Question for Canter

people blame the loss of this thread on my poor Willie (the Rottie), beast-child can compete with him!!! He’s now so depressed that he had to go kill a cat (a wild one that keeps having litters and abandoning them so that I have to bottle feed the little darlins every 3-4 hours til they can do soft/adult food)

Yes LOUISE, I think poor Betsy’s mother is dead–break it to her softly…

Moment of silence…

Before I miss out on the great book topic…

Sure I may be too old for them but I LOVED the Harry Potter books…I secretly can’t wait til the next one comes out. Well not a secret anymore.

I’m just not into adulty books yet either, except for the ones we had to read for english this year. Pride and Prejudice was actually good, much to my dismay (I say this BEFORE I have to write an essay on it! ha!)

Don’t listen to her, Heidi! I can definitely take her…and if not, well, my horse is about 7 feet tall (at the shoulder), and he can run her over! Hey, he’s done it to the coach!

And for those of you who were intimidated by tales of Jump the Moon’s great height, fear no more. lol, she is all of 5’4" and even I have a good 2 inches on her.

Oh you did say that! I swear. It was the day you were wearing your grandma’s cut off jeans and the purple shirt that was supposed to be long sleeved but you cute the sleeves off? And you were wearing your sparkly purple high heels from when you were five. Don’t you remember that? If my memory serves me right, it was the same day you went on the date with the 43 year old McDonalds worker from K-Town. Is it comming back to you now? I hope so…
Jeffrey is such a wimp anyways, of course he’d be scared of me. Anyone who has seen me is, i’m just such a scary looking gal. Riiiiight… I’m just as angelic as my darling horse

Now for the question: If this guy’s name is really Bruce Cockburn, is there such a person as Bruce Coeburn?

36 pages… way to go guys!!!

I shall email you this evening. Sunday would be lovely, I don’t schedule lessons on the weekends in case I happen to decide to go to a show…

Is anyone else having server problems???

diane> waiting is the WORST!! We watched Brie for 2 weeks, every hour every night (camera in her stall connected to a tv in our house) because we had the feeling she wouldn’t show signs. We were all exausted!
Hope Mona doesn’t keep you waiting that long, is she overdue? If so, by how much?

Our colours are navy and tan. All our bandages are white but pretty much everything else is navy.

I know the answer to that one too JumpTheMoon!

I love riddles, I’m dumb about them too but gives me something to think about when I’m bored. I’m easily amuzed, heck you should see me with a cardboard box I have GREAT fun

At least I know the answer to the one I posted, give you guys a hint for those who don’t know : You use it alot on for this BB. More confised or clear?

Thanks for the info on the haiku (spelling was alomst close perhaps I’ll have to write one now

And lastly, in self defense the first riddle I posted had the wording completly screwed up that’s why I never figued it out (ya right good excuse huh? LOL!! )

How 'bout I hire some male strippers for us all to make up for it?

I think we crashed the BB…I’m getting the “server is unavailable” message again. Sorry, Erin! (hehehe)

Congratulations to Kryswyn, riddle champ of the world! Or (more possibly) just a really talented procrastinator…does your boss know this is what you do all day?

Sam> good luck! I bet it’ll be fun!
Pictures, pictures, pictures!

k, k, here’s more slogans:

It’s time to hop and vote for ClipClop

Good with a mop, vote for ClipClop

I’ll never stop till you vote for ClipClop

and now for your opponent:

She’s not a ranter so just vote for Canter

that’s it, sorry not mcuh ryhms with Canter

Geeze, if my vet resembled Mel Gibson, even a teensy bit I’d probably have Munchausen’s Disease!

JumpDaMoon - I hover between 5’2 and 5’5 - dependent on the heels. In my favourite Manolos, I would tower over you darling.

And for the record, sometimes it is about the bark and not the bite – in which case, my money’s on Palisades. She’s like the pit bull of the Canadian clique - and I mean this in a good way.

Yes, Jaime Lynn, Sumo’s 60 pounds, whence we checked last in December. He’s not fat, though, just big all around - huge feet, takes a 7 1/8 approved helmet, tall, broad shoulders. A bit of a belly but, hey, he’s only a baby. Think we’ll be skipping the short stirrup classes - he’d crush a small pony. Think it’d be okay for him to show short stirrup on a 17hh WB? It’s really funny when people ask whether we’re related - given all 95 pounds of me and my fluctuating height.

I shall get my act together this week and finally post pictures of my darling, adorable and brilliant boy. Stay tuned. And be afraid Jaime Lynn, be very afraid.

I think we need to elect Bumpkin the clique historian. And ClipClop, our resident alien. Just don’t let her near any of your major appliances.

at this point!!!LOL

on a healthy baby - best wishes with her.
LCR Scott - your story breaks my heart. You’re right though about the SPCA, the animal cruelty legistation has no teeth. Basically, if the SPCA doesn’t SEE the horse IN THE ACT OF BEING NEGLECTED (and their definition is not ours) nothing can be done. and even if the person is charged with neglect (we have all heard the horrible stories of the guy tying a puppy to his bumper and drivng down the road, dragging it to “teach” it a lesson ) even IF charged, the law itself is weak. Animals have no rights and very little protection under the law, and legislation to protect them has been vigorously opposed by Farmers and slaughter house operators who are worried that phrases like “unnecessary pain and suffering” might have an impact on their freedom to treat animals as they wish.
with the new session of Parliament the Justice minister has said that she will table a Bill containing amendments to the Criminal Code: Cruelty to Animals section. Please, everyone, write to your MP asking him or her to support this bill. current legislation allows animals to be beaten, neglected, starved and tortured with the perpetrators receiving little or no punishment. animal abuse is a crime. rant over for now ( at least it got me off the Junos)
LCR Scott would you like to email me privately, I’d like to see if I can help in anyway.
Canter - I don’t know - I just thought the whole thing might escalate into a knockdown, drag em out fight.
and what is this other thread you guys are talking about?

doubletake, these are just for you! I decided to put captions on these pictures, why? because gosh darn it I felt like it!

when I have to go to page 2 to see our beloved thread! Come on girls (and Jair!), we can’t let this thing die. Spread the love, and keep our thread alive. heidi dahling, we need you to come up with another imaginative topic to keep us all posting away. Help!

Silly Mommy - Mandate is the perfect name! love his barn name though too!

It’s funny how some names just come to you very easily and others … it hard to come up with one. One of our broodmare’s racing name was Pickle Head and her show name was Dream Warrior, our stallion is Rule the Day(TB name) and Eye Dream (CSH name) … one late, late night when we were very tired we came up with her next babies name - barn name will be Relish, and her reg./show name … either ‘Dream of the Pickle Warriors’ or ‘Kosher Dreams’. We might just do it as well, it would be too funny in the hunter ring!

My favourite show haiku

Oh dear Bromont oh
Poutine, less tax, good footing
Wish all shows were thus