Question for Canter

And another thing…the big advantage of ecology as a field over say, biochem, is that there is a much greater likelihood that you’ld get to work outside! at least part of the year, which is a big deal to me…BTW, i know Toronto has a good Ecology program, but i don’t know about universities in Ottawa - a lot of can universities have Environmental Science programs as well, which are related but with a more human focus than Ecology, which is more concerned with the non-human species and their habitats…

We are planning a return to New Yawk soil in the early summer.

When a short but absolutely charming woman knocks on your door, bearing a 2-4 of Labatts, smiling that frozen and indulgent smile of all tired mommies, you’ll know enough to embrace me as Beast Child’s future mother-in-law.

I have been pretty lucky so far (knock on wood!!)…always seem to land safely when I fall off…but I was kicked in the knee It was awful, there was a huge crack when hoof-knee made contact, it swelled a little on the outside but swelled on the inside so I couldn’t bend it for about 3 weeks. Had x-rays but nothing was damaged, only feels tingly and there is a little pain every so often, but I guess that’s better than a broken kneecap.

heidi- we all miss your posts on the other bb!! but I have come here to help your thread grow!!!

thats was a horrible trip, brilyntrip. ok that was a bad comeback LOL.

Penguin Salad can be cooked any way you wish. Shoved in your face is a nice look too!

Ok i’m bad with the comebacks today. I need to practise!

Recording a new album and attending a post wedding party

Just to throw you off the scent - we from VA know what you tricky Canadians are up to! We saw the entries in the Rogues Road Hurdle! Really - to go so far as to use our trainers for your plots!

Suicide! @#*(%(((##! I finally got one and it was a page and a half still to get to the end of this. More power to you guys, it will keep you busy

Oh my goodness, I’m going to have to buy Sumo toddler a coat of armour. Mean, you ask? Remember dear girl, whatever you can dish up, she’ll dish up more. Sumo’s become a master manipulator and when I get angry, he beseeches, “mommy, don’t be mad; you’re making me sad. I’m going to cry.”

BTW all, I’m still planning to post items for sale for the virtual garage sale/charity drive. Just gotta get myself organized this week.

Just doing my bumping duty… while singing the Canadian national anthem…

ROTFLMAO, Kryswyn. Yes, have been described as ‘mare-ish’ by friends and family - didn’t think, though, I’d be so readily pegged on the BB.

I’m going to get the Rita Mae Brown - have read others, didn’t realize until recently that she was a horsewoman.

Fred, there’s not a better pick-me-up than an hour long pedicure and OPI’s “We’re not in Kansas Fiery Red” on one’s toes. Though given the season, your sexy toes will have to remain a secret to be shared with Mr. Fred.

I have concluded, BTW, that age is a mood, not a self-definition. One of our closest friends just turned 49 and she is among the most youthful people I know - a list which includes myself, at 35 - and has just received her pilot’s licence. I, however, have yet to get my driver’s licence. It’s about spirit and the ability to continuously be excited by new challenges - whatever they may be.

Isn’t it Bruce Coeburn or something along those lines? I swear thats what Joanna told me!

BTW Jo, he was never scared of me. No one is! I’m much too innocent and too much of an angel.

No physical abuse involved to get Chazzy boy. Only mucho persistence and a few death threats here and there. Now i’m trying to get a pony, wanna help me? I’d probably squish it but hey, I could always get heidi to train it. Although I wouldn’t want her to feel like she’s being overpowered by such a big horse. Though with her “high heels” i’m sure she’d fit just fine…

Dearest Jaime Lynn, you know you want to interject some common sense and strong opinion into the proceedings. I can feel it!

Or was this a cry for intervention? Hmmm. Don’t do it! Resist the temptation! Be strong! Flame me instead!

Yay! 40 pages! Is this thread officially dead, or are we setting a new goal? 100 pages? Hmmm…

Tin - I’m going to DTSM for Driver’s Ed. I’m taking the calssroom stuff in Kanata, because the Bell’s Corners location didn’t have enough people to fill a class. For the actual driving, I’m taking it from Bell’s Corners because the place is close to my school.

About Tim Horton’s - My town has a population of, oh, about 2000. There is a Tim Horton’s and a McDonald’s and they are both ALWAYS packed! ALWAYS! I think the people of Kemptville have no life…

Well I talked to my parents tonight about not liking what I’m studying and they were very supportive in trying to help me figure out what to do. Alot more than I thought. So I’m happy and now the quest begins…

In other news, we were talking to the owners of Galli’s father and he want’s to come out this weekend and use Galli as the “poster child” for him. Cool huh? He also offered us the stallion to stand because the person standing him right now is moving to the States and they want to keep him in Canada. No way! Someone would have to be there full time and while both me and my sis has experience with stallions, we have limited knowledge in breeding stallions; totally different ball game!

It would be totally cool to ride him though…

Silly Mommy> I think that’s a very fitting name for you boy

I’ve been sooooo busy lately and I hate it! but I’ve managed to scam an hour of free time so here I am

We move in less than 2 weeks and I’m up to my neck in boxes, even my homework is starting to get packed; try doing finals with all your books spewed in boxes!

Think of it, next month I won’t have to board my horse yay! It’s going to be alot of work but I can’t wait, we’ve been collecting things for the last month (since we knew we bought the farm) and think we’re almost ready. Just need a wheelbarrow and a tractor:) And of course, the boys want their toys and already have their eyes on a 4 wheeler and a skidoo.

Nuff bout that I noticed our little thread is struggling a little so I thought I’d post some pics (sorry!)

Sorry, posted that the exact same time you did!

Tin, you’re here at the smae time I am! Wow! I know who you’re talking about. Are her initials AW? I doubt you’ll recognize the name of the horse I ride (unfortunately don’t own my own horse), since she has only been to one Trillium show recently. Anyways, her name is Golden Friendship, or Abby. You’ve probably heard of a lot of other horses and ponies from my barn though, like Shy Joy, Look Beyond, Captain Hook (sadly sold), Paint By Numbers, Tiny Tyke, Mikey, Mr. Bojangles, etc…

Wow! Guys it’s been two hours since the last post. Heidi, why didn’t someone tell me the orange thong was out!! Hmph… Mmmm, You know what we need? Cheesecake!!!

in a most Canadian way, I think we should ask useless Canadian trivia, and award the winners prizes. Certain awards could be the Golden Thong, the Diamond Toque, and the Platinum 2-4 of Blue. First few questions of Useless Canadian Trivia:
How many races did the Bluenose win?
Who was Canada’s first Canadian (as in not British) Prime Minister?
What was the name of the first brand of beer ever marketed in Canada?

Those are just for starters, feel free to contribute some of your own. Oh, and I don’t know any of the answers, so be creative.

Oh, oh, oh, another brainwave. Too many in one night and I could hurt myself . But anyways, another prestigious award will be given to the poster with the most original and the best cheer that shows their love for our country.

pictures to show off???

When does MAZ get back???

5’4" wide maybe…But i’m 5’6" tall. So :stuck_out_tongue: to you Joannaha! Thats still 6 inches on dear heidi!! Wanna take this outside?!