Question for Canter

Oh but heidi, I bet I could bribe him to come to my side with a nice big ice cream cone and a few toy dump trucks we happen to have sitting around from when my brother was young Defending mommy is just too boring

is it just me or are the boards acting a little odd today? Have we angered the board gods again?

Bring the ol’ snow shovel and bikini-was 50 something today–down here for the weekend–we’re supposed to get hit again–if you’re really 61, forget it I’d be liable if you had a heart attack…

For LCR Scott, I really haven’t had that type of situation arise–several horses out on “trial” that lasted too long, and a horse that came back from a lease broken–not physically, but mentally… I refuse to lease after that–they had a kid (novice at most) jumping this horse 4’+ for no reason other than they wanted to see what she had… Now I have a horse that can jump 4’6" easily, but requires a “specific ride”, and is much harder to try and sell…

Heidi, as for your last comment in my general direction, I haven’t seen any of your opinions over there in a loonnnnnnggg time, I really don’t want to get into a pissing match with a martian…

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANTER! Now where are those chippindales?..JB!! give them back! And their ponies too

Sabra> I’m sure glad you told thses stories AFTER our foal, geeze you would have given us a heartatack! Glad both babies were fine and next time, I’m going to fly you down and you can deliver our babies k? Less stress on us

Fred> I know how sad it is to let horses go and my only condolance is that Flea will have the best life with CityFilly. Keep in touch with her, the worst thing I ever did was loose touch with one of my horses, that’s when the regrets set in.

oh gosh no, we wouldn’t even think about it!! Don’t worry

We have enough trouble with the foal, let alone a stallion! laugh

Here’s Galli during a halter lesson

Ahhhh elizabeth your too good!

Ok heidi already explained it, but she’s right. It confused me for EVER too, but now it all makes sense

WooHoo, 9 pages! We’re almost at our weekend goal of 10 pages. Must find something to liven up the topic a bit. What’s your favourite Canadian beer? And how much, on average, do you consume per month? I, being too young to legally partake of beer, would NEVER EVER touch the stuff. Can’t wait til I’m 18 and can go over to the Casino in Hull though…

Tin I love all your horses!!! What cuties!!! So If I am Prime Minister do I get to come visit them?

Love the slogan

Don’t let the country flop, vote for ClipClop

Aww! Gotta love you guys!!!

Here is how cool Mudder is. If you are squeemish about dead pets I suggest you not read on.
Mudder’s owner’s neice’s dog was killed by a cougar. They searched for it for days and found the dead body up on the mountain. Neice insisted she have the body back (yeeeeeick!!). Neice’s boyfriend, who does not ride, put a halter and leadrope on Mudder, hopped on bareback, and rode quietly up the deer trails, then through the bush, to the body. It was summer, and the body was still decomposing, very wet , torn to shreds, and very very very smelly. He hops off Mudder and throws the dog carcas on her back!! She then carries them both back home without a word of protest. That has to say something about the horse!

Well mare is refusing to co-operate with us and I am now certain that she is fact not pregnant; just has a very bad case of gas

She’s seems to be doing fine and we have to laugh at her because she resembles a big fat cow on drugs She no long has a discharge (hasn’t for 2 days now yay) and it doesn’t look like she’ll pop tonight like our barn manager predicts. It’s seems that by the way she’s going the baby is going to be a fine and strong yearling before we get to meet
Maybe she will have the baby tonight, after all I won’t be there to watch

Jaime Lynn> we’re just starting to get snow now, I thought I told you to keep it there…we don’t want it! Sorry bout your day, I say shoot the tractor (humanly of course) and bury it in the snow. Pure white innocent snow covers all! Until it melts of course, then you might be discovered, but have no fear just blame it on the butler

Brie is good, really really fat but good No discharge in the last 3 days and she’s been wanting in about 3 hours early each night. She seems quite content to keep that baby right were it is and I’m starting to think that when she’s ready it’s going to come out a 4 year old and already broke

Could LCR Scott go to one of the equine lawyers? I mean human lawyers who specialize in Equine problems, not equines who are lawyers!!

Sorry for what you are going through LCRSCOTT, it must be heartwrenching.

Sabra, my thoughts exactly! She’s been taught no mouthing, no pushing around and no stepping on so far and she hasn’t tryed to push her luck once. So hopefully tomorrow won’t go to bad, she seems bright.

It was a big day for her today, she got the once over from our coach and passed with flying colours, yay! big sigh of relief

lol! the first thing the vet did when he saw her was flick her ears and comment she had her mommy’s ears! laugh same vet who we called afer the birth to check her out and he looked in and said " yep that’s a foal" and walked alway!

Her dad is Gambit Z (owned by Elmcroft- Amanda Hay’s farm) and stood at Maple Ridge (Elyard Bandy).

We’re not exactly sure if we’re going to see her or keep her. I think we’ll keep her unitl she’s 1 or 2 and see what she’s like then. I’d love to keep her and work with her though, she’d be a fun ride!

hope you don’t think i was being sarcastic with my getting weepy comment…it’s the truth, must be hormones or something - heaven help me if i ever lose one of my own horses (present or former…)

While we’re all gathered here, let’s ponder the best horse show in Ontario…to be judged on organization, attendance, level of competition, footing/course design, exhibitor parties. Better yet, write a haiku about your fave show.

JL’s going to smell up the whole BB! Dive for cover!!!

All our hard work can’t die!

Yes but nothing works with “slidey” Heidi.