Question for Canter

The youth of today…sheesh. Bruce’s last name is spelt Cockburn, pronounced Coeburn. BTW, is it Nellie Frutator or Fruitstato?

Bruce is a political activist, wonderful singer/songwriter whose popularity is such that a compilation of covers (by Barenaked Ladies, for one) was released to great critical acclaim a couple of years back. Perhaps reflective of my mood, my favourite lyrics include, “If I had a rocket launcher, some son of a bitch would die”. And you thought Trent Reznor was controversial.

Rather than mocking the great Canadian heritage, Merry, shouldn’t you be feng-shuing yourself to a seance/EST/yogic flying session with Shirley Maclaine, clad in a white robe and turban?

Very impressive

Well filly was boot scooting around the paddock today doing lead changes gallore! It’s quite humourus to watch because Galli takes off at a pure gallop with mom frantically on her tail nickering and trying to cutting her off into the snow banks when mommy needs a rest

She been haltered but leading lessons start tomorrow. Should be fun (sarcasim) and will definatly give an update (whether you want it or not ) on that unless I end up breaking my arms and can’t type You’ll be happy to know that our farm manager who has over 30 years with babies will be assisting, thank God!

picture of the day Here’s Galli with her halter

Aw Silly Mommy - I thought it was beyond comment that your horses are beautiful!!! They are lovely! And I love the name Mandate too.
We read, we read. lol

JumpTheMoon, close!! It’s a keyboard

  1. Who’s ever cooked one of the following: -whale blubber—Does shark count? -elk/moose/anything with antlers----Yes–hubby hunts deer.
  2. Who can start a fire using only frozen horse poo and butane? Don’t need the butane–give my Rottie some chili…
  3. When serving Kraft macaroni and cheese, how much ketchup should one add? As much as small child desires–she likes it on scrambled eggs too…
  4. Which of the many delightful Canadian beers is best for beer stew? Definately Labatt’s
  5. President’s Choice Fireside Pie or Tourtiere - which is better? I like the PB+J cookies.
    And our own version of Iron Chef, what would you do with the following ingredients:

-ground pork–put it in the chili
-canned salmon–add egg/garlic/parsley/bread crumbs, and a few other spices, and make “cakes” (fried in pan using lots of butter.
-bottle of HP sauce–give it to the dog to add to his octane level.
-an onion-chop it finely, and add 1/2 to the salmon cakes, and the other 1/2 to the chili.
-can of Blue–Drink it silly!!!
-ground coffee beans from Timmy’s—feed them to the dog as well, for even higher octane!!!
-maple walnut cruller–dog won’t eat that, so I’ll give it to the beast-child to keep her off my back while cooking…
-two strips of back bacon–use it to wrap the leftover coffee beans in, and stick in pot of boiling water until the coffee is of the proper consistancy/color.
-cup of rice vinegar–I usually take cucumber, and carrot–slice thin, and marinade–delightful salad.
-two pieces of raw sea urchin —definately give it to the dog–Have you ever tried that stuff??? I LOVE sushi, but THAT’S disgusting, besides, it’s poisonous if not properly prepared–don’t want that on my conscience!!!

Thank you for my title, TENJEWBERRYMUD!

NOT only does she know it, my boss lurks here! But I can only play before, or after work or on my days off. Which today turned out to be because Shout’s having puppies. RIGHT NOW. GOTTA GO!

Cdnrider - don’t get me started about that piece of pathetic, synthetic advertising disguised as national flag waving, chest thumping drivel. Crap. Utter and complete crap. The creative team that wrote it are AMERICAN. Pa-thet-ic. I hate Joe Canadian. And I hate beavers so there!
I’ve always been amazed that Canadians bought into that 1980’s concept.

Tin, I am so excited about your baby. I want my own. Oh, wait I have Hannah!

Here you go Jaime Lynn, two different albums.

The pony was sold to the states and has done extremely well. I want her back, but can’t afford her! The only two left with me are Hannah and Newman the jumper(who is just a big welsh pony in Hanoverian disguise).

Feel free to ooww and ahh!:slight_smile:

but am emotionally unstable at the moment, and don’t want to re-read your post…Sssnniiiiiffff!!!

Heidi thank you for the age update!! haha
I guess I am in the middle of you two, pushing into 50

You’re probably sleeping at this moment, but the color you’re describing confuses me, did she have this (I thought it was a liver chestnut when born, but then realized there were going to be black legs–as she dried-and black mane/tail).

or more like April–she’s now a very pretty/rich–almost blood bay

Fred–the other thread involves alot of very scarey BS about “rules” and our industry…

Thank you, Tin!
Galli looks like quite the little character! Sure got lotsa energy! I bet that little Galli will keep you on your toes! I especially love the “Whatcha doin’ Mom” and the ones of her ‘flying’ around the snow with Brie looking like “Where are you taking me?” Thanks again, Tin! I look foward to hearing all about tomorrow’s halter lesson!

Good grief, I take one day off and I’m to blame for going to page 2. I’ve been painting my dining room. I hate the new colour. I’m going to have to start over. Ralph Lauren’s “Parchment” looks EXACTLY like the dinner my dog barfed up last night. The colour chip looked sooo nice.

I have always wanted to call a horse/pony Adanac Ho.

Here are some easy riddles:

There is a certain crime, that if it is attempted, is punishable, but if it is committed, is not punishable. What is the crime?

A horse-related one:
Two of the fastest horsemen in the kingdom proposed to the king’s daughter. The king didn’t like either suitor, but he wanted to look fair so he suggested a horse race in which the winner would have his daughter’s hand. The only catch was that the winner would be the person whose horse came in second. The king was certain the race would never take place because he felt that neither horseman would let the other win. Finally, the king’s daughter made a suggestion to the two horsemen that would guarantee a fair race. What did she suggest?

While on a safari in the wild jungles of Africa, a man woke one morning and felt something in the pocket of his shorts. It had a head and a tail, but no legs. When he got up, he could feel it move inside his pocket. However, he showed little concern and went about his morning rituals. Why such a casual attitude?

What is the next letter in the following sequence? OTTFFSS_

Have fun!

All of those shrimp and crab mini-quiches unwanted in my freezer, the extra chocolate chunk cookies that just don’t go well with beer.

Perhaps if I outfit the RV with knitting needles and orange wool to replace the Keeneland sale catalogs and fly fishing poles where the lunge lines and head bumpers are stored …

(Carefully edited to remove Whips from the text - replaced with “lines” so as to not fuel this fire)

doubletake> of course your not banned, you are also an honorary Canadian. A canadian at heart is all that counts Now kneel before me if you want to make it official.

“I, Tin, the official Canadian beer distributor dubb you, doubletake, an honorary Canadian due to all the wonderful posts on the “Question for Canter” thread” elastic shoots doubletake a turquois thong and then hands an orange toque and a beer

oh oh I got one!

clears throat If you wear tighty whities vote for heidi!

O.k, so it kind of rhyms

need sleep…need sleep…need sleep…