Question for Canter

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRED!!! please tell me about your leggy beasts dahling, might be interested

Great tribute Miss D, I had a tear in my eye

Doubletake> your neice is great! Very very friendly and quite well behaved, though the odd temper tantrum sneaks out now and again

time for me to pout now, my knee still kills! It’s yellowish/pruple now and riding in my lesson yesterday was torture! Oh want to hear something neat? (well your gonna anyways) we might be related to my coach! Funny huh? Her grandparents might be realted to my grandparents

We both must be in need of more refreshments. I hear they’re about to put out more bean dip…

Are you kidding? Ketchup is like Kraft Dinner, there’s alway plenty of it!

Congrats on finishing last years books… I’m still working on my tack. Frequent breaks make it take alot longer

Yup, we’d prefer to go out in September too for the Masters; can’t, the kids start school that week. Thus, it’s July for us. How old’s your daughter Bumpkin? Mine will be 11 in June.

Unifying query, per Kryswyn: Where is Sarah Watt (from B.C.), showed in the east though; trained with Ian Millar; had the horse Arabian. Mother was a Canadian Tire ‘heiress’;

Unanswerable query to sustain the thread for another 20 pages: What’s Sara’s shoe size?

Tin, my fingers are crossed. Hope everything goes well with the foaling. Sending virtual positive thoughts your way.

Dirty blond with blond highlights. I needed an excuse for all the stupid things I tend to do

Heidi & Canter, are you guys going to Collingwood this year?

Eglinton, we bought our ‘hunter trakehner cross’ from Bertins.

I think we could probably host a support group for former boarders/riders. Or we’ll follow in the footsteps of the CA clique and host a wake once we hit that 36 page milestone.

LCR, I have been engaged in a battle with Rogers@home. Needless to say, I am now a cranky little bunny.

Well I’ve studied for about 2 hours now, including the hours I talked to my friend on the phone and drew many tattoos on my body using washable markers at the same time. Oh and also in that 2 hours I e-mail 5 friends and took over some of mare cam duties. So I guess I’ve studied for…oh about…20 mins, 30 mins tops.

This is going to be a long night!

As for evil things I did as a child, I was a perfect angel (can’t you see the halo?). I was sugar and spice and everything nice oh except when I would gnaw on small children who pissed me off when I was young. Or when our whole baseball team beat up another baseball team (they started it). Oh and there was a decade there where I would constantly throw things (remotes being my weapon of choice) at me sister. And can’t forget when I threw the football at out gym teacher and pegged him off in the head, or the time I organized the class to stand on our desks and sing “we will rock you” to a very scared and intimidated supply teacher (who we sent crying and never saw again, I might add). And then there are a whole mess of things I’d rather the kind people on this board not know. But other than that, I’m an angel

Back to studying, or perhaps to send some more e-mails…I haven’t decided yet

Well, very nice to meet you, Jaime Lynn! I keep my horse with Jumphigh right now (we’re trying to figure out what to do with him . . . .), though I live on the west coast. Jumphigh83 is great.:slight_smile:

I grew up upstate and rode there 'til I left for college. Very small world.

Well, good luck with your post on the other thread. My sense is that Snowbird has a good sense of perspective, so she won’t be offended.

lol! I find it cute now but back then I thought it was rather annoying!

I was always into horses so they decided it was funny, they constantly sang to me until high school. You could ALWAYS tell when I was in the halls because a corus would strick up

Anyone up for a seance? Perhaps we need to, once again, trounce the CA’ers and outdo their wake with a seance…should you good for another, oh, say 60 pages.

Silly Mommy> Once again, I am drooling looking at those pictures. Thanks for posting them! I am sure that he was a wonderful horse

So here we go - humans aren’t that different from horses after all.

I, too, got waxed before popping out my babies. Not only are your legs then wonderfully smooth and hair free for the assembled audience but the pain of a bikini wax reminds you of what’s coming. Pain in context, that’s what it’s all about folks.

Jamie Lynn, I suppose it depends on your familiarity with the trainer - and how well you read body language, vocal inflections, and facial tics. Do know that some trainers like to play it calm and cool and will not betray any emotion as a negotiation tactic.

