Question for Canter

She’s a hann/TB cross and a reg. Sport Horse

Good idea about the burrito! Worth a try anyways I think I have some chili around here too…

Tin> I like Bean! What a nice-looking horse!

It’s a small world–check your mail…

I always had good experiences showing in Canada—LOTS of red ribbons!!LOLOLOL!!!

Shania Twain rides and in fact takes her horse with her when she’s on tour.

Does anyone remember Lee Aaron? Posed for Hustler, chanteuse of big hair and spandex, a real screecher of a singer. She’s apparently now covering jazz standards in B.C.

Comedienne Sandra Shamas rides, I believe, and I’ve seen her at several horse shows. One of the funniest jokes of hers:

-She sees grafitti in the bathroom, one of which reads, “My mother made me a lesbian”; to which she responds, “If I give her the wool, do you think she can think she can knit one for me too?” .

Bumpkin, as fun as it has been to mock Canter (and I do it cause I love her), she is, in fact, 20 years younger than the rumoured 61.

To All

My first show will be the Kemptville College show. It’s only a week away! I CANNOT wait! I know it’s only a schooling show, but schooling shows are all I can show in due to the money problem. Oh, Tin, my coach hasn’t gotten a prize list yet, so no phone number. She thinks entries are due the day of the show, so just show up and you’ll be fine! Anyways, I’m not sure who I’ll be riding because the horse I’ve been working with has a sore on her withers from an ill fitting blanket, and having someone ride her drives her insane from pain. I’m kinda disappointed because when I started riding her in October, the goal was to get her ready to show in March. March 25th is the last weekend in March, so if I don’t get to show her I won’t have reached my goal. But at least I have another packer to show if Abby doesn’t get better. The first Triilium show is May 5/6, and it couldn’t come fast enough! I wanna go! I’m just the slave at Trillium shows, but they’re FUN!!!

A blonde joke!

A brunette, a blonde, and a redhead are all in third grade.
Who has the biggest boobs?
The blonde, because she’s 18.

Hans’ revelation on the drive back yesterday - “I guess you’re gonna make me spend the summer driving around looking at stallions and broodmares, eh”. He didn’t sound the least bit miffed either. To my credit, he is really well broke.

Not to worry Silly Mommy, I’ll be seeing you in the summer. Fred, Hans and I have been discussing A Fine Romance and needless to say, he’s also on our list. Just need to get everything organized and clue our trainer into our plans. I can envision it now, he’ll give me the expression, followed by once he realizes I’m serious; to which I can only respond with .

I’m going to toss in a regional horse-related question. Which horse on the circuit do you covet?

I have to confess to wanting, rather desparately Muffie Guthrie’s ‘paint’ Kasjmien. Love the way he moves, love that high knee action at the walk, and his colourings pretty nifty.

I don’t think there are enough distinctions between the Canadian/American show scenes. A show is a show is a show. The only distinction that jumps out at me is that we don’t have A/O jumper classes - but that in and of itself does not an article make.

Look at the Canadian community economically and explore the fact that there are many American clients who venture up practically each and every weekend to look at horses. I’d start by calling a group of 20 pros, ask them what % of their business is U.S. export, whether they’ve ever sold a horse (that they didn’t want to) because the American currency offer was too great; and what horses they’ve sold onto the U.S. that have done phenomenally well. My list of pros would start with Wayne, Kim Curtin, Mac Cone, Beth, Eric, Jay, Doug Henry (though he’s not technically a pro), Torchy, Ian, John Pearce, Jill Henselwood. This inquiry would beg the larger question, of course, of whether we’re selling our best to the U.S. on the basis of the mighty American $$.

Alternatively, you may want to do a profile of a Canadian pro who’s risen through the ranks – without money and heavy sponsorship.

Hope the above helps. When you coming to babysit?

MissD, well you caught me. I don’t think ONCE I’ve spelt honored with an u. But wait! before all the “spelling able Canadians” chase me out with pitch forks yelling obsenities I do spell colour properly

Yeah Bumpkin!! Glad to hear that things are looking better. Aren’t you the Mother Teresa of the equestrian set to put your daughter on Elliot while selflessly curtailing your own riding. Wow. I don’t know if I could be that generous!
Kudos to you!

Heidi “mighty” rhymes just as poorly as “Friday.” Nice try sweetie. I think you need to use an alter ego if we are ever going to get this campaign off the ground.

I was wondering when Duffy was going to show up!

Well heidi - at least at 61 my faulty memory can be expected. But at the tender age of 14 (if only Mikhaila knew her future adoptive mother is her age) you have no excuse! Amazing how medical science allowed you to give birth at 11.

Tin, You better have that baby before this post hits page number 37 or whatever our goal is! I don’t think our dear dear post is declining, just slowing down. These things happen with age


I’ve been racking my brain for weeks to find some way to track this guy down and expose him for the creep that he is, but I keep hitting a dead end.

Legally, LCR Scott can’t prove ownership of the baby unless she was registered, showing LCR’s broodmare as dam. Unfortunately this is highly unlikely. I’m hoping that some how, some way the baby can be tracked down so that LCR Scott can either rescue her, or at the very least, have some kind of peace of mind knowing that she is in a good home.

LCR knows that I’m ready and willing to do a midnight rescue if necessary. I’ve got my all-black outfit dry cleaned and my facemask by the front door.

Something that just occured to me. LCR what are the odds that that guy is a CEF member? If he was, or if you think he may be let me know. From the sounds of things he’s too shady and cheap to be a member.
If he was or is a member there is some recourse.

Yay! I rock! Who da man? does running man and breakdances on hard wood floors

Here’s my solution to the riddle:

1st house:
-drinks water
-smokes Dunhill
-keeps cats

2nd house:
-drinks tea
-smokes Blends
-keeps fish

3rd house:
-drink milk
-smoke Pall Malls
-keeps birds

4th house:
-drinks coffee
-smokes Prince
-keeps horses

5th house:
-drink beer
-smokes BlueMasters
-keeps dogs

Wasn’t my first riding experience, but it was in the early years. My mom, brother and I took lessons together at a place where there were stalls at one end of the arena. One winter evening, it was very stormy and there was snow sliding, wind howling etc. I was riding this incredibly bratty (but beautiful) pony and had fallen off a couple of times. All of a sudden, a stallion (I think it was some kind of draft horse) that was there for training broke out of his stall. We dismounted while the stud proceeded to jump over all the jumps the instructor had set up for the lesson. I guess he felt left out and wanted to play too! They moved him to another stall the next day

if he was chasing a cat!!! Tie cat to end of lunge whip, and voila!! Load up the sled with kegs of Labatt’s, and cases of KJ chard, and lets go play.

My joke: What do you call a cow that’s just had an abortion???

A decaffinated cow…

Heidi, I have a lovely broodmare for sale, but, if she’s not gone by April, I’m planning to breed her to Kaliedoscope.

Any oppinions on him???

Yes, it’s time Bella, er Canter, er Anne. While I’m saddened, mostly I’m relieved that I no longer need to wait a meaningful minute for the damn thread to open on its 51st page.

There is certainly nothing, though, to preclude the thread’s reincarnation as, say, “Question for Tin”…

Do you think the thread left a last will and testament? What do you think it bequeathed to the faithful among us? I hope there isn’t a blonde widow, 25 pages its junior (i.e. the wake thread) waiting in the wings to contest the will…