Question for Canter

Sorry, don’t know who Lorne Seigel, can someone fill me in?

Oh and I have a question for the Ontarians and Quebecers (former will do too) which circuit do you think is better, the Ontario or the Quebec. I know alot of people who don’t even touch the Ontario A shows anymore and just do strictly Quebec. Why? Any thoughts? I’ve never been to a Quebec show so i have no clue.

I asked my coach (she judges both Ontario and Quebec) and she thoguht the Quebec shows were more fun and had friendlier people. She also noted that she thought they were alittle cheaper. Any thoughts on that?

Jaime Lynn> I e-mailed you back!

Well right now I’m reading The Hobbit again to get to those riddles but before that I was into a MAJOR Steven King fest! I think I read almost all his trillion books, love Tommyknockers and The Long Walk.

“Late last night and the night before, Tommyknockers, Tommyknockers knocking at your door”

How 'bout those Jays??

Somebody was wondering why the “Home Board” aka EMG isn’t as lively as it used to be, well I think I have the answer (or at least an opinion). Casual chats, off topic discusions are a no-no over there. I was one of the first people to start using the BB over there and I tried hard to create topics and encourage input. I told many people about it and most joined, but how many times can you talk about beet pulp and helmets???

I like this BB here, even though the only (most) topics that go anywhere have nothing to do with horses or have been taken off topic and become a chat. It doesnt bug me. The only problem I have is that I don’t have the time to visit as much as many of the people here so it’s hard to keep up. I end up having to catch up reading so much that I never have time to post! lmao undefined

Here is a conversation starter:

Four years ago, I leased my broodmare out. As it hasn’t been resolved I am not naming names on this board. I could not get the mare back, she was moved several times, literally hidden and not maintained. When I finally did get her back she was in decrepit shape weighing in at about 700 lbs(16.1 1/2h, large framed mare, easily 1200lbs in riding form). The lessee always claimed that it was her, not him and the vet I contacted(who the lessee had slipped with a name, perhaps forwarding the blame) would not talk to me at all, only saying she had breathing problems. I got her back dec 1, 98 and she died July 22, 99. I have been searching for the foal ever since. Legally, without a lot of money, I had no recourse and the filly was “gone”, so any claims to her were futile.

Every once in a while, I would put out help adds on boards or key in the stallions name(or who I thought he had bred her to) on a search. One day I got a hit. I contacted the stallion owners, who seemed very guarded. I emailed them my story and the return email was devestating. This man was known for doing this kind of thing in his area. All his horses are in terrible shape. The filly, I found out, was kept on scrub and started very early and sold on very cheaply.

I am trying to get my hands on her to make sure that the rest of her life is a good one. With the help of the stallions owners, we have tracked her down to her new owner. If she has a seemingly good home, I will provide them with information about this filly’s exceptional breeding and offer her a home if they ever need one for her. If she is not in my idea of an ideal situation, I am going to try to get her.

It is a situation of guilt and trying to undo the wrong my beautiful mare suffered at the hands of this awful man.

Once that is done, I am going to go after the lessee through the local SPCA.

Canters going to help me, cause she doesn’t have anything else to do and as stimpy said to Ren, she’s my “feriend”.

Has anyone else had an experience like this. Was legal action taken and successful? To me it is cut and dry. He starved my horse which ultimately led to her death, hid her from me, did not return phone calls, moved her, did not provide her with adequate medical care, used her as a lesson horse when the lease was explicit about her not being anything but a broodmare, removed(sold on) the filly when he had no right to do so and was basically in breech of every aspect of our signed agreement.

Unfortunately, cdn law sees it differently.

[This message was edited by LCR Scott on Mar. 07, 2001 at 01:51 PM.]

