Question for Canter

Oh oh! My FAVORITE book of all time was Emma. and no the movie was not as good as the book!

lol- Depends?!!!

Tinnie, Tin, Tin, not to worry, please note following:

  1. We must whoop the CA cliques brass. Don’t come to play, unless you’re playing to win. That’s my football coach impression. Good, eh? I do believe the record is 37 pages - we should scale Everest and strive for 40 pages.

  2. We will outdo the CA cliques little wake - wake, shmake! We’ll have a thread pageant-cum-seance. Talk about combined training!

  3. Once we’ve reached our thread-page milestone, suggest we all venture to a virtual yet refreshing retreat in Switzerland, where we’ll enjoy strolls in the mountains, mineral baths, and face lifts under pseudonyms.

We’ll ease ourselves back into BB civilization slowly but confident in the knowledge that we look fabulous and, ‘why, yes I have been getting more sleep, thank you.’

Just had a revelation - I think your mare will pop whence we reach our milestone! She’s holding out as a show of virtual support to us all. You realize what that means don’t you, Tin? The foal will be the thread’s baby.

Where’s the thread’s historian - did anyone or anything give birth during the lifetime of the CA’s clique’s thread?

Way to go us!!! 39 pages, we are the best!

AS for Timmie Ho’s, my town has a population of 100,000 and at least 7 Tim’s locations. How sad is that? The really bad part is that they all do roaring trade constantly, while every other type of coffee place goes belly up.

This weekend, I am doing non-horsey activities… taking a break for a couple days and am instead doing prom shopping stuff with my friends. We get to go dress up the guys, it’s going to be a blast!

Darn, I went to apply for Survivor but you need to be an American, shibby

Sabra> the course I’m thinking of taking 3 year Biochem course. I’m looking more into it as I type. Man I hate this!! Wish I could just ride all day! LOL!!! I wanted to take a bartending course so that on weekends I could work at night and get some money, but my dad isn’t crazy bout the idea, ie won’t help me out with the $$$ so I’ll have to wait till I’m working in the summer before I can do that. Thought it would be fun though

k so here’s a question for you guys, how tall were your babes when they were born? and do you guys know how to do the string test to determine thier future heights?

Silly Mommy> darn foal heats!

MY GAWD!!! Someone PLEASE post the answer! Im going crazy!!!

Heidi, I must say, I practically have grown up in Canada, as a child my parents would drag my across the border. I think I might have spent 4 weekends every summer there… Niagra Falls is quite pretty may I add!

JumpTheMoon, you have revealed yourself to be a traitor of the most disturbing sort, to denounce your national pride in favour of the junior clique. You could learn a thing or two from the allegiance of ClipClop - who wasn’t even born to the toque!

I hereby sentence you to a diet of tofu - prepared every which way - for a month!

Hey good to hear from you MAZ! I think that deserves at least 5 pages, what a true Canadian!!

MissD> yep that’s at Fiddler’s Green. Pretty much we hop around from show to show, sometimes we do schoolings, sometimes trilliums and a few A’s, mostly Trilliums though. My horse’s name it Tin Can Cody, I mostly show him in the 3’ hunters, and my sis sometimes takes him in the adult eq. He’s a small bay with no markings and the only horse out there with a really stupid name. Oh and we’ll be riding under Kitty Bowland this year.
What about you?
Hey, if you ever see us out and about come talk to me, I won’t bite despite what others may say

Tin—ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS dunk your bit, and wipe the bridle after each ride and it won’t be such a production!!!

I’m currently using the leftover ground pork, and making meatballs to add to my home-made sauce, but I had to go out to the chicken-coop to get an egg–Heidi forgot to supply those… Angel hair pasta anyone???

Ummmm. Speaking of Oakville - anyone ever ride at Bertin’s?

Rohinton Mistry’s most renowned book is “A Suitable Son”. Widely available, nominated for the Booker, I believe. Have you read Ann Marie McDonald’s “Fall on Your Knees” - very wonderful.

Horsey topic, horsey topic…Hey, anyone else notice how well the Canadian contingent are doing in Ocala and Indio? Now, if we can only figure out how to hang onto those awesome horses rather than selling em off to the highest (usually American) bidder.

Heidi…dear sweet heidi…Palisades could never ever ever beat me up Looks like you picked the wrong adoptive daughter! Although she does do better than me in school, and her horse is bigger(but mine has a white nose so ) and she gave up chocolate even thought I need to and she doesn’t hehe. Even with you on my one side (perhaps only attached to my leg? could you reach any higher? hehe joking) and her on the other, i could still get off within 15 seconds max!!

doubletake> she is now overdue by almost 2 weeks. Oh I tried to play that golf and I couldn’t figure it out! lol! I always sent my balls backwards but I’m bound to figure it out sooner or later just may take a little time What can I say, I’m a little slow

O.k, to go along with the little slow idea, for the last day I’ve read on here about Nellie’s wardrobe changes at the Juno’s and then was reading in the paper about it this morning. About half way through it popped into my head “wait, Nellie’s Canadian?” ya DUH!

LCR Scott, I am involved with a dispute with a lessee right now. My problem is less serious, however, the health of my horse was jeopardized. The CEF is intervening in the situation at my request, although they will not get involved in “personal disputes”. I was able to get help because I only need the horse’s passport returned. For several reasons, I will never, ever lease a horse again. I have learned to trust my instincts and have learned that where a horse’s welfare is concerned, I will not keep my opinion to myself. There seem to be far more bad horse people than good these days. I hope you find the filly and get some kind of compensation for your loss.

Mabey next time eh???
He jumps GREAT EH???

Not a bad idea but high school can be a tad draining, or so i’ve heard…! But then given what you do now it would probably be a cakewalk…

Me thinks the after affects of the weekend have not worn off.

I am so jealous. I so need a break. Ask Canter. Right now I have the inlaws from hell.

On another note I am still realing(canter, spelling) at how wonderful a temperment my lovely Hannah has. So, so, so excellent. I can’t wait to spend some time with her!

doubletake> the riddle is on the second page I do believe. Maybe you’ll have more luck with it that we did

Oh btw does anyone know what a heiku (sp?)is made of? Is it 5 sylibols, 6, 5?

I am overwhelmed. I’m going to bed after a long long long show experience, but will be back to play tomorrow…

Heidi–you wouldn’t believe what the beas did!!!