Question for Canter

OMG! I’ve been gone from the board for most of the day, and it was so sweet to come back and find a cute little picture of Galli! Auntie Doubletake thinks that that is the cutest little girl ever! I loved that picture so much that I wanted to kiss the computer moniter! Thanks for cheering me up, Tin! Give Gallie lotsa hugs and kisses from me!
Love, Auntie Doubletake

Way to go, guys! 50 pages, and it still lives on.

I haven’t contributed that much in the way of posts (extremely busy lately) but I’ve been cheering for you all along! Just shows what a half dozen snowed in Canadian girls can accomplish when they put their minds to it.

Now if only that power could be harnessed for good instead of evil…

Can we at least say… NO MORE RIDDLES TONIGHT? My brain hurts, and I just can’t stop thinking about them!! :stuck_out_tongue:

To contribute to the potluck- I have decided to bring my world famous no bake-oatmeal, chocolate cookies.

Oh yeah, and heres some bean dip!

Bring on the excorcism…I’ve got plenty of bright orange slickers on standby.

BTW, do you think the thread can come after us in our dreams? How can I go to bed tonight knowing there is a disgruntled thread wandering around, haunting us from some higher plane?


Doing my daily check on the Canadian thread… we’re halfway to victory, guys! Keep up the good work!

Feed the horse the Burrito - you’ll have your baby tonight.:slight_smile:

that’s o.k, don’t worry I made myself lunch. O.k, so I didn’t, I ordered a pizza but same difference

Heidi> Don’t know of any barns in Picton but my first coach lives there. It’s about time I dropped her an e-mail anyways so I’ll ask her if she knows of anywhere

Fred> we don’t want to induce, and would lvoe to leave her as long as we can but we don’t know where/why the bloody discharge so it’s something in the back of our minds just in case. She seemed fine today, no discharge so hopefully all is good. Baby is moving and mommy is doing fine.

oh and going back to the least expensive investment or whatever, I was given a horse, Bean, by my coach. I attached a pic of him, he was my love!! Taught me more than words could discribe and was priceless! Eventually I had to sell him to buy Tin (outgrew Bean) and got a fair bit for him considering.

Love you always Bean, where ever you are!

refuse to even acknowledge your presence? and here I thought they (actually I am thinking of one in particular) was just RUDE!
does anyone remember a horse named VICEROY, I think was on Cdn Eventing team many years ago? I have an old mare who is a sister and would love some details.
Tin who is your mare in foal to?
and Heidi - thanks, I know you’re right -and red toenails give me a lift too!! even if they are buried in thermal socks and poopy Sorels!

Tin> haha! The baby will probably come out a well-broke four-year old!

Last one (for now)

This is trying to show her colour a little better. The other 2 pictures were taken with night vision and this one is just reg. camera. I wonder what’s she’s up up being. Thoughts?


Hey all

Our dear swiss miss has taken leave and headed to NYC for a little R&R. In her absence we must do our best to KEEP THE THREAD ALIVE!!

Maybe we should talk about tack nosebands…

Not bad, not bad at all LCR Scott,

But I can one-up you:

<<doubletake> I’m going to hold you to that as soon as she enters her terrible 2’s! lol!>>

Tin> That’s fine by me! I would definately not mind pampering Galli with treats while helping her through the transition of ‘little girl’ to ‘big girl’! Just think of what I could teach her!

doubletake> eep! I have no clue!! Too tough for me!

Here’s one from kindergarden though, horse related too

A cowboy rode into a small town on Sunday. He went into the bar got really drunk and past out for the next 2 days, then rode home on Sunday.

How is this possible?

Hey, told you it was simple

Here’s some more simple ones:

-A roster lays an egg on the peak of the barn’s roof, which way does the egg roll?

-Draw 7 stalls on a piece of paper. Now fit 8 horses into those 7 stalls without doubling up.

-Little Johny and his dad were in a car crash, seriously hurt and rushed to a hospital where Johny’s father dies instantly. Johny was taken to the operating room where the surgen refused to operate. When asked why, the surgen replied “I can’t operate on that little boy, he’s my son”. Who’s the surgen?

(you’d be surpise how many people get that one wrong, quite funny actually )

ClipClop> Thanks, I can’t wait to see grass either! lol! And yep I used to post on the E-board as TinCan, but got sick of the crashes

And what about coreene? She so underestimates our prowess for a little dirt-diggin - we know all about her brief affaire de coeur with Tom Arnold! And dublin, pshaw, she’s a well-known madame in northern CA.

And elizabeth…boy, detailing that woman’s past would take at least another five pages. Studying for the CA bar? Do believe she neglected to mention that she was doing so behind the bars of the Palo Loma Woman’s Correctional Insitute.

too broken up since the recently departed did abandon her at a very young age…

Jenn had Farrow and another horse, whose name eludes me, who was shown by Yann Candele last season. I don’t think Farrow’s show at all in the past couple of years - though will readily admit, I may be wrong.

You know, it’s always scary when we start to resemble our grandmothers. Grandma wonders everyday how many children I have, but can give you minute details of events from fifty years in the past. Not that you Canter, at 61, are anything at all like my 90-year-old grandmother. She’s taller for one.