Question for Canter

It was the name thing I was worried about.

Ohhhh so close so close. I’ll have to spend my time studying riddles now instead of having my eyes glued to the BB so that I know all the answers to them. Whats the answer to mine Tin?

I know I don’t get a real vote, but I want to see Jamie Lynn’s Rottie get a fire started. (Notice I said “see” not “smell”…)

So, one unofficial vote for JL as caterer… (Jamie Lynn, it is a thankless job, just ask Melissa Cardinas how many people appreciate her …)

Okay, upon searching for the thread, it popped right up. And it has recent replies too… but isn’t showing up on the main page.

So, I’m hoping adding a new post will resurrect it from the dead???

Canter, do not knock the beaver until, and unless, you’ve enjoyed a lovely Thai spiced barbecued beaver - think you’ll have to come over in the summer to enjoy this most Canadian of delicacies.
Here’s some more political slogans for the prime ministership of the Canadian thread:

-Who needs a decanter, vote for canter;
-Don’t stop, vote for ClipClop;
-A kick in the shin, get one from Tin;
-Don’t gather moss, vote for BossHoss;
-Clean out your bin, vote for Jamie Lynn;
-Need a strider, vote for CdnRider;
-So it ain’t fair, vote for Jair;
-She’s a Yank, it ain’t legal, vote anyways for weeble;
-If it ain’t worth snot, must be LCR Scott;
-It ain’t a sin to vote for Quinn (not like she’s posted here though);
-Is you’re swarthy, vote for Worthy;
-All the pretty maids, vote for Palisades

BTW, dear de-canter, Friday ain’t rhymin with Heidi. Hello?!?!

with very expensive highlights (what a cliche).
I too hate Martin Amis - not a big fan of CanLit generally. did you hear that Shipping News is being made into a film? Heidi, do you know who is doing it?
I was never a mystery fan either, till, many years ago, I was wandering around whining, “I don’t have a book to read”… my husband handed me a mystery by some guy named Dick Francis, saying, “you’ll like this, it has horsies in it”…I sat in the bath tub crying my eyes out - until it was done. It was the one where the horse gets its legs broken…

That’s so sad. And the one dog was so brave for standing guard over the other. That’s so sad. Now I’m crying. . . .
I’ll bet they were great dogs.

Show that picture to the mare—she’ll pop something!!!LOL

Congratulaions Tin, Welcome Filly!!

Oh, and I also love the captions and find them really amusing!

Tis the eve of my sojourn to New York and I need to prepare for the flood of questions bound to come my way about the members of the uber-Canadian clique.

Tell me girls, what would you like me to reveal about each and every single one of you? JumpTheMoon, not to worry, I’ve already memorized your bio.

I love the name Mandate, and I loved your story about Mandarin “hanging out” with the girls! Isn’t showing a stallion an adventure? I will have A Fine Romance on the wash rack at Bolton and someone will come and tie up right opposite him! he’s thinking “Yeah! I LOVE This” - I have to then ask the other person if they would mind perhaps hitching on the other post because this is a stallion - and they look dumbfounded. HUH??
Mandarin looks like he was a wonderful horse, and I can really understand how you must miss him. Now I’m getting all teary too! Fred (AFR) is rising 10 - I was the first creature he saw as I eased him out of his mum, and I plan to be with him till one of us breathes our last… As one friend said when her relationship broke up ( a relationship referred to many pages back on this board btw) “Thank God for Fred”

Heidi = no cracks about turning 50, ‘K? I just had by birthday YESTERDAY and I JUST TURNED 50 (talk about hormones and mood swings, Offcourse - don’t get me goin’ girl

k, now my haiku about my fav show

Capital Classic
So close to my home, but why
Must it always rain?

Everythingbutwings> comprimise, chuck the seafood into the crepes and chocolate chunk cookies certainly DO go with beer. Everything goes with beer silly

O.k, here are some pics wether you want them or not. We brought the digital camera to our farm and snapped away and since I have the time I made a collage, enjoy!!


  1. some of our back fields looking from the porch
    2.what the stalls look like in barn #1
    3.what it all looks like from the road (except the fields). First building is hay loft/tractor storage, you can see barn #2 on the right and the peak of barn #1 behind the first building
    4.our old farm house (house #1)
  2. shows where the hot tub fingers crossed will go, right where the circular table is (picture a nice winter day sitting in the hot tub watching the horses run)
  3. Tin sticking out his tongue ( at bording stable)
  4. barn cat! we have a barn cat!!

Have some bookwork to do, but thatnks for finding this thread—GO CANADA!!!

Tin, what a poetess you are at this time of your insomniac need. Tighty whities? Reminds me of my mother’s advice to wear a girdle through all 9.5 months of pregancy to prevent stretch marks…Yup, mama Heidi’s a wonky kinda gal.

Oh Bumpkin, how wonderful for you. There’s nothing in the world to beat a great schooling and that feeling of omnipotence - makes you feel like you can go a few rounds with Mike Tyson (clad in earmuffs) and win!

Don’t know the saddle you refer to but Hans has been riding a TB (from WBs) and has found that the Saddle Right Ortho Saddle Pad to be a wonderful remedy for saddle aches (on horse’s part, Hans only suffers from chronic full body aches). And in the end cheaper than another new saddle.

I only have 333 pocts, darn I thought I was doing better than that

Thanks doubletake! That means alot to me! A very special boy, he’s a large pony/small horse standardbred that came of the track

so am helping those tricky Canadians!

Waiting for the snow storm that is getting smaller for us by the hour, my niece and I rode yesterday (Pockets for her and lots of exercises, Wings for me and a lengthy session of walk/whoa and direction changes)

Maddie was FURIOUS that we had the absolute nerve to go to a paddock she couldn’t access (even though she could SEE us the entire time!)

New pics - daylight this time! are up on her site at just click on photos to see how very Maddie she was! I personally think she has the shoulders of a super star but she is so very shaggy and ragamuffin you could create an odds book on how I will fare when I begin to pull her mane!

Canter, can I trade the bridge I own for your horse?