Question for Canter

Okay, so with JL’s rottie’s fire, and the bean dip I just brought… I think were going to get kicked off the BB!

So now those CA-ers want to play it rough, do they?? Technically, it doesn’t matter if our posts are in obsecurity, because they are still here in cyberspace. Don’t give up hope my adopted Canadian clique! BTW, I’ve seen real life exorcisms performed- No Im not volunteering!!

I just got back from a fabulous lesson on my awesome Elliot!!!
No he is not Canadian bred, but his dad won at Spruce Meadows and so maybe we could say Elliot has been to Canada in a round about way
I have had to let Mallory ride Elliot for the past two months as her horse Poncho has been in his stall after jumping out the dutch door of his stall and scraping a hind leg.
So I have ridden maybe twice since December 29.
Anyways Elliot has been getting worse and worse, had the Vet out to check the teeth, massage therapy, changed bits finally a saddle fitter.
Saddle needs to be a WIDE, so I picked up a brand new County Pro Fit from a dear friend to try tonight for Mallory’s lesson, she got sick, so I took the lesson and WOW!!
I am sooooo happy everyone.
Now I know why I love my horse so much.
Both my Dressage and Hunt seat trainers were there and they were amazed. He was so happy, this saddle is so comfy for both Elliot and I.
Elliot jumped big and round, extended his trot, took his leads, and most amazing didn’t fuss or go on his head around the ring.
Sorry to be soooo wordy, here, but I just had to write this I am so happy with Elliot and this saddle.
I have to find a used County, 17 W!!

Either that or the barn is going to be really stinky come morning.

o.k this needs to be bumped up again so… oh did I ever tell you guys about Tin and his muzzle?

If I have, then sit down and be quite because I’m telling you again. Now gather round kiddies, make a semi-circle, Heidi don’t push… ClipClop stop eating that paste

Anyways Tin was on the cross ties being his usual silly self as I was talking to our barn manager and noticed a muzzle on one of the horses doors. I asked if I caould try it on Tin and she laugh and helped me put it on. Well as soon as we did the buckle up he went from silly/obnoxious to mellow and falling asleep with his nose to the ground, in the matter of 2 seconds!! It was sooo funny!!! We took it off and experiemented with it a few more times and got the exact same results each and everytime

I’ve had the same thought Fred - especially when you’ve dropped a bundle buying a horse from them. Later found out that the other trainer was making queries through our trainer and getting the ‘okay’ before approaching us. Very odd. But there is an unwritten code of ethics and behaviour between trainers, it seems. At this point, I start getting suspicious if another trainer is too effusive with us.

If I’m 61, I have a fantastick 6 year old hunter that is guaranteed to win you ribbons in every class you ever enter. This horse is so perfect, you don’t even have to worry about finding a spot - he’ll do it for you. And he’s never lame. Guaranteed!!!

She’s adorable! I love the long legs! I think she looks chestnut from the photos.

closes eyes, rubbs temples and chants “heidi check the Canter thread” over and over and over

our first will probably be the May Bolton. AFR will be doing the Combineds (yeah) and I will have to juggle his showing and his breeding schedules.
Last year, I got a call late at night - he had Hendervale the next day - from a mare owner - apologizing profusely - but needing semen the next day. so, off we went. when I got to the barn, “Fred” was in the aisle being braided and getting a pulled shoe tacked back on, at the same time. as soon as it was done, I loaded him on the trailer, took him to be collected, collected him, loaded him back on the trailer and drove him to Hendervale - did I mention he came 2nd in the U/S?. But a busy day - I’m NOT looking forward to a a repeat of that!

I could use Crosby the corgi for the dogsled … but we wouldn’t go anywhere, he lies down when he’s scared and the thought of work would definitely scare him! … I could use Boom-Boom the boxer … but she’s such a princess she would want to ride in it … that leaves Bing & Bong, the JRT’s … oh god! we’d go to every tree, under every fence and in lot’s and lot’s of circles!!! guess we’ll have to stick to the golf cart, they all like to ride in that!