MissD> where are you taking your drivers ed? I took it in Bells Corners (beside the McDonalds) and it was sooo boring. I almost died, I swear! Then when I did my in car lesson my instructor would jam on the brakes just for fun and then laugh his head off (they have brakes on their side too). Scared the beezebers out of me the first time, didn’t know why the car stopped

What a beautiful spring night out there, I rode (inside) sans heaters and in my superman t-shirt. Both boys were beautiful to ride tonight and I watched filly sleep for a good hour. Hypnotizing I tell ya

Yes, i do teach ecology (and botany) at a canadian univesity. I also coordinate the ecology undergraduate program, and our graduates do quite a wide array of jobs - some work for government agencies eg doing species inventories of natural habitats; others work for non-profit agencies like Nature Conservancy, working in the area of habitat preservation and just basically understanding the role(s) speces play in their natural communities; others work for consulting firms eg when a company or govt is required to undergo an Environmental impact Assessment for a proposed project, they hire an environmental consulting firm that in turn hires ecologists; or they work in the area of environmental education; others become research assistants, or go on to advanced degrees and conduct their own research; or other types of jobs. It’s quite varied, really - many universities have coop ecology programs that give you some job experience while taking your degree.

Of course, the really lucky ones end up having their own stable and working as a professional rider, LOL, but in the meantime, while they’re waiting for that to happen! they have something to fall back on…!

“Oh my god, my sciatica’s acting up. Heidi dear, tell your damned brother to turn down the heat, I keep getting hot flashes. Who ate the last piece of kimchee? Your father’s driving me nuts, who does he think he is, Mario Andretti? That man can’t drive! And he put antifreeze in the lawn mower again. No! Don’t drink that, it’s not Coke, it’s soy sauce! You kids are going to send me to the grave a young woman! You want to get married, at 23, are you crazy!?!?! Do you think that I bought you a full length suede coat so you can be a housewife?!?!? Why are you doing this to me?!”

sorry Blink_182/ClipClop but I have no clue what the answer is, it’s been stuck in my brain for years now and I was hopeing someone could figure it out.

Heidi, I’ll up the anti $10 to any one of your Einstien-wonder-slumber-party munchkins if they can come up with it. Oh and I’ll throw in a bag of chocolate chip cookies too

Just had to add my 2cents in. We can’t let them there chillins take over.

So, lets see ---- What is Penguin Salad and how is it prepared? Grilled? Fried? Right out of the bowl? Is it anything like fish tacos (ewe)

Who’s going to Lake Placid this year? I normally go every year. Just to watch. Don’t have the right horsey to show. YET

Hey Tin, remember me…used to go as Sam or CanSam…ring any bells? I was on your icq list long long ago, you helped with that cushings horse I had.

Sounds like your boy is doing great…is that preggers mare that Warmblood of your sisters?

BossHoss> well I must admit that I don’t dip my bit shame shame but I do wipe it off on his cooler, or with my mit as soon as it comes out of his mouth, so no sharp crud just residue blah

I just started a new web site and am trying to do it through Xoasis and have a question, how the heck do I say that word?

Get it, huh, huh? I stand corrected, though I’d been told by someone else that Sarah’s mom was part of the CT family. So many heiresses in our sport, how’s a girl to keep track?

Still haven’t answered the second part of the question, though. What’s Sarah’s shoe size?

Heidi, the author of Chestnut Mare, Bewareis Jody Jaffe, who has POSTED ON THIS BOARD and may yet be lurking. We of the VA clique LOVE her books and seriously PLEADED with her to continue her “Nattie Gold” series, but, sigh, there will be no more… Excuse me, did I hear you cheering???

Is she Ruth Rendell, no. But Ruth Rendell never jumped around Upperville, either. So there.

Minette Walters is my new fav author for seriously twisted/twisty murder mysteries. You folks in orange toques should read “Outfoxed” by Rita Mae Brown to experience hunting in Virginia.

Congratulations on page 21!!

Would anyone like to here my blooper of the night? I triped while loading dishes into my dishwasher and fell onto the open washer door. Ahhh! This is just another accident to add to my long list! Now the door is bent and won’t close… guess who will be doing dishes tonight guys? Oh, what a bill that will be!

if you don’t know Bruce Cockburn - the greatest male singer/songwriter Canada has ever produced…check out one of his albums.

I had an entire page of ‘G’ names which disappeared earlier.

How’s about “Gallileo” for a colt Tin. Leo, for short.

Quinn, do you have insurance for your tractor? Are there seat belts? Be afraid, be very afraid, one of these days I shall unexpectedly show up on your door step, clad in snowsuit, a greek pastry arranged jauntily atop my head.

Canter, been thinking about your query on an earlier page (can’t remember the number) about the predicament of a certain female rider in generating sponsorship. You talking about Ainsley?

