Question for Canter

Wingsy, it’s like this. What is the tried and true way to bribe a trainer? It’s poutine. Unfortunately for you, you did not prepare any for your Casanova menu; thus, the Canadians won.

Maybe worth the drive to Toronto just to weasel out of Canter her famed recipe for french fries, gravy and cheese curds.

Heidi, you don’t have any warmbloods in that sale of yours, do you? It would make it much esier on me.

all you canadians have brought a lurker out…WAY TO GO!!!
ok, now i have nothin else to say…just showing my love for my country!!
keep it goin’!!


oh, I also appologize for that perve crack Heidi but rumours have been floating around… you know how it is. I won’t tell you who started the rumours though, you could torture me as much as you want but my lips are sealed! Never in a millions years will this secret escape me! Never!! cough cough Canter cough cough sorry, little bit of a cough, where was I? Oh yes, NEVER!

Sorry I haven’t been around to help with the posts.
Ever had, " One of those days?" Talk about blooper night! I made so many bad moves in front of jumps, that my ever-willing horse, finally packed it in. I fell off and then things went really poorly! My friends take me to the lounge for a cigarette and I drop the live ash on my jacket and burn a hole in it. I limp up to the barn to put my tack away and catch my bridle on something and break it. I must have been a horrible person in a former life!!

young? depends on what you call young. Perhaps if I hunt around I could find a record (did he have records/tapes or cds?) and will reconize him, my dad’s gotta have something around here

Heidi you are oh so right!! If Ainsley was riding a Millcreek GP horse right now they’d be beating the sponsors off with sticks.
Why didn’t you call me? I ran out of snow to shovel. Would have loved the additional work out. Bikini training has officially begun.

Anyone else care to comment on LCR Scott’s quandry?

I have never heard of a situation as bad as this. Please, she could use the input!!

this morning actually, the van is coming to take one of my fillies (the sweet and gorgeous FLEA) to her new owner (the equally sweet and gorgeous CityFilly). I’ve already had a big cry this morning. But I couldn’t have picked a nicer person to buy one of my babies! When you breed horses to sell, the best you can hope for is that they go to someone kind and loving, with the resources to take care of them. Good luck to Flea and to CityFilly. Love to you both.
(how did she get the name “Flea”? she was little and black and she could JUMP!!) not so little now, but the name stuck! :(:)(I’m emotional)

please don’t “stand” the stallion yourself. It can be quite dangerous, and my father broke his back being a little nonchellant with a stud he trusted, but with hormone overload, the trusty steed went into maniac mode…

I have this feeling that if i ever meet you (or Fred) in person, i’m just going to start to cry, what can i say, i’m sentimental…!

Anyway, back to names - you mentioned Zamboni. That was actually one of our (former) hunter’s nicknames - his show name was(is) Kazaam, and he has a tendency to be long and lean especially when in good aerobic condition, so his nickname had to be Zamboni…how Canadian can you get, eh?

According to some Japanesse Guy on the Internet:

It’s a contemplative poetry that valorizes nature, color, season, contrasts and surprises. Usually it has 3 lines and 17 syllabes distributed in 5, 7 and 5. It must register or indicate a moment, sensation, impression or drama of a specific fact of nature. It’s almost like a photo of some specific moment of nature.

Heehee… No, I’m not really that smart… don’t you love the copy and paste buttons?

Tin> I’m doing pretty good, I don’t know if you’ll remember but I was in Ontario for 4 months last year about this time working for a h/j barn. Quite the experience.
I came home in May and started working for my trainer in June. Started riding one of her in training horses and in September I went back to school and started getting paid to ride that horse. woohoo!! I’ll try and post a pic here of him. His name is Nikko and is a 5 y/o black Canadian/Standardbred X. He’s pretty nice and I’m showing him this year (hopefully event). Also started showing/riding an Arab he’ll probably be a good dressage horse and possibly hunter. We’ll see.
Other than that all is good, except I’m going a bit arena sour, I can’t wait to hack!!

The orange thong is flapping in the breeze like a windsock.

Heidi thanks for the lead via email. I’ll email.

