Question for Canter

don’t remember which one this is…

Come on you guys, only 33 pages to go! We can’t put the thread on life support already!

Don’t we all get goosebumps.

Her name was Clay(big boned chestnut with white star, stipe, snip, white hind, darker splotch on her back, dam of Hugh, DB’s horse. They had leased her to breed and then hadn’t bothered. She had a terrible case of mud fever at that point.

and then fall asleep out of exhaustion (mental and physical–I always stress when people come to see horses), and wake up to find almos 5 more pages!!!

On a HR note, things in my little circus yesterday went very well, and one of the horses (if not 2) may be leaving the premises shortly. Probably the one that isn’t mine, but oh well–I’m notorious for being able to sell everyone elses’ horses, and my herd continues to grow…

I’ll bring the keg!!! and extra deoderant for anyone who needs it, just in case

BossHoss> it was very scarey there for a bit, but were relieved when vet gave the thumbs up, big weight off our shoulders. It’s only been recently people have been telling us “foalings gone bad” stories so our imaginations were running wild.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I humbly (me humble? phef) accept the wonderful honoUr and think a temple may be more appropriate than a shrine, after all you can’t perform sacrific’s in a shrine. I think a troll every months sounds good for sacrific’s don’t you? We can feed them to the BB Gods in hope that we never loose threads again and thank them for not crashing every 2 weeks

I just had a mid-term in Architectural History class, fasinating stuff isn’t it?

it’s true, I can’t stand Martin Amis, English writer, son of Kingsley. Am five pages from completion, or is that salvation, of “The Information” and try as I have, cannot stand his writing any longer and have thrown the book into the garbage can. BTW, the words horse and pony appear in the book twice.

Just trying to get us over that 21st page hump.

Hi! I feel like I haven’t talked to you guys in a while now, I just keep missing all of you! Hey, and what’s up with me eating paste Tin! I haven’t done that in a while!

I love to go to parties! I think that’s mostly what I do when I’m not on a horse…

Back from Skiing, there was no snow on the mountain! Needless to say I took a lot of falls. Oh well it was worth it anyway.

Yesterday we did the “terrifying tarp training” at my barn. Made the greenlings walk over a tarp, which is a lot more fun than I first thought. Nikko was an all star, a bit terrified at first, but then he just thought it was a jump and there is nothing better than jumping in his eyes. ha!

Does anyone else do spooking things to your horse to get the spook out of them?

Tin>goodluck on the exam, I have a midterm on Wednesday and I know absolutely nothing! I do however know that the chapter is about electrochemistry and ok I forget the other chapter its on! kinetic something! And I am going to the barn today (of course), the chiropracter is coming.

doubletake> we think firday night too!!! fingers crossed!

Though once this mare does pop, you know, this board will be FILLED with pictures. There’s no escaping it. Just a forewarning

So what are all of you planning on doing this weekend?
I am going to watch a hunter/jumper clinic at a nearby stable given by a Canadian her name has slipped from my memory. I believe it is Lindy something.

Congratulations Tin, on completing halter lesson #1! Thanks for the update!

I measured Hannah, sort of, while standing in the run off and mud, trying to make sure we were on even ground, with no stick.

She comes up to the middle of my breast bone and I’m 5’4". Approximately makes her about 53" tall which is 13.1h at 9 months.

The barn managaer is going to measure her properly for me as soon as she stops laughing at me. I’ll let you know how big she really is in a day or two!

Oh, and my shy baby is coming out of her shell a bit. She came over for some fine lovin’ and had a good rub. She is very sweet and no wuss. Thank goodness!

Hey Clip Clop, do you ever venture across to Windsor to the casino? I have a friend in Bloomfield who’s probably won enough at this point to buy himself a really nice WB – that is, if he wasn’t allergic to horses.

LOL! Lisi, Lisi, I would have never expected that from a sweet Junior like you! While I could disown my Canadian band, and join the Jr. clique, I don’t think Queen Heidi would care for that very much. Thanks for the offer anyway. :wink:

Merry, I think our MAZ is worth at least 10 of your Shirley Maclaines.

Come on over for brunch!!!

Lorne rode hunters and jumpers in the 60s (I think). I met him through a man who used to coach me. He runs a stable in Oakville on Burnhamthorpe Rd called ??? something about trees, pine, spruce ??? I can’t remember. Anyway, it is a fairly small barn, adults only. He is quite the character, but he really knows his stuff.

heidi- who? who is that? I have to admit, being in Calgary has really put me out of the culture loop! Carole Shields is just too boring, Robertson is just too wierd for me to get into (although everybody else was), but I still love the occasional MA. Makes me feel like I’m back in school!!
Mudder is still awesome.
And now I feel like Adrian Mole…

Heidi dear, Canter is gaining on you in # of posts. My advice: blab like you’ve never blabbed before!

So do you guys venture down to my neck of the woods for the Capital Classic? If so, let me know. I’ll be the one hiding behind the stalls throwing water ballons at people as they pass by, so if you get hit and hear a high pitch laugh-that’s me