From an owner’s perspective, she’d be measured and judged in the context of her fellow competitors - Ian, Eric, Jay, Mac, etc. - and I’m not certain that Catch 22 enables owners to understand how well she does, in fact, ride. I’d imagine in the minds of most, she’s just hangin’ on for the ride. I think for most owners, given their financial investment and desire to win, they perceive her as a greater ‘risk’ than the veterans.

Personally, I think she should pursue more of a corporate/product spokesperson sponsorship relationship with a retailer trying to establish profile among well-to-do teens - i.e. assuming that Club Monaco wanted to pursue the equestrian angle, she’d be perfect for them. What she needs is an agent - yes, someone like you and I, Canter, to guide her career outside the show ring.


Now that Tin has a lovely/huge/chestnut filly, I’m going to tell a story…

I’ve been raised with broodmares around me, and until 2 years ago, had never even seen a misrepresentation. Two years ago, however, BOTH of my mares had problems. The first one (who had already had 2 foals unassisted), started rolling shortly after her water broke–I was sleeping in the barn and that is what woke me up. I noticed that her rectum was protruding with each contraction, and stuck the ol’ arm “up there” and found the little foot that was stuck, and pulled it down. The foal was born within the next 2 minutes—Sweetie. Drew(this past year–same mare)wasn’t a problem other than the mare needed some help getting him out because he was too big—Oh yeah, he did get his elbo caught on her pelvis, and I had to pull the leg forward.

The other mare (of 2 yrs ago), was in much greater danger. Once again sleeping in the barn–this time a student was there with her mom (envision 3 people sleeping on haybales), the mare’s water broke, and I got them up, was video taping it for some other students. I was looking through the camera, put it down, looked through the camera again, put it down—I couldn’t believe what I saw. There was one leg coming out UPSIDE DOWN!!! I got down in the bloody/messy straw, and once again stuck the ol’ arm up there, and wouldn’t ya know, the stupid mare (she’s dumber than a brick–I call her stupid/dumb ass/and a wide variety of similar names—don’t even recall what her real name is–She’s a WB) stands up!!! Since I was almost up to my shoulder, I almost lost an arm. Yelled to student “grab stupid, and don’t let her move”. Once standing, it was much easier to find where everything was, and I managed to get the other leg forward, and crossed them to torque the baby around into the correct position. Then I left the mare alone. She went back down, and at that point (it was 2am) I was on the phone
with my vet, He asked how long it had been, and suggested I help her because of the trauma. sooooo, I get down behind her, place a foot on each haunch, and wait for a contraction… Waiting… So finally I kicked her in the butt, and yelled “push bi+ch!!!” well that worked, and within seconds, I had stupid junior in my lap…Cookie. I really wanted a colt, and I frantically looked for a penis, exclaiming “you’d better be a f-ing colt”—then to my dismay “it’s a GD chestnut filly”. As she dried, I realized she had black points and was going to be light bay – some consolation. The next year, the stupid mare popped it out w/in a 30min time period when I went to the house to take a shower…

This was the year after my former broodmare had broken her leg—don’t want to relay THAT story again.

It’s all about management, and knowledge. I’d never done anything like that before, but knew
how things were supposed to be, plus being dilligent on my foal-watch hours. Don’t let these
stories scare you, those are 2 misreps.(in the same stinking year) out of hundreds of births that I’ve seen that were normal, but I have healthy/happy babies and moms out of it. If you’re not experienced, some vets will board broodmares, and do the foaling for you–it’s expensive,but worth it!!!


The grass will always be greener when we’re not the ones cutting it eh Heidi? Have you had any luck yet? BTW, accidentally deleted that little questionaire you blamed on Jair. Fate? Perhaps. Can you send it again? I’m an Internet klutz.

Fred - what do enquiring minds want to know?

I’m still in New York bracing myself for the long drive back. The weather today is gorgeous, sunny and hovering in the mid-50’s.

What is it with Rotties/Jacks and their penchant for playing kitty-executioner?

LCR, my condolences. My outlaws live 10 minutes away and it’s painful enough when they venture over for a three hour dinner. Will say this though, Hans’ mother has actually ventured out a few times to see the horses go. Didn’t go near them but wanted to indulge the opportunity to waddle back to work with pictures and obligatory bragging rights.