Question for Canter

Ever try reading these long threads backwards? I made it from p 19 to p 12 but then gave up…hope i didn’t miss any juicy parts. Don’t know if I’m the only Manitoban in this unruly bunch (quick, all you Americans, where is Manitoba anyway) but I too am just bursting with pride at how well all our fellow canucks are doing at Ocala and Palm Beach - KK even mentioned Brian Walker and C. McIntosh in his column the other day! Any of you who have been to Ocala - did you see Mr. Flash go? He’s a hunter that Dorsch’s developed here on the frozen prairie, and is pulling in some awfully nice ribbons down there. Anyway, i hope to make the pilgrimmage to Spruce this year for the first time - i’ll be the one walking around with my tongue hanging out…

darn too bad I can’t find anymore baby pictures, there have to be more around here somewhere. Found some really old riding pictures though, found my first riding lesson, my first show ever, my first hunter show, first jumper show and a bunch more firsts.

ahhhhh memory lane!!!

[This message was edited by Tin on Mar. 02, 2001 at 12:25 AM.]

doubletake! Same with me!!! I always have to have something else going while I’m working, like the radio blasting, t.v going or a game playing Isn’t it funny? I also can’t seem to work until it’s pitch dark outside, the later the better. I’ve been know to produce my best (most creative, accurate and neatest) drawings or assignments going on 3 or 4 am. With all my early classes though this semester it makes it hard to go with little sleep for the complete week, so I’m trying to change my “working” schedule

Snow? MORE snow? It’s just starting to melt here (lots of ice) so I hope we don’t get any more of the blasted white stuff!

I won’t reveal myself yet but I must say, for the seond alter, being younger than Canter doesn’t help alot. Isn’t everyone younger than Canter? LOL!! sorry Canter dear

We don’t have rain (yet) that’s our forecast for tomorrow!! But with a predicted high of 7c tomorrow, I’m thinking Spring…
I have to go back and read Heidi’s riddle. Too little sleep and a headache has definately slowed down the thought processes. Either that or Heidi is too clever for me. Now THAT’S more like it.

We are definately not the Who on our final tour. More like a Fleetwood Mac Reunion!


I forgot to ask you what it was that you were in the hospital with. What is BC?

from the boarder, and already have a pair of Sorrel’s!!!

Before we Kevorkian the thread, tell us about the show Silly Mommy. Did you win? Did April kick some jumping butt? Spill all baby!

Traitor! Don’t go telling them to keep posting! J-k of course!!!

Palisades 2nd riddle was:

Alive without breath, as cold as death; never thirsty, ever drinking, all in mail never clinking.

the answer is A FISH!!!


I am also 12 hours away by car.
Faster if I don’t take the Trans Canadian Hiway through Van.
But perhaps we could pickup Jair on the way! I have a suburban so there is plenty of room.
We plan on stopping at a friends B&B in Merrit, gourmet food and beautiful Selle Francais horses.
I think most people are going to the Masters in September, but my daughter, babysitter material, wants to come with us, and school starts then
It would be fun to see Kachoo riding there.

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on Feb. 26, 2001 at 11:21 PM.]

Now that everyone has finished with the riddles, I think its time for some funny jokes. I think everyone has probably heard this one, but its definately the funniest joke i’ve ever come across. Not to mention its horsey!

[B]A blonde decides to try horseback riding, even though she has had no lessons or prior experience. She mounts the horse unassisted and the horse immediately springs into motion. It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blond begins to slip from the saddle.In terror, she grabs the horse�s mane, but cannot seem to get a firm grip. She tries to throw herself over the horse�s neck, but she slides down the side of the horse anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly impervious to its rider. Finally, giving up her frail grip, she leaps away from the horse to try and throw herself to safety. Unfortunately, her foot has become entangled in the stirrup, she is now at the mercy of the horse�s pounding hooves as her head is struck against the ground over and over. As her head is battered  against the ground, and she is mere moments away from unconsciousness, to her great fortune�..The WalMart manager sees her and shuts the horse off.[/B]

Well, for me the robins arriving is the second harbinger of spring because hopefully by then the snow is gone not just from the sidewalks but also from the lawns…unfortunately, that also means the layers of doggie poop are starting to reemerge, yuck!

I know it’s none of my business, but that has never stopped me before. Why don’t you guys post much on the ’ home ’ board anymore? I find the intellectual level has dropped severly without you.

Yes gefiltefish you were the first to guess Congrats! I don’t have a prize though pats pockets in search hey! how about a pregant mare? lol!!

tomorrow night? O.k I like the sounds of that :0) Does anyone know when the next full moon is?

gefiltefish > I still haven’t been able to guess you ridentity, do we get more hints?

We’ve experienced a birth on this thread and now we enjoy the privilege of claiming an amputation.
Apparently, all of Rogers @home customers (which includes me) were left stranded without Internet access yesterday as their fibre optic cable trunk was SEVERED in Buffalo.

Must share with all my BB compadres: last night, Heidi-in-training had speech night at school. Whilst she, the gifted riding academic, spoke about the myth of Pegasus, a classmate gave a speech about – Tim Hortons! I just about peed my pants!

The vital stats: there are 2001 Tim Hortons in Canada and, can you believe it, 120 in the U.S.

Hmmm, let’s see, we’re at 43 pages, the Californian’s thread petered out at 36. I’d say thusly that we are the resounding victors and have trounced, demolished, decimated, and vanquished the feng shui gals of the west coast.

Welcome home MAZ - aren’t you positively aglow with pride at the stunning achievement of your fellow countrymen, ably assisted by a few Yankee defectors?

MAZ, no I haven’t sent them yet, but will monday. I don’t have her address here.

Diane, according to her breeder she is “ginormous”, but looks little because the colt is even bigger. I am going up tomorrow or sunday and will do an approximate measure next to my personal height of 16 hh. I can’t judge because my last baby was a welsh/CSH cross and we had no idea with her where she would end up. All others have been two and older.

Don’t know how she looks to clean, she is out as long as there is daylight so perhaps it is that windswept look. Could be a good day.

She has the loveliest head under all that fuzz. I find her winter coat gives her a plain Jane look, but she is really very fancy. I’ll have to try to get some good movement shots of her. She would blow your socks off. Yehaa!

Hehehehe. The word is tin-gry from the Latin, tinageronoasum, def. to feel exceptionally stressed and excited simultaneously; as in, “I get really tingry whenever I think of schooling my horse and spitting out yet another floor plan”.