Question for Canter

Sam> good to see you back, even though your butt maybe a little bruised from “ice” skiing Hope you exam goes well, I always loved kinetics. Way to go Nikko! We did that with a horse once, everytime he walked over a tarp (or something relitivly scarey) we’d give him lots of praise and/or a treat. Well he became quite proud of himself and everytime something would be on the ground (be it a tarp, or a jacket blown off the railing) he’d run over it and then look for praise or treat!

sigh mare has not popped yet, I’m getting ready to get the tongs and squeeze the sucker out of her but she’s quiet content will herself. She used to be turned out with 5 other horses (all b!tches) in a lower field but was seperated when we thought she was getting close, and put her in her own field infront of where she used to be. At first she was in heaven because she got a whole round bale to herself but I guess she got bored because she decided to hop the fence and join the other group to eat their round bale too! I think she missed chasing the others away from the round bale, made the hay that much better knowing the others horses wanted it but she wouldn’t let them have it. Piggy!

does happy dance All my mid-terms are done!! Yay! I had 4 exams before break, and the last one was today! It went really well even though it was really hard (that prof. loves to play with your head). So now all I have to worry about are my final assignments due in a few weeks, think I’ll probably put them off till last minuit too. All except the model, those are too darn fun! After the work load I’ve gotten this semester, I’m just waiting for the summer when I get to work 9-5, going to be a lot less hours

LCR, because you refer to an agreement, and the mare was intended as a broodmare, what did the agreement stipulate re: ownership of the babies? And why do you conclude that Canadian law isn’t on your side? Had the agreement specified that you had the right to any foals, you would have the legal right to claim the filly from the ‘new owners’ - would you not? If the filly was sold without your knowledge and agreement, didn’t the guy, in effect, commit fraud? And if that’s the case, couldn’t you call the cops?

BTW, could you share your ‘feriend’ Canter with me? I’ve only shovelled half the driveway and cannot bring myself to clear the rest.

Is it 40 yet?
Is it summer yet?

that in my spare time, I should get my teacher’s certification, so that I could possibly teach high school Biology some day when I can’t lift a muck bucket anymore…

not flushing the dentures down the toilet!!!

I am lost in this thread. What riddle?

It is a must that the jrs not beat the elder and wiser group!

I’ll talk it over with Rick. In California, which is a community property state, one spouse cannot spend community funds on something big without the consent of the other.

Given that Rick and I will likely marry, I’ll need to consult him on the purchase. Of course, if it were up to me, I would buy you your horse.

As we get closer to the bar, my posts will be exclusively bar related.

about my hangover!!! Heidi–talk to my hubby, and get him off my back!!!

Beast-child apparently threw her sneaker (from the time-out chair) and knocked the teacher unconscious(JK-but it was aimed that way). She’s in her room, and I’m in the process of removing everything that she cherrishes from the house, and told her I was making a bonfire—Is this cruel???

Whoa guys, why is the post way down here! I understand Moesha’s outbreak would push it down, but all the way down here! Come on, do it for the thong!

“Looking in the sale bin? OMG, it’s Tin!”

LMAO!!! Love it Heidi!! To funny!!!

falling headlong into the dishwasher! that made me laugh out loud - but I hope you didn’t hurt yourself - and what are you going to tell the repair man? Just to show how cabin feverish I am, I went for a manicure this afternoon - and got gel nails! eeeuuu. My hands, not surprisingly,don’t look good. ie I don’t bother with gloves for sheath cleaning (actually that excalibur stuff makes your hands baby soft)…
I keep saying “after foaling season” “after breeding season” “after the Royal” and then it starts all over again. But I had a good look at myself the other day and realized I was starting to look like those “horsey” English ladies who used to be at Pony Club when I was a girl…kind of wrinkly, windblown and definitely casual about my dress .and since it’s only 18 days till my 50th birthday (God, I’ve said it), I’ve decided to start to stem the tide of advancing age. A French Manicure. where will it end? Maybe I’ll take a calcium tablet tonight. It doesn’t get much wilder than that. What’s next, plastic surgery?

Canada has ever produced…

a certain other thread to be repeating itself??? Redundancy irritates me, and I refuse (itchy trigger-fingers) as of this point to even look on it. Mute points, and rediculous people aren’t worth my time…

Tin, I’m thinking on names for you–runs to get Websters…

Did you unsightly winter/dog ravished lawn get recovered in snow?

I was devastated to have not received the questionnaire from Jair, but I paid him back by filling it out and sending it to him anyway! hehehe

I was wondering if anyone even looked at the post. I think he’ll do his daddy proud…sniffff

oh!oh! pick me! pick me! I know that one JumpTheMoon Good riddle! Do you know the answer to the first riddle? if so please email me!

Here’s another (easier) riddle:

What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?

While we’re on the topic of stallions, does anyone know where I can find pictures and/or info on Nias? I don’t even know what breed he is, but he sired my friend’s horse.

He’s a looker though BossHoss, to bad price isn’t as fitting.