I think I should come over for a visit - at the very least, can assure you that if I LOVE something, it’s pretty evident (I tend to jump up and down screaming, “I want that one!”, little wonder where Sumo inherited his ToysRUs strategies). Though, given my ‘track record’, I’ll be surrounded by an entourage of people who doubt my eye for horse flesh. Prepare yourself for a caravan dear!

Could you please move this thread to the Off Course forum? We have a wager to settle and some junior butts to kick.


It’s only 0 degrees here, but hey I’m not complaining!! I’ll welcome any good weather we can get, the winds been killer the last few days. Snows melting in our backyard slowly and we’re discoving things that our puppy (now dog) has dragged out from behind our shed, gnawed on and buried. We must have a cord of wood out there, skidoo parts, a fan belt, a rake (?) and a bunch of sticks ripped off our poor cedar hedges. It’s like a little grave yard out there and I’m kind of scared what the melting snow will reveal next, the missing paperboy perhaps?

stealing my teary moment and offering food!!! Guess I better get back to the kitchen, and start making the Bloody Merry mix for tomorrow’s brunch…

Just to nudge this great thread and throw in my $0.02 worth.
Did any of the Canucks on here ever school/show with Lorne Seigel (sp??) in Oakville??

Katie, I know you’re always on here, you’re just like me: addicted to the net!

Funny story here (well, not so funny for me, but will be for everyone else)… I’m Catholic, and now that Lent is here, I have to give something up. My parents suggest the internet. I screamed in terror and refused. As a compromise, I went with chocolate. The problem being this: I am extremely addicted to chocolate. You guys should all feel special that I chose to keep you ahead of my favourite food. I actually got sick from withdrawl today.

Oh, and Katie, I just got back from riding my pony. Late lesson, remember? He was so good! We finished up wih a big oxer, and Felix wanted me to do a wide spread, so he just moved the standards out without measuring it. When I was done, he decides to bring out the measuring tape: 5’ wide! And we took off from a really long spot… I think part of my helmet may have gotten caught on the rafters as Otis launched us over. Gotta love big horses with scope.

I’ve been gone for a long time, and though I’d add my 2 cents worth on the what? 25th page?
Weather is great here, i was just visiting some friends in the town I grew up in (in the Rockies) and they still have a good foot and a half of snow. It’s great as long as you’re not living there(: I had a fabulous time snowboarding, there was 20 cm of fresh powder on the hill! It was heaven. And I got to watch the good old kid and mutt race-an improptu dog sledding race (seriously) My Golden Retriever was 3rd two years running, and won me $80.00. It was his finest hour.

MissD - I’m so sorry about your poor dogs … I know exacly what your going through, our youngest (of 5 dogs) was a 1 1/2 year old boxer, 2 weeks ago for some reason, he ran down to the road and was hit, thank god someone (we think it was the person who hit him) scooped him up and took him straight to the closest vet clinic. Although he was dead on arrival we found it easier to deal with knowing that he wasn’t left on the side of the road suffering and to die a slow death … he was only missing a short time when the vet clinic called, through tracing his micro chip.

Tin - hang in there with your mare, we have one that is due any day now, and she looks like she’s inhaled a round bale … but we think she is enjoying the constant attention and pampering and is going to hold on to this one for a while yet.


bows down at heidis’ feet thank you oh thread God. You’ve answered all my questions and set my little mind at ease

You know, I think your right, maybe she is holding our until we reach our goal! Why didn’t I think of this before? Heidi you are a bright one, and not just Who want’s to be a Millionaire bright, we’re talking Jeopardy bright!!

Now, the tricky part- if she does give birth when we pulverize the CA’s post, then I will be compelled to come up with a good name to celebrate. I can’t promise a for sure “naming” because, alas, it is my sister’s final choice (if it was mine I would call is Goober or make up a mame like Glomperlikathaym; lets see the announcers pernounce that one!)

So think everyone, what’s a good name that starts with “G” that can fullfill this task? think think think