Rack up those posts people.

gotta finish the books for the accountant for TOMORROW! I’m going to be distracted by Canadian chants running through my head!!!

I wish I had my camera last night to take pics of Mudder. How about this for a debate: Mudder is a super horse, 16 Hh chestnut TB mare, really sweet, would do anything to please (gather round kiddies I will tell some more Tales of Adventure from the great Canadian Rockies), drawbacks are, has been a pet all her life (trails no ringwork), and is 14 yrs old.
Yesterday we went hacking, Mudder and I and Issy dog. Remember I have been on a horse about 10 times since the accident, and the problem is that my legs and all my muscles don’t respond they way they should. So needless to say, it is quite a challange and very strange feeling to be riding.
We hacked up through the mountains, which haven’t been bushwacked in some time, actually, if you’ve never had the oppertunity to do this- we were following a deer trail, which goes up the ridge, through the birch stand, over fallen brush, through a clearing, then back into brush and down down down the ridge twisting and turning through a deer-width and deer-height corridor to another very hilly clearing. Then we lost the trail and had to turn around an go back the way we came. We were galloping, cantering, jumping everything (always tiny stuff, I bet no more than 1 foot) we could find- she was awesome. I felt great. I had SOOOO much fun. We had so much fun that we turned back from the barn and went for a little canter beside the lake- which was cool, because as I sat back on her to bring her up, she tucked her head and back and went into a slooooow round rocking horse canter. I also groomed her for about two hours and de-shedded her before we rode- and pulled her mane- which she LOVES! (reason enough to buy her). After the ride I cooled her and groomed for another hour or more.
Technically, I know I should go for the horse who wins my confidence. Technically, I know a 14 yr old- and this one is sound- has a lot of life left. She is super classy, very pretty,and a doll.
So why my nagging doubt???

Yay! My dishwasher is fixed, thanks to dear old dad. I was really worrying that I would have to wash them by hand for a looooong time! Yuck!

[This message was edited by ClipClop on Mar. 03, 2001 at 03:07 PM.]

Just got in from finishing “chores”–dragging horses out of their new-found igloos(one of the coming yearlings actually tried to roll TWICE on her way out to the pasture this am),dealing with a tractor with a broken leg–should I shoot it??? I don’t mind snow, but with the two feet we just got (all at once), it is driving me insane!!! Since I have a lovely Turbo-Powered Kubota (and a Super Turbo-Powered snow-blower to boot), I thought I had it made (may I remind you that Mr. Lynn is in India for two weeks), but having to plow for 5 minutes—go pump up tire–plow for another 5 minutes–go pump up tire, cancel lessons because only the brave, with 4WD can get into this place…

WHERE’S MY BLUE??? Ahhhhh!!! Gotta go change my socks for the third time today…

Tin, how’s the mare???

  • I had a signed lease. The only thing missing from it was the consequences of breeching of the outlined points. He signed it, but did not pay me. He expressly leased her for breeding. I had done this successfully once before with a very reputable woman.

-I have contacted 2 different lawyers and got the same answers. Very expensive, you can’t bleed a stone, the filly had been sold and the buyers bought in good faith were the most important.

-both thought I should go after him through the SPCA. They(SPCA) had a lackadazical(sp) reaction when I originally contacted them. Let’s call it no reaction at all. I had to ask what constituted abuse if this didn’t. She said she didn’t like my ‘tone’. Apparently, I have to be very pushy about this and hand them over a prepared file with photos and an accounting of what happened.

-At this time, I know the name of who bought the filly recently and am waiting confirmation o her whereabouts and a phone number. This is her third owner.

There is a lot to what happened that I don’t want to go into until I have come to a conclusion on the filly’s status.

Leases, except in exceptional circumstances are not an option for me now. I learned the hard way.

and attitude, best to start letting her know “who’s in charge” ASAP!!! Nothing like a big baby with no manners!!!LOL

-Sabra–owner of “manners central”. Actually, my friends tease me about that–another nickname I’ve acquired through the years…

Aw, Tin, she’s SO adorable! I love her! Look at those big ears and pretty eyes. Brie must be so proud, and you must be too. Who’s her dad? She looks like a really smart girl. Are you planning to keep her and train her yourself?