Question for Canter

Energies are flagging! I cannot have waded through 39 pages to see it slip through your fingers! Heidi, we need some inspirational prose. Where are you, car 59?

I’d have been here sooner, but Alzheimer’s and passwords are mutually incompatible. However, the chips are down, so I’m officially now HALTEREGO! I like it, it might have to stick (especially as the previous names and passwords obviously didn’t!)

Fred, the icon thing has infected my computer as well…it has nothing to do with our keyboard prowess.

Tin, your story is better than any soap opera. Congrats on your filly, she’s lovely!

40 pages is a mere drop in a frozen bucket for the Canadians, who weather minus forty temperatures in shorts and T-shirts. The boys in blue were out today in Toronto on their trusty steeds, where, I must admit, the steam was truly venting from their nostrils. A very handsome sight, our mounted police with their flared coats. Of course, the coats were just for the horses.

There’s a light in the darkness (a Blue Light, to be precise)!

Ok, Silly Mommy, i have to know more about this fecology thing - my daughter is mortified when I go out to the barn and bring back horse poop samples for my colleague who teaches courses in fungal ecology; apparently horse dung is a great substrate for all kinds of fascinating fungi (I know, that sounds like an oxymoron but some people find it fascinating…!) But what are you doing with the stuff??

BTW, with a biochem background, why not go into microbial ecology? If hubby is an environmental engineer, his company probably needs a microbial ecologist from time to time for consulting work…

that the string test isn’t accurate til they’re a year old.

All, I know (never measured one) is that Drew was at my shoulder’s height (I’m 5’6") when he was 3mos. The first picture that I posted of him was when he first (finally) stood, and I think the height of the walls before the bars is at least 3’6". He had a problem getting those legs going the right way!!!

and that riddle is driving me insane, tin pretty please won’t you tell us the answer?

heidi- have missed your posts on emg, have you left us??!!

Ah, greetings my fellow “mature” riders!

I bid you greetings from your neighbors to the south… way south, where I can’t help but point out it was 87degrees today, and my arena is once again dusty, but I digress…

Politics and war do indeed make strange bedfellows, or at least strange BB fellowships! We cannot allow the juniors to overthrow the status quo of the BB. Whatever shall we do? I can’t bear the thought that the Muzak melody I’m hearing will be replaced by Britney Spears, or that each sentence I utter will be peppered with the words “like”, “you know”, and “I’m all…”.

I’m seriously thinking of this one myself–have contract in hand… To breed to a 16.3HH TB mare who has produced exceptional offspring(full TB’s and BIG)…

Any thoughts on the “STUD”???

ok, so i live in NC…but I am a Candaian…just moved down here 2 years ago…so I feel obligated to add to the thread…although I have not much to say!


No but I’ve driven past it really, really fast.

Fall on Your Knees, that’s it. Wonderful, wonderful book. Also liked Summer Gone (once I finally finished it). I also like Anil’s Ghost by Michael Ondadje(whatever!).

I did a “Tolkien” marathon a couple of years ago. One of my daughters favourites is “Letters from Father Christmas”.

For good cottage reads I love Ruth Rendell(barbara Vine). Tree of Hands, Asta’s Book and her short stories are great and fast(and many I can’t think of off the bat).

I have never read Stephen King.

The brain is emerging.

Tin, I could NEVER compete with Heidi for winner of number of posts. Why do you think she’s been home all day fighting with Rogers@home? If she could bang out two posts simultaneously she would!!
BTW I don’t post on the weekend. She has the unfair advantage (as well as an absent Hans)

Two weeks overdue?!
Yes, the golf is challenging, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be glued to the computer forever! If you want an easier game, try the Creme Savers Bowling or the Photo Shoot Safari game. OMG…look at me! Talking about my favorite candy-themed games. I am a pathetic FREAK!

have you found the filly yet? I know that if I was contacted by someone who knew of one of my horses history, breeding etc. I would be thrilled to talk to them. While I wouldn’t want to sell them back (unless I was ready to sell them at that time) I would certainly enjoy the comfort of knowing that ‘Grandma’ would want them if it came to it, and just the comfort of knowing that she came from a mare who was loved.

Good luck!

oh should tell ou, I phoned my 8 year old student to tell them Brie had had her baby (they wanted to know). And I mentioned that we had the birth on video to which the dad answered “oh, do you mind if we borrow it someday, Bob (name changed; my 8 year old student) has a few questions” LOL!!!

sorry thought it was too cute, same kid who wanted to know if Brie and the baby’s father were married. Yep, of course!


I can finally see a little bit of the ground … mind you it is only in our parking lot and it is pure mud … BUT IT’S NOT SNOW OR ICE!!! hopefully with a few more warm and sunny days the snow will start to melt , right now it’s so high in the paddocks you can only see the top rail of our fencing! a touch scary when the fences are only to the horses knees in some spots … thank god for round bales and glutunous (sp) horses!

Our mare keeps looking like she’s going though labour - flat out and panting/grunting until she hears a noise then she stands up and eats again, we are on day 7 of this! we’ve resigned ourselves to the fact that we are not going to see this baby be born!!

I know the answer I know the answer nana nana boo boo I just had a site up which explains it very clearly so if anyone wants it i’ll send it to you. I’ll try and explain it to you but i’m not very good at it.

Here’s another riddle:
The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end
The end of every place.

What am I?

Tin– I think the name is ringing a bell somewhere in the back of my swollen brain, but I don’t know for sure. I have however heard of Kitty Bowland. Isn’t she a jumper judge on the Trillium circuit? I could be wrong though. Anyways, as for myself, I’ll be doing a few schooling shows this season, and if I can afford it I hope to do one or two Trilliums. I groom at all of the Trillium shows and a few As for Turnout Stables. I ride there with Deb Williams. If I see you around, I’ll be sure to say hi.

I wish I knew some riddles to keep you all busy…

bread an water, and BOY is she brown-nosing. I WILL NOT GIVE IN!!! Just got a hug and was told how beautiful and lovely I was, and how much I was loved. GRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr!!!

Can we say queen of manipulation???

Who-whoo! Go meg! Thanks for your post!!!

ya! am I the “page starter” queen or what?

anyone want a challenge? I was thinking about tongue twister and though to myself “self, I don’t know any horsie tongue twisters”. Does anyone know of any horsie tongue twisters? Feel like making one up if you don’t? or sharing any tongue twister?

here are the ones I know:

-rubber baby buggie bumpers
-how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
-Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. If Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers could Peter piper pick?
-see sells sea shells by the sea shore

Can you tell the mare cam is kind of boring right now?