Question for Canter

Not quite. But my sister lives in Montreal (do you consider that part of Canada?) and is a dual National. Plus, I have been to the Royal Winter Fair and admired the butter sculpture.

Q: How many Vermonters does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Ten; one to do it and nine to sit around and talk about how good the old one worked.


My cute carmel coloured (with a star) foal grew up to be a grey. I thought he was going to get darker and be a chestnut, but he just kept getting lighter, until he was the same colour as his mother. He’s still a cutie though.

That riddle is waaay too confusing for me. My first thought was also that there wasn’t a horse!

She’s adorable, LCR! It looks like she’s going to have a nice tail some day!


Aw Maz, if it’s raining where you are then it’s heading our way next. Appreciate your attempt at virtual mouth to mouth but I think the patient is code red.
Heidi, isn’t it time to put it out of it’s misery?

Don’t even get me started on how much I am obsessed with Gettysburg. That horse is so gorgeous, perfect mover, perfect jump, classic looks…ahhh dreamy look

Tin - you deserve a medal. In return I’ll clean all of your tack. Which do you prefer I use, glycerin soap or Murphy’s?

BTW - I’ve been away. Had to see a man about a horse.

Somehow, searching to post made the Canadian topic superior.

Oh well, back to mundane.

[This message was edited by Everythingbutwings on Feb. 26, 2001 at 10:54 PM.]

Heidi- now I know where I can leave my puppy whilst in Toronto with non-dog-loving relatives. Waht is the one thing MIL is afraid of? A little scary black dog knocking her over while she is in that tiny closet of an abomination of a kitchen. what is first thing baby rottweiler puppy did while visiting? Bam…ya got it!
Not to mention- at aprox 3.30 am while we tried to sleep- leaving a large slimy disgusting reeking ‘pressie’ in our downstairs apartment, obvioulsy she could not help it,even not withstanding the fact that a) hers is usually small firm and notsmelly, and b) she is 100% housebroken.
However, I digress into what we Canadians are most known for discussing on horse BBs… my point… ah yes, the backyard! You won’t know a difference.
PS- I thought Big Ben was CANADIAN, by which I thought they meant Canadian bred and born? Hmm. I really did think that!!

Daphne at a few weeks of age. She is now rising seven this year and showing in the larges in the states.

that’s dangerous you know doubletake, I get sooooo addicted to things like that especially solitare! I LOVE solitare because I can talk on the phone or concentrate on something else and still win

O.k, I’ll start I am an alter and will give you three hints as of who I am. Since I’m the start of this I’m not really sure what kind of hints to post but I’ll try

hint #1- I hate my horse’s registered name but like the unique short version of it

hint#2- out of all the horses I’ve owned they have all been bays except for one

hint#3- I’m very impateint

Well? too easy? too hard?

It wouldn’t hurt to contact Goldhawk or Silverman. The worst they could say is no.

Fred, while I would love for LCR to post the creep’s name, doing so would open her to libelous action and Erin would be forced to close this thread.

Perhaps one day LCR will be able to post a “Does Anybody Know?” thread. Then we will all know.

Heidi, darling, I would hardly compare us to the Who… after all, SOME of us posters aren’t senior citizens yet!

Willow - you guessed right! I say your boy at the Royal and he is very cute! I didn’t see his class as I was at the stalls trying to organize the 2 weanie fillies, yearling colt, 2 year old colt, 2 year old gelding, 3 yr old gelding that we had showing, Dany also showed another 3 yr old and a stallion … the day was crazy! but very successful! much better than the previous year where I spent the night before in the Emergency ward with BC courtesy of our stallion.

Agree with you that breeding can be very rewarding but very heartbreaking also … we lost my fillies mom 25 days after birth to colic … so with our second foal last year we didn’t relax for months after!

It is so cool though when you see traits and habits in your baby that are identical to their mom or dad! Leeloo’s afraid of her daddy right now as I had her in the groom stall which is right next to daddy’s stall, he was down having a nap and started to snore … she was convinced it was a monster!! they are so funny!!

That’s who that nice guy is!

to give some info, and am now so depressed, that I can’t remember what I wanted to post…Snif***

JumpTheMoon> Ak! Now I won’t be able to sleep tongiht! Way to go, I have NO clue what so ever. Please tell me!! Please?

oh and here’s a pic, why? Because I’m in a picture posting mood and I think this pic looks kind of cool. I know, I’m jumping WAY forward, I went through a phase, but think I’m over that now