I’ve discussed this thing about you (and Heidi)wanting another baby before… Make a road trip!!!LOL

These are my kind of riddles!!!
-Sunday is his horse!
-Roosters don’t lay eggs!
-Haha, don’t get that one!
-Johny’s mom!

LOL ok I live only about 1/2hr away but that’s the first time I’ve heard that!

If you’re gonna be part of the Canadian Clique, you have to do things the Canadian way. Therefore I do believe you meant honoured, as opposed to honored. We Canadians do enjoy adding extra u’s, just for fun, or is that humoUr?

The Complete Rider segment said that Big Ben was one of only two non-humans in the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame (Northern Dancer is the other). So–1. I assumed he was Canadian, and 2. That if he is the only jumping horse in your national hall of fame, he was the best Canada had campaigned. As to the frozen waste comment, I have to tell you that I consider everything over the 34th parallel a frozen waste and nearly uninhabitable. I know. I’ve live in Pennsylvania and New York, and they are much too far north for me.

If my tone was dismissive, it wasn’t intended to be. I keep forgetting smilies and VVBG emoticons/acronyms.

Canada rocks.

A Fine Romance’s oldest foals are just rising 5 yrs old - the ones starting to jump, are really athletic, free in the shoulder, very brave. I have a fallen tree in one of my fields - the foals race around and jump it on their own - all in stride, huge bascules! One that I sold as a 2 yearold, was bought to be a top level eventer (the girl has Olympic aspirations), but the trainer thinks he is a jumper, close to 17 h,jumps with his knees up to his eyeballs. He is 4 now. I bottle raised that foal when his mum rejected him (barn name “Lips”)
You are welcome to come see AFR anytime; he is at Peter Stoeckle’s. I would love to lease/buy a retired jumper mare to breed to him. If you know of any.

I’ve racked my brian over and over to try and think of a “clean” joke to post on this board (yes, I’m back to joke posting) but can’t think of any. So y’all have escaped the gilloteen of having to listen to one of my cheesy jokes

I should actually be studying for a mid-term I have tomorrow morning because I have no clue what it’s on and haven’t touched that book except to write my name in it (silver metalic pens rock). But I’m still nursing the remains of a tequilla hangover and just don’t feel like it right now Besides, I work better late at night

Hey…does anyone want to study for me? It’s Enviromental Systems (ie. plumbing codes, pipe sizes, ect…) pretty interesting stuff sarcasim
Please??? Anyone???

o.k well fine, so here my question for everyone: how do you get the elastic on your girth clean? So far I’ve just been scrubbing mine with some soap and warm water (with toothbrush). Is there an easier way?

Bruce is a great songwriter, and I really like him too as a person.
But back to my JUNO rant, getting a JUNO - or getting radio play is not really a measure of talent or creativity - it is all industry and money.
Another great Canadian male singer-songwriter? GARNET ROGERS. and I bet most of you have never even heard of him. doesn’t kiss ass, doesn’t write 3 minute songs to get radio play…But he is a truly powerful performer,beautiful voice, writes stunning, moving, beautifully written songs, but doesn’t “play the game”. He’ll probably never get a Juno either.
I don’t know Allanah M. but I DO remember an interview she did a few years ago in which she stated that her sexual allure was so great, the stallion they were using for the video kept getting an erection.!!! um, she’s veeery pretty, but, as someone with a stallion, that made me ROTFLOL. erections (in stallions) are not hard to come by <G>

[This message was edited by Fred on Mar. 06, 2001 at 04:13 PM.]

LCR, just your post and I’m sickened.

Here’s a thought. Can you ‘out’ him as the a$$hole that he is - could you approach Horse Sport and offer to write an article on leases and relate your experience? There may not be an acceptable legal remedy but perhaps you can use your experience as a cautionary tale for others and in the process out him as the sleaze that he is.