Question for Canter

I love The Hobbit, will have to skip through it tonight to find the answer to the second riddle

O.k guys-


-where: my farm
-when: when it gets warmer
-why: cause!!


*BYOB- well y’all should know that one
*BYOOT- bring your own orange toque
*BYOTT- bring your own turquois thong (orange acceptable)
*BYOT- bring your own tent, I ain’t trying to squeeze y’all into my room. Just won’t work

Sorry I missed all the disappearing thread excitement of the night… I was otherwise occupied- but that’s a subject we won’t go into here!

As for the CA rumours, let’s have it known that Merry’s sister Beezer is none other than Brittany Spears. I believe that her excuse for no longer showing is that the sun would melt all that plastic they put into her!

I sure am going to Brandon and look forward to seeing Conair…hey, I saw the To papers had the Salisbury House being sold to Burton Cummings…now that’s a story…! Ask your Mb ancestors if they’ve been to the Sals - that’s the true test of a Winnipeger…

Definition of the coming of Spring. It’ll always be the first robin, for me. But here, the ground squirrels (=prairie dogs= gophers = ‘feepers’) showing their noses from underground is always the first indication! We saw a ‘feeper’ yesterday and tried to feed him a McDonalds french fry. Spring is coming!!!
And everyone is shedding, too!

doubletake> lol!! I’m still putting my studying off and it’s been like what 3 hours? The bad thing about our college is that NO classes are cancelled because of snow, they think we should “just deal with it” so if it’s snows alot I just sleep in anyways

lol! that last one should have “outed” myself. I am Tin

Nope, no baby yet I think it’s a big conspiracy, she getting back at us for riding her and making her work. Good theory?
You have created a min golf monster! I like the billard games too but I’m not as good at them…yet!

Tin, I was so busy yesterday, I couldn’t get back to congratulate you. I am so excited for you. There is nothing like a new baby to throw in the mix. She is lovely and mommy looks so into her.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions on how to handle this. I never thought of the tv angle and it is worth a big think.

I will happily tell each and every one of you his name, where he is from, what he is like, etc, but in private. I am sitting back waiting on the filly and then I will try a course of action.

Canter, he is not a CEF, OEF, OHJA, CSHA, CWBA, member. I called them all. He isn’t that stupid.

The challenge that is? Did the Canadians win the war? I tried to lend a hand while traveling and I was so proud to see the “little” thread that could grew to 42 pages. 42 pages of “MUI” (Much Useless Information). Whooo Hoooooooo. Way to go folks. Miss ya all.

Tin - I don’t have a scanner but Jacob was in the horsesport stallion issue last year - a full page head shot. He was Grand Champion colt/stallion at the Royal as a two year old, and the judge still asks about him - calls him the little bay with all the chrome - whenever we see her in Florida, or judging at Palgrave, we think he’s pretty special.

When Leeloo was 1 day old she would walk out of the stall and walk up and down the aisle of the barn, never looked for mom! her brother would never leave mom’s side though - so different.
Leeloo’s independance came in handy when she was orphaned and she did become much easier to handle when we got her a nurse mom - I think she was afraid if she was bad she would loose her new mom too

Louise- that’s a nice horse!
Another stallion- looks well in this picture:

can’t work in the garden, can’t ride outside, can’t get the fences painted, have to watch “CricketCam” video monitor… we can still huddle over our warm keyboards…
but once the snow finally melts, just watch us Canadians rip off our polar fleece, our sorels, our **** toques and headbands (am I the only one with permanent hat hair?)fire up the barbeque … am I dreaming, or did we EVER have summer…

Sleep? Pffflt! Who needs sleep when a war is being waged?!?! BTW, has anyone else noted that we have the ratio-advantage on this thread between the views/replies? The CA’ers wake thread is suffering from a not-even 5% reply-to-view ratio. Would seem to indicate that they’re either a really shy bunch or they’re all in prison and the power’s been shut off for the night.

I suspect, ClipClop, your allegiance to the Canadian cause is such that you feel compelled, driven, perhaps possessed enough, to sit before your PC ALL NIGHT LONG to ensure that we reach 10 pages before sunrise.

sigh nope, most the slaves run away from me screaming when they see me come with my tack, the rest were abducted by aliens I do believe. Darn aliens

Finger’s crossed… Nothing more scary/exhilirating than foaling a mare!!!

I was going to post something to give this thread smoe “substance”, but I’m at a loss after tin’s post.

Good luck!!!

Like the saying goes heidi, like mother like daughter… (Actually, thats not the saying, but close enough!)

Actually, the woodchuck is much bigger and browner than a prairie dog - how’s that for an accurate zoological description?

Heidi - I just found out not long ago that Cockburn wasn’t still married to Sue Franklin. But I don’t recall his showing hunters himself - obviously I’m too young to remember. What’s your excuse??

Baaaaaddddd thing… Sniff… On another thread, I actually posted what I thought, and then pressed “enter”…

Guess which thread???

Can’t wait to see the response…

Christine! lol! Kelly Jean Jelly Bean brings back memories, kids in my class used to call me Jenny Mahoney my little pony! LMAO! Actually there are a few guys who will still belt out “that” song after a few drinks

Awww… where do we go from here? I for one will greatly miss our escapades on the Canter thread. Ahhh, the memories