Question for Canter

Well, we have been getting lake effect snow all last night and this morning, got about a foot! You can stop sending all that darn white stuff down here any time you want. It’s March, I want tulips, not snowflakes!!!

Where’s Heidi tonight? Probably GLUED to the TV, watching the Juno Awards (our version of the Grammy’s only really, really amateurishly done)

Yooo-hooo Heidi! I just heard Sheila Copps presenting an award. It doesn’t get any lower than this.

Miss D - I’m quite happy to inform you that Canter is indeed nowhere near 61. My dear friend Heidi made that up to help her get over her own midlife crisis brought on by an impending 50th birthday.

I guessed your identity on the previous page and demand the recognition that I so richly deserve!

Here’s a game:

-When is Tin’s mare gonna pop? My guess is tomorrow afternoon.

Well not like I haven’t had my butt planted in this chair for the last week, but I got waylayed from the thread and now have come back.
This whole accident thing is really grating on my nerves. Still going to physio three times a week… which means I have two days to go play with pony and ride, if I can get out both days, plus one day/weekend to go look at horses.
And everytime I think I’m healing better, and could maybe start to think about possibly potentially going to physio twice, something else comes along and hurts like he!! and reminds me why I’m at physio three times a week…
And our chinook broke yesterday and it actually snowed here! Yak! Snow!!! So now we have snow on the ground for the first time in over a week. Here’s hoping this won’t last long!!

and not everything posted was “useless”. Congrats on starting a new page!!!

PS–I’m the former Jaime Lynn


Diane, sorry to hear about your mare. Everyone’s babies sound like sweeties! I want one NOW! Just joking, I couldn’t afford one. What’s with all this talk of money lately? Some people have it, some people don’t. Yes, money certainly helps in the horse show world, but everyone I know is in it for the love of the horse.

Someone hold me! I’m scared!!! Heidi, could it be? could I be your alter? Stranger things have happened, ya know. Ever seen fight club? I’d be your Brad Pitt, hmmm that wouldn’t be too bad actually
If I am your alter, just a reminder you have a floor plan due next monday and you should get cracking on that model. Oh and you have a lesson on Tin tomorrow

Noppers, I don’t happen to know any RH’s, not off hand anyways (I appologise profoundly if I do and just can’t remeber).

not a joke, but a riddle. If anyone knows the answer please tell me, it’s been bugging me for a year now


There are three words in the English language that end in “gry”. ONE is angry and the other is hungry. EveryONE knows what the third ONE means and what it stands for. EveryONE uses them everyday, and if you listened very carefully, I’ve given you the third word.

What is it?________gry?

I think we need to invest another page or two raving about MissD’s poem - what a great ‘eulogy’ MissD!

Fred, having travelled too often on the Q.E.W., as someone explained to me once, here in Toronto we have two seasons - winter and construction.

Ha! We Californians spit on your 7 pages!

(Be forewarned we are all drunk on Margaritas from our thread’s ongoing funeral, so we’re not responsible for what we say or type).

hmmm You go right ahead! Sounds good! I’ll take any left overs you want to toss over
I’m cookin a midnight breakfast right now, hash browns and eggs nummy want some hashbrowns with your fish stick/tartar sauce on a bun sandwich? They’re plently to go around

Hope everything goes well for the foaling… We have two mares that look like they’re about ready to explode at our barn. I can’t wait. Nothing cuter than little foals. And page 16 guys, we’re on a roll.

Heehee, guys I just have to know, who here is blonde, besides me???

Ah! Too much to learn about little fuzzy creatures some who may or may not beg for french fries. Thanks for that info though BossHoss I may have to travel out there, french frie in hand and see if I can spot me a feeper!

What do I do outside of horses? what do you mean outside of horses? I didn’t think such thing existed

I started packing up my room today and decided to box my ribbons, what a trip! Every ribbon I ever recieve was delicatly placed in a moving box and it took me a good 2 hours because I had to read the back of each and everyone. Even though just by looking at the front of them (the placing, style and location) I could have told you everything about that show, right down to what colour socks I was wearing

Which gives me a question to ask you guys, what do you write on the back of your ribbons?

I write my horse’s name, my name, which class/division, date and our placing out of how many people (ex. to see 1/32 on the back would mean first out of 32).

Canter dearest, my grandmother done tole me the tales of Bruce’s days showing hunters. I was but a wee lass in grandmammy’s arms when Bruce showed hunters - surely, your dementia isn’t so far advanced that you already forgotten the days when you used to change my soiled diapers.

For the record, Barenaked Ladies won the album of the year – over the Tragically Hip…
At least MAZ and Jair will be happy.

Another hairdressing encounter of the too close kind - Vidal Sasson sponsored tonight’s broadcast of the Junos, the commercial featured a guy I knew named Felix…Felix is looking very Halston in the new millenium. Horsey-related, I think equestrian sports is the perfect sponsorship opportunity for haircare manufacturers.

Shame on you! (I’m teasing, of course.)

I saw your post. My experience has been that it can go one of two ways when posting a post that is not vanilla. You can either (a) get ripped limb from limb like a fox caught by the pack of hounds in a Virginia field or (b) be ignored because the god of perception is smiling upon you and somehow everyone does not seem to read your post.

For fun we could wager on which result is likely.

(I actually disagree with the message of your post, but I love you just the same b/c you are from NY. Where 'bouts?)

one more page to go guys, I almost don’t want to see page 40 sniff sniff I think I’m going to cry…

Heidi, Sabra thanks:) I’m just really confused about all this stuff right now and need to do a nice big thinkfest It’ll work out, I’m think of chiropractor stuff…going to check it out this week. I also have a prof who is going to take me to her arch. firm tho see what’s what.

Doubletake> lol! just can’t stay away can you? Well Brie is starting to very slowly let Galli explore by herself, she’s still very protective though but is starting to distance herself. Galli has been experimineting with kicking fun and will get her halter lesson tonight as there were too many people in the barn last night. Will let you all know how that goes, could be a fun experience

Manadarin was a beautiful boy! I guess I can see why you miss him so much, even though I don’t know his personality at all. If you feel like it, keep posting pics. I love to see them!

so what do you say to a tainer that has just “looked” at your horse, or do you say nothing at all???

I remember her very well - lovely mare.

the stories we could tell… what I have always wondered is how people stand it for as long as they do…
generally speaking of course

[This message was edited by Fred on Mar. 31, 2001 at 08:56 PM.]