Question for Canter

BossHoss> yikes, k lets see…I have a few quesses to that first riddle:

-she puts the suitor she doesn’t like on a Welsh pony and sends him on his merry way
-she puts the other suitors name in the running, cheating by covering that piece of paper with a texture or using a heavier paper
-when she pulls out the paper, she reads that it’s the suitor she wants and then when someone wants to vsrify the piece of paper, she eats it and runs to her man
-she eats a bunch of junk food, gets really fats so now one wants her. Then she buys a farm with a bunch of very nice horses and had fun with the stable boys

So tell me, anywhere close? lol!

Now for the second riddle:

hmmm this one is even harder. It’s tried to be solved by horsemen/women for thousands of years. Maybe you, BossHoss, are the only one that can solve that one.

Club feet aren’t that bad, our TB had one and she was the NICEST mover, had a to die for trot. The trick is to have a great farrier with lots of experience, work with the foot and not against it (meaning don’t try to reshape it, just balance it). Our farrier is a gem, he said that out of the GP jumpers he works on 20 out of 35 have atleast one club foot. Food for thought.

and THEN go to bed!!!

My most prized horse-related posession, is the sign I had made for my former farm. I had a picture of Mandy on it, and had to scrimp and save for months to have a “real” signmaker do it and do it right–gave the sign to hubby for our first anniversary.

Now that we’ve moved, and Mandy is gone, the sign will be placed over Mandy’s grave—once the ground thaws…

Millarvile Bumpkin? That’s a neat show facility! I went to one of my first away “A” shows there many many years ago when I was still living in Calgary! What show are you going to?

I am hoping to go to SM this September for the Masters as well. Didn’t bother going last year since most of the best horse/rider combinations were in Sydney.

Glad to see your thread has returned from the Abyss Heidi! I actually have time to play today!!!

please check your mail!!!

JumptheMoon, just look for the best preserved 61 year old at Collingwood, venture up, look down (she’s short) and you’ll have found our beloved team mascot.

For our amusement and a collective nod of the head:

Just a thought for us women:
MEN tal illness
MEN strual cramps
MEN tal breakdown
MEN opause
GUY naecologist…
and when we have real trouble, it’s a HIS terectomy.

Ever notice how all of women’s problems start with men?

Amen sister!

Bumpkin our dear Heidi really is closing in the big 5-0. While not exactly ready for a rocker quite yet, she is just a few years away from the Depends set - and you know how awful Depends look under a pair of chaps or heaven forbid, TS’s.

LCR - you made it!!! Did hubby get a little cocky after his big race? Has he forgotten that there would BE no race if it wasn’t for your benevolent babysitting services???

What was with Nelly Furtado’s outfits? Hubby wanted to know if she was Zellers new spokesperson.

oh and I have a question for the creator of this thread (Our Thread God?) heidi, it’s about the future of this thread. Here are my questions:

1- are we merely going to match the CA’s thread with number of posts or will we continue to nourture our thread until we have in fact beat them?

2- once this thread is sniff sobb deceased, kaput, deader than a door nail, stiffer than a (darn I finish this annalogy? nah), 6 feet under, crossed the bridge, bit the dust, kicked the bucket and more appropraitly “bought the farm”, will we retaliate by challenging the “wake” thread or know when to quit while we’re ahead?

3- will you wean us slowly back into the outside world? I’ve lived in our little thread too long and it’s scary out there. Perhaps some little pink pills will aid in my resurfacing. One post at a time…one post at a time…one post at a time…:stuck_out_tongue:

…and I spend it in a classroom. It’s just not fair! I have to go Driver’s Ed in-class stuff from 9:00 am until 3:30 pm. It is SO boring, I come thisclose to falling asleep everytime the lights turn off and a movie starts playing. But after tomorrow I am done with the in class stuff! So far I have been too scared to schedule driving lessons. I want to drive so that I don’t have to be dependent on others, but I actually HAVE TO DRIVE! It scares me. Just one more day, then March Break, time to sleep! I, unlike the rest of my friends, am going absolutely nowhere during Marchg Break. But that’s fine with me, cuz I like doing nothing! Can you tell I’m bored, I’m rambling just a little… Oh well, see you (OK, I guess it’s more like TALK TO YOU) tomorrow!

