickly, I just couldn’t put it down. It takes a while to get started but once you’ve begun, its awesome!! I just finished Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes and it was also an exceptional book. Find me a good book and i’ll read forever. If not, you’re stuck with me here.

Heidi! Are you really close to 50? And did you grow up in Toronto?

same goes for you Fred

Yes Fred, you are cursed! Just Kidding!
Try just writing it out, like : p except w/out the space inbetween.

Silly Momma> once you think of it again, I’d love to hear it

Well Galli had her first halter lesson. Man what a feisty little girl she is! And the attitude on her, her tail was wringing the whole lesson she was mad. Before introducing the butt rope, we practised standing. In which she threw herself 3 times and then stood like a perfect angel (tail still going). Then with the butt rope she did very well, threw herself once and then stood there, mad. It took maybe a minuit or two to get her walking on lead and then she was released back to mommy. All was safe, and all went fairly well. Thanks to the barn manager who did most the work and re-taught us how to do it (it’s been about 5 years since I’ve handled a baby).

Didn’t get any pictures of her in her little leather halter because we were all busy but will hopefully get some later down the road.

I’m sending in his paperwork this week for registration. What do y’all think about the name “Mandate”???

This is his older sister as a yearling—she’ll be 2 in May, and is over 16HH already. Y’all should see her trot, and she willingly jumps X’s in the indoor!!!

[This message was edited by Silly Mommy on Mar. 18, 2001 at 09:04 PM.]

How would you feel about letting us Michiganders help you out? Our weather might not be as cold, but Canada is our second home!

yes, you are. you have a great attitude ClipClop. care to come join us in the junior thread? we like ppl like u.

Hey, some of our posts came from the past, from psychic “channeling” and from out of nowhere! It is California, you know.

Okay everyone…just a random post to help y’all out. What time is it?? I’m wasting time in english class but all the clocks are off cuz the power went out last night. It needs to be 10:30 so I can leave for lunch (yes, my school is scary like that…early early early). So, since some of you are in the eastern time zone, how much longer do I have to suffer?
