Question for Canter

The way the puzzle is worded is the clue.
The first sentence is irrelevant and just to confuse you.

The second sentence says:
“There are three words in the English language.”

Notice it doesn’t say:
“There are three words which end in “gry” in the English language.”

The question “what is the third word?” does not refer to words ending in “gry,” it refers to the three words in “the English language”.

So the third word in “the English language” is “language”.

CndRider> SAMMY BABY!! How are you? Wow, havent’ seen you for a long time and thought you disapeared into cyber space! What’s new? How’s life? Hope all is well Yep, the preggers mare is my sister’s WB, you have a good memory!!

MissD> I’ve heard of Turnout Stables, actually I used to ride with someone from there a few years ago, she rode Smudge when she was there (won’t post her name here though). Yep, Kitty is a judge, you name it she judges it. Mostly trillium jumper/hunter in this area but travels to Toronto and Quebec frequently. What horse/pony do your ride out of Turnout? Or do you own your own? Maybe I’ll reconize the name.

Have to go teach but will come back later and post some pics we took today of our new farm

Here’s the other pic I have. I haven’t seen him in person, but doubt I’d pay his price.

hey! Finished most my website, if you have time (and want) please take a look and tell me what you think

Pictures of great Canadian horses owned, and or ridden by BB members (from the best trail horse, to the GP level) Greatness is only in the horse’s/our hearts!!! Then pictures that those of us “adopted” Canadians sold to people in Canada… Won’t continue…

Sumo toddler weighs 60lbs??? ALREADY??? OK, Jaime is strong and agile, but I fear for her…

Incidently, her father is (really) a black-belt (2nd degree) in Tai Kwon Do–don’t know if I spelled it correctly, but he has been “working out” with her… Bring it on!!!

Tin–How’s the mare???

I never said that, Katie! Although now that you mention it, the name does sound familiar… hmm…

He was seriously scared of you. Before I heard about it, I wandered into the tack room one day and he jumped around and went “Damn, I thought you were Katie!” He was actually terrified… lol, good times.

Yep, I will definitely help with the pony getting techniques. If I had your short little legs, I would want one too!

I was 4mos prego at that show–that’s why I look so… You know…

Congrats on the birth Tin!!! I think we were ALL beginning to wonder if you had discovered the secret to dealing with foals- don’t let 'em out till they’re halter broke!

40 pages… in your face, California!
“We are the champions, we are the champions, no time for losers 'cause we are the champions of the (cyber) world!”

Can you tell it’s March Break?

Tin - hearing about Galli reminds me of my last year foal - Leeloo - she was standing up before her back legs were completey out of mom, within 5 minutes of birth she had cantered around the stall and done a few bucks! never minded having the halter put on though - it’s actually harder now that she’s turning a year, she LOVES to chew on the leather and as soon as you get the halter near her she grabs for it

our first foal of this year is LATE … we keep thinking that Mona is about to start labour and then she justs sighs and look at you … with the smuggest look on her face … every hour of the night she has that same smug look with ears pricked forward … she’s just soaking up all the attention she getting … maybe tonight?

offcourse> I do it ALL the time! lol

K, guys here a question for y’all (yes, I said y’all; blame JB) what is your colour? You know the colour you seem to have most of in your horse gear. I seem to collect green. All my blankets have green in them (green/black/blue) and the majority of everything else has atleast some green.

Tin is it a computer?? huh huh is it is it?

-I’ve cooked deer and elk! Pheasent to!

  • This ones harder… I’ve never tried! Have you? LoL!!
    -One word- YUM! I love kethcup!
  • Hehe, how 'bout ALL of them!!!
    -Now, the ground pork can be cooked add added with the onion, and the hp sauce. We can feed the sea urchin to our huskies and sip our coffee while huddled in front of the campfire.

[This message was edited by ClipClop on Feb. 25, 2001 at 04:50 PM.]

Now that I think about it, I do believe the Prez thread was longer than even the CA clique’s valiant attempt at internet domination. Are we going to let that horrendous mess rule the BB? I think not! Keep it alive, people!

And speaking of all this Canadian pride and everything, hear about “Joe Canada” everyone knows who he is…well he got called down to good ol’ hollywood to make some money. What do you think of that! Irony or Paradoxical?? Whichever it’s kind of humourous and sad.

I hope I didn’t scare you, but discharge like that isn’t normal–kick mr. vet’s butt!!!

PS–My vet is really HOT, and while being and exceptional intellect, is also considerate, and kind to humans as well as the horses. I like to have him come out and use the hoof testers!!!

You should see the bod/butt!!!

Anyone else have a HOT vet/farrier/trainer/anyone horse-related???

PPS. Hubby teases me every time the vet comes as to how much time we spent together, and how much drool I had to wipe off my chin…

Oh MissD, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved dogs. How tragic and sad for you and your family. The pain and loss are so recent, it’s probably difficult to believe that though the pain may dull over time, your, and your family’s, love for your dogs is eternal.

And how unbelievably cowardly and cruel for that damned driver to leave the scene without checking on the dogs.

My condolences.

I am soooo sick of shovelling snow. Sick.

Well sorry to disapoint you guys but the mare didn’t last until the 40th post

It’s a GIRL!!! Born Wednesday night at 8 pm while me and my sister were riding of course! We decided to check on mare around 10 pm (after ride) and found a whole lot of cars waiting for us and a little filly. Well, sorry not little filly B I G filly. Birth was very quick (5 mins if that) and was caught all on tape by my parents (who were called) and assisted by our wonderful barn manager. Brie didn’t show any signs that she was in labour until 10 mins before the birth. Nice huh? lol!

Brie didn’t deliver the placenta so after a recommended 3-4 hours of waiting we got mr. vet back out to remove it. This was around 12 pm. He came out helped it along but at last moment she turned to chase after her baby (which has already been nicknamed “little $h!t”) and pulled hte last part out herself, prolapsing a tiny part of her uterus. So he tried to put everything back where it belonged (as much as he could reach) and we’ve been watchin her for the last 3 hours to make sure she wouldn’t do a true prolapse. Aren’t I a nice sister for stick around that long? (Ie. she owns me BIG time )

Anyways we joked at call the filly Gump because she’s a little slow, but that’s o.k

Oppps, sorry I’m so tired here’s her stats:

Name: Gallibrie (Galli)
Height: 11.2hh (ALL legs)
Weight: around 120
colour: hard to tell, kind of a mousy chestnut might turn into a clear bay
Markings: 1 big beautiful star, a small dt on nose and as far as we can see right now, 2 white socks, a white coronet band and a white smear (could be wrong her legs are pretty light but that’s what it looks like)

She’s got an attitude on her, she was up and walking within 10 mins, bucking and running within 2 hours. She’s big bold and beautiful

I don’t have any pictures right now (hey, it’s 5 in the morning and I’m dead tired) but we shot 4 hours worth of video (2 video camera’s! lol!) so we should get a afew still shots out of that Will have them up for tomorrow hopefully!

Auntie doubletake you are hilarious!! We took more shots of her today but I haven’t looked at them yet, if there are any good ones I’ll post them for you o.k? We’ll definatly take more pics tomorrow during halter lesson, should be good for a laugh!

CityFilly> glad Flea is doing well! Keep us updated k?