With a biochem degree, you need a Masters as well to get a decent job unless you like working in a basement with no windows and crappy perks making just above min. wage… Unless you want to get into pharmaceutical sales (ie. drug dealer)… I was burnt out, and couldn’t face another classroom. I’m sure there are more job opportunities out there, but when I graduated, the economy was in such a slump… I also had horses at the time, and my Mixology job was providing me with more than enough $$$ to be quite comfy. Now I’m into fecology, and my biochem background has done me proud!!!JMHO

Aren’t babies fun???

Tin- sorry bout the mare colicking, but that often happens when they are about to come into their foal heat.

How goes your article - what are you going to write on?

I’m hosting a slumber party tonight of prepubescent girls. Can you tell?

So how do you elders feel about being beat by the Juniors? are you feeling any older? I hope so! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Thankyou for some lovely entertainment this morning, and some damn nice stallion pictures…

my contribution:

There are 1 blonde and 1 brunetter that want to start up a beef cattle ranch. They have the cows and all they need is a bull. They only have $2000 and they want a good bull. So the blonde stays at the ranch and the brunette goes looking for a good cheap bull as the brunette knows the blonde will get suckered into a bad deal. She finds one a far distance away from their ranch that costs $1999. However she has ONLY $2000 but she decides to spend it on the bull.
She then has to send a telegram to her blonde partner to come get the bull. But the mail guy tells her it costs a dollar per word.
She thinks long and hard and then tells the mail guy to send her the word “Comfortable”. The mail guy is really confused how will her partner know what to do.
She tells him well she’s a blonde and she doesn’t read really quickly so when she reads comfortable, she pronounce it out “come for the bull.”

I’m bad at telling jokes hope I got this one right!! I have a riddle and if I can remember it I’ll put it down later!

Oh count me in for brunch! It’s got to be better than this dry NutriGrain bar I’m snacking on, want me to bring anything? Croissants? Fresh squeezed OJ? Left over pizza? What’s remians from the keg?

Well my tack is beautiful and sparkly in the morning sun and I’m quite proud of myself that I didn’t ditch it half way through like I’m prone on doing.
My bit was so shinny in the sun that I had to sheild my eyes and grab some sunglasses to be able to move it

Mare didn’t have her baby last night, so I guess she was just being b!tchy mare when she was attacking everyone. Yay, fun.


I get to veg, ride, pack and get started on 2 mid-term projects and sudy for only one mid-term exam! YAY!

thanks for the info! Chaulk up yet another horseperson I want to met

Thought I’d get them all out of the way. I especially liked Stories of Wyoming and The Shipping News. The Anne Marie McDonald book whose named completely escapes me was tragic, but a really good read. I always find that at least one of Alice Munroe’s short stories completely stumps me. Is it me?

I am so tired I can’t think of anything else I’ve read lately by name. Hello, me are you there? Oh, yes, Discover magazine and National and Cdn Geographics, cover to cover. And a ‘couple’ of horsey publications.

Northrop Fry. We got down on the floor to pray when he walked by. We were so weird.

No problem , Heidi, I can take her!

On the book subject; my favourites are The Hobbit, Into Thin Air (amazing!!!), and Tuesdays with Maury… that last one was a very interesting read.

On the Collingwood subject, you will be able to find Jump the Moon and I fairly easily. Look for a pair of crazed teenagers camping in front of the Yogun Fruz stand at 4 in the morning. Or check me out as I make my jumper debut… I will be the one quaking with fear as my horse stands in the middle of the ring going “these jumps don’t even come up to my knees. Pull yourself together, woman!”

Tin> when is the mare due? or is she overdue?

and to add to Heidi’s questions, was anything signed?

Nope not yet